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New Promenade Walkway

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14 minutes ago, Happier diner said:


Yes. I agree that where waves are concerned then the level of the sand will change things. Too complicated for me though. 

Saying that, and thinking about it though. Wouldn't accumulation of sand against the wall provide a ramp that would make the waves more likely to breach the wall?

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1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

The breakwater has had an effect on the tidal flow I think , there never seemed to be so much seaweed and the build up of sand is worse.   I remember climbing over the railings and having a fair jump to get on the shore now the sand is up the the bottom of the railings in parts.   

Is it the breakwater, or is it just that any king of maintenance has stopped? The groins left to rot etc.

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So everyone’s skint and being warned to not put the heating on, extra cash being handed out so we don’t freeze to death, businesses closing all over the shop and the government’s reaction is to propose multi million piles of unnecessary shite like this? Jesus Chris. 

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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

Tell you what , as nobody in authority seems to know. Why not get a big bulldozer and try ! My bets is if you create much less of a ramp , the shaping of the wall will do its job and we will be good to go. Dig out and move back the raised sand and stones along from War memorial to derby castle and I reckon you could be sorted. 

If only there was some kind of digger down there that could be put to this use....🤔

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2 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Tell you what , as nobody in authority seems to know. Why not get a big bulldozer and try ! My bets is if you create much less of a ramp , the shaping of the wall will do its job and we will be good to go. Dig out and move back the raised sand and stones along from War memorial to derby castle and I reckon you could be sorted. 

This has been suggested to the clots at DoI but they are quite possibly some of the stupidest people on the planet. On a really bad day, you'll still get overtopping but it won't be leaving half the beach on the road and pavements

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The part of the Prom under discussion  is the southern end, the water is quite deep there, i doubt any scraping would have any effect???

The proposal is to put in a 1200mm wall with drainage hole at the bottom, most of us would be able to see over such a wall, kids? maybe not?

Obviously there has been damage to the sunken garden walls and of the whole of the prom, perhaps they do deserve priority attention? Many on here seem to think that the repairs are overdue?

What are they to do? Leave it or repair it?

Of course, they could bolt planks to the bottom of the railings for 150k quid?!!! and wait for the economic situation to improve!!!

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