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Prices of eating out


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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

They're easy to spot.  They're the ones where they are constantly short staffed and their staff look miserable. The atmosphere inside is one of fear and oppression (slightly hysterical but you get my drift). They will also be the ones who'll be shutting down first.

They'll be the brewery pubs then....

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1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

One of the groups I lunch with are meeting a lot less than we used to due to unexciting menus and price hikes.

....but it's important for the survival of those cafes to state whether you are all cutting back on your spending or there is something wrong with the cafe or it's menu or prices.

If you and your group have been happy with the cafe and it's menu but yet expect the prices to rise , is it fair to blame the cafe? Rather than your cutting back on eating out expenses????

Your favourite cafe will require support this winter, if you don't keep it up, then it may well fail!!!

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14 minutes ago, Kopek said:

....but it's important for the survival of those cafes to state whether you are all cutting back on your spending or there is something wrong with the cafe or it's menu or prices.

If you and your group have been happy with the cafe and it's menu but yet expect the prices to rise , is it fair to blame the cafe? Rather than your cutting back on eating out expenses????

Your favourite cafe will require support this winter, if you don't keep it up, then it may well fail!!!

Charity begins at home I'm afraid.

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22 minutes ago, Kopek said:

....but it's important for the survival of those cafes to state whether you are all cutting back on your spending or there is something wrong with the cafe or it's menu or prices.

If you and your group have been happy with the cafe and it's menu but yet expect the prices to rise , is it fair to blame the cafe? Rather than your cutting back on eating out expenses????

Your favourite cafe will require support this winter, if you don't keep it up, then it may well fail!!!

Eating out might be regarded as an option, a luxury some might even say.

Handing over otherwise disposable income to local utilities, be they private or public concerns for units of energy consumed, standing charges or additional taxes levied for said essential energy is not an option.

For most people there will be little choice.

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I've already cut back on my daytime cafe visits. Soup and a brew in town a few times a week or more has been cut to one visit or two if meeting a mate for catch up. Just preparing the way sadly for when things get tight. Yes I feel massively sorry for the owners as have been there myself trying to keep a business going in bad times. Sadly reality says you have to cut your cloth accordingly . I will so try and enjoy my visits to the likes of JPand P and Bohemian still but currently priority is getting through winter in as happiest place as possible. Hopefully everyone on here can also attain that. Lots of unknowns though , and nobody knows just what we are going to be faced with. I just so want to be ready having gone through hell a few years ago. 

Edited by Numbnuts
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That's the point i was trying to make above??? Do you you simply cease to use an establishment  that you have beeen quite happily using before because you want to save money?

It is important to say if you are cutting back generally rather that there is some problem with the establishment!!!

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12 minutes ago, Kopek said:

That's the point i was trying to make above??? Do you you simply cease to use an establishment  that you have beeen quite happily using before because you want to save money?

It is important to say if you are cutting back generally rather that there is some problem with the establishment!!!

I think everyone who's in business currently , unless they have blinkers on , know that most of their customers are compromised. I for sure will mention ,when applicable , why I'm not in so much and I know they will understand. I feel in our sort of community we tend to be friendly with staff in places we frequent and likely have a dialogue with them anyway.  

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18 hours ago, Roxanne said:

They're easy to spot.  They're the ones where they are constantly short staffed and their staff look miserable. The atmosphere inside is one of fear and oppression (slightly hysterical but you get my drift). They will also be the ones who'll be shutting down first.

Roxanne is this place in Ramsey or in Douglas?

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

It's  not a particular place. It's places all over the Island that share the ethos that making money is all that matters - hence the constant pleas for staff. I thought I'd made it pretty clear. 

Making money is all that matters. But you make money by offering something good that people want to come back to. Look at wine down for example. IMO it's over priced nonsense. But it's always packed out. I agree that it's the feel you get about a place that's important. Some of the brewery pubs make you feel you are being ripped off right from the start. Often you are not. But often you are.

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4 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Well there we have to disagree.  I make a product, I make money from it.  I don't use social media and I don't advertise. I was told I was mad. If you have a good product and you re passionate about it then people will buy it.  They're not just buying the product they are also buying a bit of 'you'. Your passion, your knowledge, your skills - and also they are buying into a small part of a lifestyle that is attractive to them.  If I stuck my products on a shelf in an EVF garage (no offence EVF) then they wouldn't sell at anything like the rate they currently sell. I am invested not only in the products but also who stocks them - it has to suit my 'brand'.  That energy and that brand filters through and customers buy into it. I've got the same two people assisting me since I launched a few years ago. I look after them and they look after me.  They are proud to be a part of 'the brand and will go the extra mile if it's required and for that they are rewarded with money, goods and time with my dazzling personality.  :)

A soulless institution that doesn't give shit about their product or their staff or their brand or their reputation can't help but hide how shit they are.  They might be making some money, but they're miserable, their staff are miserable and their customers are pretty miserable too. They lose customers and they lose staff because both know that they're getting a bum deal and for the owners all it's even been about is the money - and it shows.


Fair enough.  Wasnt disagreeing with you. I'll change it to, if you have a business and employ staff and you dont make money, you are done for.

What I was trying to get across though was that to make money you have to offer a service that people want to pay for and you have to be good at it. That was the wine down example. Part of that is having good staff which are essential in the hospitality trade. They are in short supply since Brexit.

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There’s only one answer to the question, “What does your business make?” And it’s “money”.

If you don’t make money, you don’t have a business. There are by-products of employment and satisfaction and giving business to other businesses. Most consumers don’t care enough to scrutinise what they buy or where they buy it from. Society gets what it deserves.

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