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Mid life political crisis?


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1 hour ago, BriT said:

No misogyny at all. I’d have said the same is a man came across like that. Like a lot of people in Garff I’m sick of the endless hippy waffle and lack of action. We must have the two worse MHKs going. An angry Oswald Mosley clone and some daft ex civil servant who thinks that doing precisely nothing but talking nonsense is going to save the planet. 

Onchan would like to challenge you for the worst MHKs on the island.  A Walter Mitty who is a defacto civil servant only interested in his own 'career' progression, who doesn't even bother reading anything before putting it to Tynwald.

And Julie Edge, a promising back bencher who went rapidly downhill after drinking the comin kookaid.

They make Zac Hall and Peter Karran look like world beaters.

Would that horrible Willers man have been a better choice?

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9 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Onchan would like to challenge you for the worst MHKs on the island.  A Walter Mitty who is a defacto civil servant only interested in his own 'career' progression, who doesn't even bother reading anything before putting it to Tynwald.

And Julie Edge, a promising back bencher who went rapidly downhill after drinking the comin kookaid.

They make Zac Hall and Peter Karran look like world beaters.

Would that horrible Willers man have been a better choice?

Malew must be in with a shout for the worst MHK's award surely ?

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1 hour ago, Wavey Davey said:

There really must be something in the water in Garff. 

As evidenced by the Ramsey Anti Vax Squad, people slowly get more bonkers the further you go North. 

I used to think the threshold was somewhere in Maughold, but it seems it might be moving South. 

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1 hour ago, Asthehills said:

Daphne reminds me of this guy from insulate Britain.

Living in an idealistic bubble and failing to grasp the reality of the situation.

It’s 12 minutes, but the first coupe set the tone


I watched that clown the other night with Lozza. Full of his own righteous arrogance. He got what he deserved though.

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21 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

I watched that clown the other night with Lozza. Full of his own righteous arrogance. He got what he deserved though.

You’re right, Lozza is a self righteous arrogant clown. Can’t imagine why anyone in their right mind would watch him.

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16 minutes ago, John Wright said:

You’re right, Lozza is a self righteous arrogant clown. Can’t imagine why anyone in their right mind would watch him.

I was more pointing out what Chris Morrison was saying.  All of which I personally thought was balanced and accurate.

Everybody would like a greener cleaner cheaper fuel solution, but we have to be realistic and look at the overall picture not just high level virtue signalling, which in my opinion is what Daphne’s and her cronies are all about. 

I should add I think we is well intentioned but has been blinkered by the stats and propaganda from the greenies and so has lost track of the fact hat we have to balance all parts of the equation.


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3 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

I was more pointing out what Chris Morrison was saying.  All of which I personally thought was balanced and accurate.

Everybody would like a greener cleaner cheaper fuel solution, but we have to be realistic and look at the overall picture not just high level virtue signalling, which in my opinion is what Daphne’s and her cronies are all about. 

I should add I think we is well intentioned but has been blinkered by the stats and propaganda from the greenies and so has lost track of the fact hat we have to balance all parts of the equation.

Daphne's problem isn't "high level virtue signalling", whatever that is, it's that as usual absolutely nothing of any consequence is being done. It's like nobody in IOMGov ever has the stones to actually do anything about energy generation, so budgets get assigned, half-arsed meaningless schemes appear that nobody ever claims from, and then it's 10 years later and fuck all has happened.

If you're going to get 40mil budget for something, bloody well use it. Today. Go build/buy/produce something. No doubt they won't though, and I'll be able to repeat this post word for word (maybe without "Daphne" at the start of it) in another decade.

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22 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

I was more pointing out what Chris Morrison was saying.  All of which I personally thought was balanced and accurate.

Everybody would like a greener cleaner cheaper fuel solution, but we have to be realistic and look at the overall picture not just high level virtue signalling, which in my opinion is what Daphne’s and her cronies are all about. 

I should add I think we is well intentioned but has been blinkered by the stats and propaganda from the greenies and so has lost track of the fact hat we have to balance all parts of the equation.


Strange, isn’t it. I thought it was the green guy who was balanced. The other was just a deranged climate change denier.

We ( Western/Central/Eastern/Balkan Europe) wouldn’t have been in this mess over gas, and to a lesser extent oil, if we’d been historically more balanced and urgent about going green/non carbon dependent. That’s where the equation hasn’t been balanced.

At this stage it’s not virtue signalling. Except that not enough is being done.

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9 minutes ago, HeliX said:

If you're going to get 40mil budget for something, bloody well use it. Today. Go build/buy/produce something. No doubt they won't though, and I'll be able to repeat this post word for word (maybe without "Daphne" at the start of it) in another decade.

100% I’m not exactly the worlds most environmentally conscious person but they have a whole team up there which she supposedly heads up that seems to have done absolutely sod all about anything to make things more sustainable. We’re still relying on natural gas for power. We have no renewable energy strategy. We have no wind farm strategy. They can’t even hand out grant money so people can insulate their own homes this winter. I could only bear about 5 mins flicking through the above but it’s just empty noise. Just like her taking the ferry to conference in Scotland or protesting about Crogga.  It’s just meaningless virtue signing bullshit. We have not made even one step towards anything. The OP refers to the bond money and I’d simply ask where the hell as it gone? It’s nearly half a billion pounds that is supposed to help our transition to a sustainable economy. So as the head of our climate change board where is it and what have we actually done with it? We can’t even give someone £500 towards some loft insulation so far and we’ve had nearly 2,000 home surveys done. 

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