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Prices of eating out


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7 hours ago, Roxanne said:

I'm a fan of the Trawlerman in Ramsey.  Once a month I have a small fish and a small chips. It's gone from £5.20 to £8.50 - take out - not in the 'restaurant' Once a month I don't care but truly, For a piece of fish the size of which I could buy at Kermelly's for 50p and half a spud? It's a mighty profit and if that's what they have to charge to pay their staff and pay for services to their premises - then I'd be shutting the door.

Last advert I saw was for servers, no experience necessary, £11 an hour which on the surface of it seems more than fair, given the majority of retail/hospitality is minimum wage perhaps a smidgen above.

I’ve never been back since I was spoken to like shit though, I was told if I don’t like it there is another Chippy down the road, so now I quite happily stick my money in Bourne Plaices till instead and have done for years.

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

There's a reason certain places are constantly advertising for staff. Without wishing to get myself in trouble, the reason the Trawlerman is constantly advertising is for one reason only, and it's not their fish. It's also why they have to pay an increased rate in order to attract staff. In a small town, there are only so many new people coming up looking for work and for £11 an hour, they'd probably choose to work somewhere that treats their staff and customers with respect. In fact, somewhere like that could probably pay even less than £11 an hour and retain their staff. There's a local cafe that opened two years ago and who haven't kept one single member of staff since inception and most of the ones they do employ look as if they're about 11 years old. They've lost their staff, they've lost their chef and they've lost their custom. Now, in summer, they're only open three days a week.  Look on their Instagram page and it looks glorious - but - there's something wrong - and again - it's not the fish.

There is only so many staff to go around at the moment. Food outlets and hotels are robbing staff off each other. 

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4 hours ago, Utah 01 said:

The significantly increased prices (of a very uninteresting menu) at Franklins in Peel (having taken over from Filbeys) has knocked that establishment off my list.

They have got the pricing really wrong there. They don’t have the brand or the catchment area to be charging those sort of prices. 

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7 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I appreciate that. But, alternatively, there are establishments who have held onto their staff for years. Establishments where the staff are treated well and valued as part of an essential team. I can think of loads of eating establishments where the workforce are almost like family and the loyalty goes both ways. These are people who know what it takes to run a successful business.

And then there are others with the perpetual signs in the windows eternally looking for staff and others who can't recruit or keep staff and who have to resort to opening only part time.

A good business starts from the top down.



My youngest works at Bohemian for a shade over minimum wage. Been there over a year. Doesn’t want to work anywhere else even though with the experience she’s gained could probably get a service/barista job anywhere. 

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