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More empty bull****

Wavey Davey

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4 minutes ago, SleepyJoe said:

As if we don't have enough CS/PS bods already going rounding telling people what government says we should do

If you reduce your number of teaspoons and other cutlery it will save on washing-up costs...

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I posted in another thread about the lack of support for single people on the living wage who are in fuel poverty!.

Mr Cannan seemed to suggest in the “debate” that single people could more easily save money on heating than families on £50k - £80k who are to receive cost of living support.

Today, trying to justify his support for fairly affluent families receiving cost of living payments he said that they were more likely to spend their disposable wealth in the local economy. So he knows they won’t spend their windfall on Amazon, or off Island travel etc but will definitely spend money going to local restaurants, buying local etc. Local restaurants and businesses will need more help than a few visiting families. Lower paid workers who are often in the service industry will become destitute with crippling bills.

Also today, Dr Allison commenting on the UK cost of living plans said it was a strength to have a non-party political system as it allowed government to pursue longer term strategies. We have a political system that nods through a pathetic raft of Manx measures with little real challenge because everyone is on the Tynwald gravy train and are so detached from reality. Mr Ashford can have some credit for questioning why household incomes weren’t used to determine support, but it is a bit late after the support measures have been agreed.

Who in their right mind would want to come here to live and work?.

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34 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

That is bull.

If you want to stimulate local economy give the money to the poor. They will spend it locally.  Give it those who have enough and they are more like to spend it on an extra holiday or, as you said, online, contributing nothing to the local economy (apart from the airport parking fee).

Why do governments have such trouble seeing this? Isn't the UK also doing the same sort of thing? Giving a wad to the rich? It's madness.

All part of the mantra that the wealth transfer operation would have you believe.

Give all these breaks and wealth back to the rich and they will rush out and invest the money thus philanthropically boosting industry and creating jobs in the economy for those less well off. We've been 100% signed up to it for years here on the Island too.

The fact that the wealthy are influencing (if not the owners of) the Govts that they are using to push this is not a matter that we should concern ourselves with.

Edited by Non-Believer
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Given the Government's record of throwing vast sums of money at ill-planned schemes and being able to find millions to bail itself out of it's self imposed disasters, a package of measures to "combat" the cost of living crisis that has, as it central feature, a £26 million pound loan and a raft of poorly targeted measures that will actually do little for most of us, is really quite pathetic. Sure, as the complacent and arrogant Treasury minister says, the government can't help everyone. It would, however be good to have a Government that was sufficiently savvy to use the money it has efficiently and come up with a proper support package that actually supports the population effectively. What the politicians gathered in Tynwald to supposedly "debate" was, for most of us, the non-event of the year. At best a temporary reprieve from increased energy prices created in part, by the Island's failure to invest in a long-term energy strategy.

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9 minutes ago, joebean said:

Given the Government's record of throwing vast sums of money at ill-planned schemes and being able to find millions to bail itself out of it's self imposed disasters

The millions for the bail outs are invariably acquired by raising taxes and charges for the serfs. Unfortunately, there are so many already in place that there's not a lot of width left for any new ones to counter the new challenges.

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8 hours ago, SleepyJoe said:

As if we don't have enough CS/PS bods already going rounding telling people what government says we should do

The whole situation is nonsensical. The UK budget today too. Nobody seems to have worked out yet that just like with the pandemic we need normal people to dig us out of this as the one thing the last two years has shown us is that politicians and policy advisers and civil servants are completely full of shit.

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3 hours ago, Manx Resident said:

Also today, Dr Allison commenting on the UK cost of living plans said it was a strength to have a non-party political system as it allowed government to pursue longer term strategies. We have a political system that nods through a pathetic raft of Manx measures with little real challenge because everyone is on the Tynwald gravy train and are so detached from reality. 

That's him admitting that the civil service run the show. Political parties are the only way the Island will ever make any significant change to the Civil Service.

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13 hours ago, Newsdesk said:

Agree most of the hospitality industry here won’t exit by January. This has done bugger all for those business owners struggling the most. 

That'll be down to YOU ( and others), not going to them!

Past debates on MF re competition has been that the best will survive and the failing can suck it up? Would these same people support Govt subsidy to keep these businesses going???

There will be an end point to this economic crisis, if we subsidise every business till that point, remove the subsidy and they then fail because of over competition in their market, would we be happy with that past subsidy???

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3 hours ago, Roxanne said:

That is bull.

If you want to stimulate local economy give the money to the poor. They will spend it locally.  Give it those who have enough and they are more like to spend it on an extra holiday or, as you said, online, contributing nothing to the local economy (apart from the airport parking fee).

Why do governments have such trouble seeing this? Isn't the UK also doing the same sort of thing? Giving a wad to the rich? It's madness.

The affluent will spend it in the bistros, the coffee shops eg - Noa and Cycle 360………….. which is probably what IOMG want. Some poor will spend it in Spar on drink and cigarettes, whilst some will use it to put electric credit  on their prepayment meter or use it to pay their gas bill, or use it towards to buy the kids some new shoes for school. 

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