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48 minutes ago, Wavey Davey said:

This popped up in my Twitter feed this morning. I thought it’s a good way of saying they’re a bunch of cheeky twats without directly saying they’re a bunch of cheeky twats


So does anyone want another chance to  explain what they are trying to achieve by taking action now, or are all the teachers supporters just going to ignore the question again?

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5 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

So does anyone want another chance to  explain what they are trying to achieve by taking action now, or are all the teachers supporters just going to ignore the question again?

Actually that piece picks out the Ballakermeen and St N issues quite well. What I think is happening is that moaning old witch has really got her claws into staff at both those schools and is probably causing a lot of the low morale and staff issues. If you have some aggressive shit-stirrer in your ear all the time telling you you’re undervalued and should be paid more then it’s going to impact on moral and support eventually. We all know how these unions work and she just an aggressive gobshite.

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1 hour ago, Wavey Davey said:

This popped up in my Twitter feed this morning. I thought it’s a good way of saying they’re a bunch of cheeky twats without directly saying they’re a bunch of cheeky twats


"NASUWT asking for additional rewards"
When will people realise that teachers are not asking for additional rewards. They are asking for a fair wage and decent working conditions. If teachers are not paid enough and are overworked guess what happens? Pupil outcomes get worse.

If teachers are off sick due to stress? Pupil outcomes get worse
If year groups are sent home due to not enough supply cover? Pupil outcomes get worse.
If experienced and skilled teachers leave the profession/island for greener pastures? Pupil outcomes get worse.
If teachers simply refuse to work for no pay? Pupil outcomes get worse.

The dispute has been going on since 2019 and people are surprised that pupil achievement has gotten worse. Use your heads.

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30 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

So does anyone want another chance to  explain what they are trying to achieve by taking action now, or are all the teachers supporters just going to ignore the question again?

Industrial action works best when it causes the most disruption.  Teachers working to rule or going on strike during school holidays isn't really going to as much notice and certainly not by parents therefore they have to do it during term time. 

As has already been said if working to rule is causing this much of a problem then clearly there is a resourcing issue at least.

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12 minutes ago, DrunkenMonkey said:

"NASUWT asking for additional rewards"
When will people realise that teachers are not asking for additional rewards. They are asking for a fair wage and decent working conditions. If teachers are not paid enough and are overworked guess what happens? Pupil outcomes get worse.

As I read it you are asking for additional rewards as you already got a pay rise backdated to last September. That’s what the BBC has reported. What the Union is now asking for is a better deal than the one you already had. Presumably as a teacher you understand the meaning of the word ‘additional’? 

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6 minutes ago, Wavey Davey said:

As I read it you are asking for additional rewards as you already got a pay rise backdated to last September. That’s what the BBC has reported. What the Union is now asking for is a better deal than the one you already had. Presumably as a teacher you understand the meaning of the word ‘additional’? 

Not a teacher, friendo, but I do know how to use a dictionary!

Reward (noun): a thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement
Wage (noun): a fixed regular payment earned for work or services

Is not having to work your lunchtime for zero pay a reward now? I feel sorry for you if that is how you view the world.

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8 minutes ago, DrunkenMonkey said:

Not a teacher, friendo, but I do know how to use a dictionary!

You have already been granted 1 pay increase that is to be backdated to September 2021 according to the BBC. This Union is now asking for an additional pay increase in excess of the one already awarded to teachers. By any conventional usage of the English language that is an ‘additional’ pay increase and an additional ‘reward’ over and above what you have already been awarded. I hope you’re not teaching my kids if your grasp of English is so poor.

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Just now, Asthehills said:

They have been offered better pay, they just have to see what further offer comes in a few weeks as has been clearly explained by the department several times.  

Ok then, until then it sounds like they just don't want to do anything extra.

If we wanted to quantify "what does this achieve" then maybe it reduces their stress, gives them time to catch up on admin, lets them pop home to feed the cat, drive through KFC for a meal or go on a relaxing walk. I can see plenty of things it could achieve by not working at break or lunch.

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37 minutes ago, DrunkenMonkey said:

"NASUWT asking for additional rewards"
When will people realise that teachers are not asking for additional rewards. They are asking for a fair wage and decent working conditions. If teachers are not paid enough and are overworked guess what happens? Pupil outcomes get worse.

If teachers are off sick due to stress? Pupil outcomes get worse
If year groups are sent home due to not enough supply cover? Pupil outcomes get worse.
If experienced and skilled teachers leave the profession/island for greener pastures? Pupil outcomes get worse.
If teachers simply refuse to work for no pay? Pupil outcomes get worse.

The dispute has been going on since 2019 and people are surprised that pupil achievement has gotten worse. Use your heads.

What is fair pay and working conditions compared to everyone else? Actually quantify it.

What should a starting salary be according to these union loons?

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2 minutes ago, Wavey Davey said:

You have already been granted 1 pay increase that is to be backdated to September 2021 according to the BBC. This Union is now asking for an additional pay increase in excess of the one already awarded to teachers. By any conventional usage of the English language that is an ‘additional’ pay increase and an additional ‘reward’ over and above what you have already been awarded. I hope you’re not teaching my kids if your grasp of English is so poor.

A pay reward is regarding additional effort or achievement.
A pay award is an official payment or compensation... such as a wage.

They aren't just striking about pay though, it's about workload too!
Again, not a teacher. I'd be kicking up just as much of a fuss if you were attacking the Police or Nurses.

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2 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

What is fair pay and working conditions compared to everyone else? Actually quantify it.

What should a starting salary be according to these union loons?

One way to look at it is if the DESC were to 'make up the difference' so to speak of the 30% pay erosion over the past 10 years. A multi year deal offering 8, 10 and 12 percent over 3 years. I think that's what is included in their dispute documentation and press releases.

Another way to quantify it might be that they will no longer refuse to work for free before, during or after school. This is similar to the conditions of most employment I believe.

A third way might be a multi year plan to improve management and support structures.

To answer your second question, I imagine it would be the current starting salary plus 30%. I make that to be 25714*1.30= £33428.20

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3 minutes ago, DrunkenMonkey said:

A pay reward is regarding additional effort or achievement.
A pay award is an official payment or compensation... such as a wage.

They aren't just striking about pay though, it's about workload too!
Again, not a teacher. I'd be kicking up just as much of a fuss if you were attacking the Police or Nurses.

Where has anyone attacked anyone?

By the way.  Police and nurse both have much more challenging roles than teachers and imo a new starter into either of those roles should earn about 40 percent more than a new teacher.  Especially if you take into account eh hours and time off

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1 minute ago, DrunkenMonkey said:

One way to look at it is if the DESC were to 'make up the difference' so to speak of the 30% pay erosion over the past 10 years. A multi year deal offering 8, 10 and 12 percent over 3 years. I think that's what is included in their dispute documentation and press releases.

Another way to quantify it might be that they will no longer refuse to work for free before, during or after school. This is similar to the conditions of most employment I believe.

A third way might be a multi year plan to improve management and support structures.

To answer your second question, I imagine it would be the current starting salary plus 30%. I make that to be 25714*1.30= £33428.20

33k plus however many weeks a year off?  Lol

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