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Mid life political crisis?


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Covid changed a lot of things so quickly that probably would have just evolved anyway, particularly in data and information exchange which was necessary for a co-ordinated approach of things like border policy,  vaccination procedures, lockdowns etc.

That and the travel restrictions, the paperwork, the telephone apps were all brought in and some vestiges of that co-operation will remain and be built on for the future. I'm not saying we will see Covid again but valuable lessons have been learnt that as much as we would like some isolation we have to work closer together with so many other areas for as much as our own benefit and future safety as anywhere else.

Apologies for going off track.  

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I wonder what Mrs Caine etc make of the Panorama documentary on the other night which exposed a company receiving £billions from the UK for its renewable energy production. The company claims grants for using wood pellets to produce green energy but it was found that instead of coming from waste and dead logging timber the company were cutting down acres of prime forest in Canada to produce wood pellets. They are also currently producing hundreds of tons of CO2 which they are offsetting against newly planted trees which will take about 20 years to grow to a size which will counter the amount of CO2 being produced by them. 

This demonstrates to me everything that is/will be wrong with the green agenda. Big business getting rich while making a token gesture towards being green and the public being hoodwinked and browbeaten by green lobbyists caught up in the excitement of doing something that makes them feel good.

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46 minutes ago, Manx Resident said:

I wonder what Mrs Caine etc make of the Panorama documentary on the other night which exposed a company receiving £billions from the UK for its renewable energy production. The company claims grants for using wood pellets to produce green energy but it was found that instead of coming from waste and dead logging timber the company were cutting down acres of prime forest in Canada to produce wood pellets. They are also currently producing hundreds of tons of CO2 which they are offsetting against newly planted trees which will take about 20 years to grow to a size which will counter the amount of CO2 being produced by them. 

This demonstrates to me everything that is/will be wrong with the green agenda. Big business getting rich while making a token gesture towards being green and the public being hoodwinked and browbeaten by green lobbyists caught up in the excitement of doing something that makes them feel good.

A classic case of "the unacceptable face of capitalism" or greed as most of us call it.

Windfarms are appearing all over the place. Mainly, I suspect, because they very much represent "instantly perceived value" ie look we are doing something!

My personal choice would be for more to be done to encourage the totally reliable tidal systems. Especially as our weather is becoming more extreme...

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57 minutes ago, SleepyJoe said:

We won't get renewable/sustainable energy productions systems until the entire board of the MUA is replaced by folks who recognise the importance of change

Never happen. Land Rover would go bust for lack of Disco sales...

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38 minutes ago, Newsdesk said:

Definitely a mid life crisis. More than a touch of the “Dave Angel, Eco-Warrior” here. Anyone for a quick blast of Mike Oldfield’s Moonlight Shadow? 


I do think she’s completely lost it. All show and no go. Just padding it out for the next 4 years talking bollocks and delivering nothing. Great photo opportunities though to back up your silly hippie credentials. 

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On 10/6/2022 at 8:32 PM, Dirty Buggane said:

She is having a giraffe, is this for a gig at Littlewoods catalogue if she don't make the cut at the next election.

It’s a very good image of how she clearly sees herself in her own mind through saving the world as the earth mother with all the misty filters. When that sad reality is that she’s doing and done next to nothing about climate change or anything else. 

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On 10/6/2022 at 8:45 PM, hissingsid said:

If ever I saw a touched up picture this is one photo shopped or whatever they call it nothing like the real thing

It is a pretty decent photo, though (spoken by someone who tends to take photos of his feet). Maybe if Joshua Caine took a photo of me it would end up looking like Brad Pitt? The hair stylist would have some work to do.

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I wonder if people remember the £6000 + Chump change practicing MHKs used to receive to cover out of pocket expenses such a string/sealing wax/stamps/paracetamol a tasty bit of strumpet down the kings road, you know the money they did not have to provide receipts for. Till the greater manx public starting baying what the fuck, so they just incorporated it in the renumeration of which they receive. And now get an extra 15-20%  raise on it infinitum(or what ever pay rise the award themselves). We are all in this together, but it seems some are more together than others. I digress but this is the shite they would use it for, and wonder why people get irate. Or do not tell me they have an all paid parliamentary photographer and it has cost us a pretty penny in rose tint filters, the same ones they use for any other shit show  they wish to cast a superficial light on.

And breath 

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