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Prices of eating out


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Just now, The Voice of Reason said:

I love Indian food too. Although not bought up on it. Had a fair few Vesta curries though.


My late father was born in India and then spent war years out that way. His parents were in the colonial service ,yeah I know ! , and my earliest recollection would be sitting and eating Indian food at home at a tender age of 5 ish  in late 50’s 

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7 hours ago, jackwhite said:

The only concern I have is the quality. 

I like their place in Ramsey but if people are expecting it to match that, I think they'll be in for a shock. Plus it's a new concept for the Isle of Man


Long given up on their place in Ramsey. 
Yes food pretty good but service awful.

Even trying to get a drink on arrival is a trial

Often thought of doing a pretend “ runner” to get them to present their bill and pay it once  the meal has been finished. 

It’s a nightmare. If you’re not pro active in trying to pay for your meal you could be stuck there for hours ( well ages anyway)

Thats why we don’t go there anymore 

Edited by The Voice of Reason
There not their last pars
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23 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Long given up on their place in Ramsey. 
Yes food pretty good but service awful.

Even trying to get a drink on arrival is a trial

Often thought of doing a pretend “ runner” to get them to present their bill and pay it once  the meal has been finished. 

It’s a nightmare. If you’re not pro active in trying to pay for your meal you could be stuck there for hours ( well ages anyway)

Thats why we don’t go there anymore 

Sitting for ages After eating rather than being chased out sounds perfect 

7 minutes ago, jackwhite said:

As I think it’s a drive thru Indian.

There’s been one or them before? 

I don’t think anyone else other than you thinks it’s a drive though.  I guess we will find out in a few weeks

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11 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

Sitting for ages After eating rather than being chased out sounds perfect 

Sometimes, sometimes not.  I'd like to have the choice, and at least be acknowledged rather than ignored. It's a real nuisance if you have somewhere else to be and you have to try and attract their attention to actually pay up.  

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35 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Sometimes, sometimes not.  I'd like to have the choice, and at least be acknowledged rather than ignored. It's a real nuisance if you have somewhere else to be and you have to try and attract their attention to actually pay up.  

It seems to be very common in Indian restaurants and always has been.  I think it must be cultural as if they are afraid of seeming inhospitable by bringing up the subject of payment.  But it's not a great hardship to catch someone's attention or wander over to the bar to ask and it's probably better than getting 'nudged' to pay and go.

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24 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

It seems to be very common in Indian restaurants and always has been.  I think it must be cultural as if they are afraid of seeming inhospitable by bringing up the subject of payment.  But it's not a great hardship to catch someone's attention or wander over to the bar to ask and it's probably better than getting 'nudged' to pay and go.

Don't agree with that.  I know it's not a great hardship to do as you say, but if I'm just sitting there I expect that they'll come over to either try to sell more drinks, or ask if we're ready for the bill, rather than swoop past the table with other diners' food seemingly deliberately avoiding eye contact.

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I find it worse in the summer months when they use students who are usually very pleasant but have not been trained properly just doing their best.   We had an incident last summer when one of our party had their food presented with the plate at such an angle the food landed on the table with the teenager who was serving left holding the plate, poor soul, it was sorted without any fuss but I felt sorry for the embarrassed teenager.

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25 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

I find it worse in the summer months when they use students who are usually very pleasant but have not been trained properly just doing their best.   We had an incident last summer when one of our party had their food presented with the plate at such an angle the food landed on the table with the teenager who was serving left holding the plate, poor soul, it was sorted without any fuss but I felt sorry for the embarrassed teenager.

Are you suggesting they should have been trained that if you angle a slidy surface far enough, that slidy stuff will slide off it?

I would think most people would assume that was a given to be honest.

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51 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:

It seems that lots of people in the 'hospitality industry' are not trained. It wouldn't take long to train everybody on how to welcome customers, lay a table, take an order, serve food, attend to customers and arrange payment.

I don't think it's training that's lacking, I think it's experience.  Some basic things can be taught (eg setting out a table) but it takes time to acquire some of the physical skills and even longer to be able to 'read' customers and know when to interrupt and when not to for example.

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8 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

£24 at Little Fish. Very tasty but still quite pricey for a bit of fish and some broccoli. Still, place was full so obviously there are still a lot of people willing to pay for it. 


Sure, you can buy the ingredients for much cheaper than that, but you're paying the rent, wages of the staff, heating and lighting etc. etc.


How much would you expect to pay for it in a restaurant?

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