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More empty bull****

Wavey Davey

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I listened to the back end of what for an ‘emergency’ sitting of Tynwald had to be one of the most boring debates this Tynwald has had on the cost of living crisis and in the end we arrived at the most pitiful list of actions and failed group-think:


A loan of £26 million from the Treasury to Manx Utilities to enable it to cap electricity prices at current levels until March 31

More taxpayer debt which will largely benefit the MUAs largest corporate customers like Manx Telecom who will probably end up putting up our comms fees anyway and, of course, IOM Government itself a major user of electricity. Who takes out a 20 year loan to pay off a big winter electricity bill? Which is basically all we are doing. Let’s also remember that at the same time IOM Government is on the lowest Manx Gas tariff that exists which every domestic Manx Gas customer subsidize’s from the horrific gas tariff they are on. 

The capping of bus fares at a maximum of £2 per journey for a three month trial from November

Entirely pointless unless you live in Ramsey or the South where you might save what is literally a few pence a day getting to work. It does nothing for 60% of the population who live in Douglas, Braddan or Onchan. And who realistically is going to miraculously decide to use a bus in future now it’s going to be 10p cheaper for a few months? 

A third round of support payments in December for those receiving child benefit or on low incomes

More money for easy targets 

Accelerating an £8,000,000 programme to improve energy efficiency in homes

This is after a totally failed Green Grant System that has already pissed about nearly 2,000 people to pay out £0 after over a year. I wonder how long it’s going to take to piss about even more people not to pay out any of the £8,000,000? More red-tape nonsense for our failed civil servants to ‘deliver’. It’s simply meaningless bullshit. 

The establishment of a Community Support Fund, with an initial allocation of £100,000 

See numerous comments in another thread. This isn’t the war and we don’t live in 1950. Nobody is going to get in their car or use a bus to sit with a tartan blanket over their knees at the Salvation Army Citadel instead of heating their own home. You might as well use the £100,000 to buy everyone over 40 an IOMG onesie to wear in their own home!

The initiative to improve energy efficiency would also include ‘energy doctors’ or people assigned to give households advice on how they can save energy.

Again this was already supposed to have been done in our failed Green Grant System and 2,000 households have already had a visit from an ‘energy doctor’ (FFS) who has achieved absolutely no outcome for nearly 2,000 Manx home owners. I look forward to more of the same time-sucking virtue signaling shit.

So in summary absolutely piss poor folks … 

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5 minutes ago, Wavey Davey said:

I listened to the back end of what for an ‘emergency’ sitting of Tynwald had to be one of the most boring debates this Tynwald has had on the cost of living crisis and in the end we arrived at the most pitiful list of actions and failed group-think:


A loan of £26 million from the Treasury to Manx Utilities to enable it to cap electricity prices at current levels until March 31

More taxpayer debt which will largely benefit the MUAs largest corporate customers like Manx Telecom who will probably end up putting up our comms fees anyway and, of course, IOM Government itself a major user of electricity. Who takes out a 20 year loan to pay off a big winter electricity bill? Which is basically all we are doing. Let’s also remember that at the same time IOM Government is on the lowest Manx Gas tariff that exists which every domestic Manx Gas customer subsidize’s from the horrific gas tariff they are on. 

The capping of bus fares at a maximum of £2 per journey for a three month trial from November

Entirely pointless unless you live in Ramsey or the South where you might save what is literally a few pence a day getting to work. It does nothing for 60% of the population who live in Douglas, Braddan or Onchan. And who realistically is going to miraculously decide to use a bus in future now it’s going to be 10p cheaper for a few months? 

A third round of support payments in December for those receiving child benefit or on low incomes

More money for easy targets 

Accelerating an £8,000,000 programme to improve energy efficiency in homes

This is after a totally failed Green Grant System that has already pissed about nearly 2,000 people to pay out £0 after over a year. I wonder how long it’s going to take to piss about even more people not to pay out any of the £8,000,000? More red-tape nonsense for our failed civil servants to ‘deliver’. It’s simply meaningless bullshit. 

The establishment of a Community Support Fund, with an initial allocation of £100,000 

See numerous comments in another thread. This isn’t the war and we don’t live in 1950. Nobody is going to get in their car or use a bus to sit with a tartan blanket over their knees at the Salvation Army Citadel instead of heating their own home. You might as well use the £100,000 to buy everyone over 40 an IOMG onesie to wear in their own home!

The initiative to improve energy efficiency would also include ‘energy doctors’ or people assigned to give households advice on how they can save energy.

Again this was already supposed to have been done in our failed Green Grant System and 2,000 households have already had a visit from an ‘energy doctor’ (FFS) who has achieved absolutely no outcome for nearly 2,000 Manx home owners. I look forward to more of the same time-sucking virtue signaling shit.

So in summary absolutely piss poor folks … 

Couldn't have put it better myself. Piss Poor.

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2 minutes ago, asitis said:

You would think with the thousands of administrators we have working for us, everything Government touch would be slick !

Somebody said something the other day to the effect that the issues are now so big after the pandemic that it’s virtually beyond most of the dickheads who work in government, or who sit in Tynwald, to sort any of it out anymore. They might as well just leave us to it and fend for ourselves. 

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7 minutes ago, asitis said:

You would think with the thousands of administrators we have working for us, everything Government touch would be slick !

This is the whole point. It keeps thousands(ish) of people in jobs and makes the economy look busy. A complete sham. All fine as long as we can afford to pay for it.

But when the money dries up.....

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I listened to the whole debate on Tynwald Live and it was shocking for what was supposed to be a key debate that they recalled Tynwald for. And as for the outputs - as you say outside of the capping of electricity prices (which I agree is questionable) it’s basically nothing. Do they really think £8M in energy saving grants are going to be released this winter to help people this winter when it’s taken a year to give out no money under the existing grant scheme? It’s simply delusional. 

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1 hour ago, Wavey Davey said:

The capping of bus fares at a maximum of £2 per journey for a three month trial from November

Entirely pointless unless you live in Ramsey or the South where you might save what is literally a few pence a day getting to work. It does nothing for 60% of the population who live in Douglas, Braddan or Onchan. And who realistically is going to miraculously decide to use a bus in future now it’s going to be 10p cheaper for a few months? 

Two quid 40 cheaper a day if you live in Ramsey and commute to Douglas without a Go Card. £1.20 a day cheaper without. 

If you don’t have the money to stump up for a Go Card, that might make a surprising difference over the course of a month. £48 a month isn’t to be sniffed at if you’re skint. £20 back in your budget is never unwelcome either. For some, that little amount can make all the difference.

Whilst some are fortunate enough that it makes sod all difference, every little helps those on the breadline. 

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No practical support for businesses, and above all else a refusal to accept the predicament that many small businesses are in. It’s ironic coming after the dick waving and grandstanding by IOMG at last weekends Food and Drink Festival. As I have previously commented, increased costs, including gas and electricity, food price increases, the already high petroleum and diesel costs and in some cases firms who genuinely can’t afford large pay rises, will result in a reduced disposable income. 

IOMG could have done something - rates reductions for example.

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13 minutes ago, 2112 said:

No practical support for businesses, and above all else a refusal to accept the predicament that many small businesses are in. It’s ironic coming after the dick waving and grandstanding by IOMG at last weekends Food and Drink Festival. As I have previously commented, increased costs, including gas and electricity, food price increases, the already high petroleum and diesel costs and in some cases firms who genuinely can’t afford large pay rises, will result in a reduced disposable income. 

IOMG could have done something - rates reductions for example.

Agree most of the hospitality industry here won’t exit by January. This has done bugger all for those business owners struggling the most. 

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2 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

The really scary thing is the knock on effects as small businesses fold. 

How many butchers etc. can absorb the drop in cash flow as more and more of their customers shut up shop?

They can’t. I don’t think government understands what’s coming next. 

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2 hours ago, Newsdesk said:

I listened to the whole debate on Tynwald Live and it was shocking for what was supposed to be a key debate that they recalled Tynwald for. And as for the outputs - as you say outside of the capping of electricity prices (which I agree is questionable) it’s basically nothing. Do they really think £8M in energy saving grants are going to be released this winter to help people this winter when it’s taken a year to give out no money under the existing grant scheme? It’s simply delusional. 

Only two mhks mentioned the cost of heating oil and gas.  It seems our mhks are either too scared of manxgas, or don't want the curtain pulled back on the 'futures' deals that the MEA are currating.

I worry for the winter, especially the proud elderly people who won't come forward for help.  The island plan was quite clear in its disdain for the old, forgetting it was us oldies that helped the island prosper.

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19 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Only two mhks mentioned the cost of heating oil and gas.  It seems our mhks are either too scared of manxgas, or don't want the curtain pulled back on the 'futures' deals that the MEA are currating.

Like you I have strongly suspected from the start that there has been something shady going on with the gas futures and Manx Gas. You can’t drill into it at all. But as the OP says above we shouldn’t forget every Manx Gas consumer subsidizes the rate that IOM Government pays on its own gas because of the special ‘IOM Government Only’ tariff that exists. 

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