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Please Sir can I have more!!


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As I understand matters the NASUWT have members working to rule at the present time resulting in year groups being sent home on different days.

Presumably, the NASUWT members are still teaching the children who are attending school on each day?.

Presumably, if the NASUWT members went on strike they wouldn’t get any pay and so their financial woes would become much much worse at a time when a regular wage is critical to people.

The remaining staff from the other four Unions would presumably still go to work, crossing picket lines, and could perhaps provide a rescheduled educational timetable to children which might be no worse than the current sending home of random year groups?. 

Maybe some of the myriads of civil servants in the Department could supervise non-lesson time in support of the working teachers?.

It just seems to me as an outsider that one militant union rep is holding everybody to ransom and there is a need to break the cycle.


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I think that we are opening the door to further demands from all the groups of the PS if the teachers demands are met. That will just bring about further dissatisfaction from the rest of society who will be left behind by the protected classes who seem to get everything!

Quite frankly I think that the pressures of modern society with its over legislation obsessions have destroyed what were noble callings, where people were quite prepared to go that extra mile for the good of their charges, patients, clients etc. Now the satisfaction has been sucked out of being good at your job, it's been over regulated, over graded, over monitored, swamped with meaningless over qualification requirements and in short, nobody enjoys their jobs anymore, unless they are the ones making the rules! No, everyone wants paid for everything, and if they aren't, they won't do it. It pervades almost every part of our lives now, even voluntary organisations are crumbling under the weight of rules and legislation. 

We're doomed!     

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13 minutes ago, Max Power said:

No, everyone wants paid for everything, and if they aren't, they won't do it.

Cost of living and housing crisis is driving this really. It's a lot easier to be satisfied with your lot when your lot includes a roof over your head that you own.

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31 minutes ago, Manx Resident said:

As I understand matters the NASUWT have members working to rule at the present time resulting in year groups being sent home on different days.

Presumably, the NASUWT members are still teaching the children who are attending school on each day?.

Presumably, if the NASUWT members went on strike they wouldn’t get any pay and so their financial woes would become much much worse at a time when a regular wage is critical to people.

The remaining staff from the other four Unions would presumably still go to work, crossing picket lines, and could perhaps provide a rescheduled educational timetable to children which might be no worse than the current sending home of random year groups?. 

Maybe some of the myriads of civil servants in the Department could supervise non-lesson time in support of the working teachers?.

It just seems to me as an outsider that one militant union rep is holding everybody to ransom and there is a need to break the cycle.


My kid is one who is home today and they’ve been set a full day’s work. So at least that’s covered. 

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10 minutes ago, Holte End said:

Thank you, but it doesn't make it any clearer, what is the percentage for this multi-year pay offer they want. Surely not 30%. increases.

The text suggests it's all negotiable based on the other things like conditions etc. The text also seems to suggest the Govt isn't coming to the table.

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14 minutes ago, Banker said:

How much are you being paid to post this Union rubbish constantly?

Lol. How much are you being paid to disseminate obsessional, anti-teacher, anti-union bile, constantly? How/why does teachers getting an adequate pay-rise affect you so personally? What makes them so undeserving?

You're being ridiculous... 

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2 minutes ago, quilp said:

Lol. How much are you being paid to disseminate obsessional, anti-teacher, anti-union bile, constantly? How/why does teachers getting an adequate pay-rise affect you so personally? What makes them so undeserving?

You're being ridiculous... 

Perhaps the fact that the private sector will have to put in more effort to fund any pay rises has coloured their opinion somewhat.

That's the private sector - not the over-manned, over-graded and thus over-paid jobs-for-life massive lump sums and very generously pensioned public sector...

You know - I think I can see they have a point...

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My biggest issue with this is why now?  Why not digest the DESC response and wait until the things that are already happening have had time to happen and then see what they want to do?  Why impact on kids education when it is clear nothing is going to happen for a few weeks anyway.

To me or scream of a small number of militant union nutters wanting their 15 minutes in the public eye more than anything else.  Why do the other unions view the situation so differently and are happy after the last set of talks?


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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Perhaps the fact that the private sector will have to put in more effort to fund any pay rises has coloured their opinion somewhat.

That's the private sector - not the over-manned, over-graded and thus over-paid jobs-for-life massive lump sums and very generously pensioned public sector...

You know - I think I can see they have a point...

Whilst I can see your point and i know that the private sector has been badly hit as a result of Covid don't forget that it was money from the Government that enabled many private sector businesses to survive the pandemic. 

If we look at the UK the wealthy are now being allowed to keep a larger proportion of their earnings, bankers can have bonuses worth over 200% of their already big salaries and the fossil fuel extractors are making massive profits whilst the ordinary people go without heating and food.

The private sector is not all struggling SME's and there are many companies based on the Island solely to pay little or no tax.

We need teachers, we need nurses, we need firefighters,  police and social workers.  They need paying for somehow and in an environment where the cost of living in increasing unchecked something is going to have to give.

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43 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Whilst I can see your point and i know that the private sector has been badly hit as a result of Covid don't forget that it was money from the Government that enabled many private sector businesses to survive the pandemic. 

"It was money from the Government" - oh really...? It's like The Daily Mail trumpeting how Rishi Sunak did a "fantastic" job giving out all this money to keep businesses afloat etc etc when there's actually no such thing as Bank of Government. He borrowed £billions which will have to be paid back. By everyone. But do we all get shares in these companies that we have saved/funded? Errrr that'll be a no then...

We need teachers, we need nurses, we need firefighters,  police and social workers.  They need paying for somehow and in an environment where the cost of living in increasing unchecked something is going to have to give.

Well, I think something is giving.

Most folks, me included, recognise that we have to have a public sector and they have to be paid for.

But when you take into account the IOM public sector T&C's to wit "over-manned, over-graded and thus over-paid jobs-for-life massive lump sums and very generously pensioned" and add to that mix their current union shenanigans which is starting to look like greed then folks like me start thinking "They're taking the piss..."

And react accordingly.

The more we all get squeezed by the C-O-L crisis then the greedier they will appear and the rumblings of discontent will grow...

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