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Sat at the traffic lights in Onchan yesterday and could not believe my ears.

The item on the news concerned the appointing of one headteacher to 3 schools and another to two.

The female MHK (with obviously years in education) had been led to believe by her department that this was a good idea, AND, here it comes, had the temerity and gall  to say the words, and I quote: "This is not a cost cutting exercise....This is not a cost cutting exercise". It was at this point that my car rocked with my very loud response....BOLLOX, BOLLOX BOLLOX!!

Did she really honestly think her fellow Manx would do more than 'guffaw' at that most misleading and commonly used phrase.

Finest example of this is the reduction to a two week collection of our waste as helping towards 'Green things'....yeah, just wait til they see all the additional

PLASTIC bags holding the waste that simply (for a family of four) wouldn't go in the bin. Will the boys take those away in a sense of goodwill....absolutely not!

But it's more the insult of our representatives thinking that we would accept this constant 'wool pulling' over most of these issues.


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Like a lot of things one head running multiple schools is not new, it’s just that like in most other areas we take a while to catch up.

If you look at the leadership structure of a school these days it is nowhere near what you or I will remember from years ago and the role of a headteacher has changed beyond all recognition with loads more support beneath them.

I don’t see an issue.  It’s a good move and long overdue.  The next sensible step would be to actually close the smaller schools.

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Head teacher, or School Leader doesn’t teach, even in primary or junior schools. It’s managerial CEO. 

Lots of bosses run businesses across multiple sites.

Anyway there’s going to be a deputy head/leader ( probably non teaching ) at each school. It’s just adding another layer of management.

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10 minutes ago, Banker said:

Schools like Dhoon are lucky they’re still open with small school numbers, more if this type of joint leadership etc is needed. Also combine some 6th forms to save costs on several teachers all teaching small classes in subjects like French 

They only really have the teaching unions to blame for this. If they're going to demand massive pay rises (such as they are) then something has to give and this type of thing is the result.

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5 minutes ago, Banker said:

Schools like Dhoon are lucky they’re still open with small school numbers, more if this type of joint leadership etc is needed. Also combine some 6th forms to save costs on several teachers all teaching small classes in subjects like French 

They don’t have several teachers teaching small classes as far as I am aware.

Instead we bus kids all over the island in class time do they can be taught in bigger groups.

End result is the same.  We need one central sixth form college.

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Chain stores have one overall manager/CEO. Churches often now have one vicar (or equivalent) for a number of places of worship.

Head teechers can probably do all of the paperwork by WFH (working from home) - the computer forms will all be the same, with a visit to the school being deemed necessary maybe no more than one day a week.

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Just to add to this debate. Fortunatly or not a great number of my uncles were headmasters back in days gone by. One particularly in and around the Preston area was actually head , and a very well respected one , over three schools in that area. This was back in the 80's and while not the same age groups , his were High Schools ,its clearly not a new idea .


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2 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Just to add to this debate. Fortunatly or not a great number of my uncles were headmasters back in days gone by. One particularly in and around the Preston area was actually head , and a very well respected one , over three schools in that area. This was back in the 80's and while not the same age groups , his were High Schools ,its clearly not a new idea .


No it's not a new idea. Skools and edukashun are not what they is even 20 years ago.

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5 hours ago, John Wright said:

Head teacher, or School Leader doesn’t teach, even in primary or junior schools. It’s managerial CEO. 


i remember mr cottier at st ninians taking a lesson i was in cos some teacher was off sick , so they can do when required, for some reason the lesson seemed quieter than usual.

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2 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

Lovely teacher Max, I remember him at Braddan School and why he left.

All we need now is for MHKs to take up two or three areas, and there wouldn’t be the need for so many, what a saving that would be. 

Until you realised that a handful could then team up and get pretty much whatever they wanted voted through.

Any less than we have now would be a nightmare.  It’s about more than just their workload

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