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Climate Change Progress Report

Moghrey Mie

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1 hour ago, cissolt said:

Government got the figures wrong again by quite some way.  This kind of thing only adds fuel to the fire that Daphne's team are a huge waste of money.


Actually it does the opposite, because it suggests they are correcting the (frankly rather elementary) mistakes that were made by consultants who had been engaged in 2019 to produce the original report.  Whatever you think of the Climate Change Team, getting the data right has to be the first thing.

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I note from the front page of today's Indy that Daffers is now claiming a remarkable 50% reduction in local "residential emissions" since 2019, entirely due to a change in the calculating methodology involved in the process.

Presumably this means that the IoM is not now and never was the filthy, polluting pariah that it was initially claimed to be and we can therefore discount and disregard a lot of the other utter shit eminating from her and her environmental brood?

In fact, let's disband the whole lot and save ourselves a shedful of money.

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On 12/12/2022 at 8:36 PM, english zloty said:

Wonder how Howard's tree mk iv. is doing? 

Where is this mythical wood anyway?  I've heard near Meary Veg, but I went for a look (from the road not the coastal footpath) a few weeks ago and couldn't find anything obvious.

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16 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Where is this mythical wood anyway?  I've heard near Meary Veg, but I went for a look (from the road not the coastal footpath) a few weeks ago and couldn't find anything obvious.

You can't miss it, it's a large field with a giant plaque celebrating the government's magnificence, a few twigs and one more mature tree held up by strops (which might be Howard's). 

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I find it quite appalling that the IoM Government has launched a whole industry, recruited all sorts of loonies and given voice to the Idiots of Mann all based on a lie and incorrect data! 

I think most sane people knew that 50% of what was being said was bollocks, now we have the figures to prove it!

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I'm guessing this will also relate to the spurious bullshit they were spouting about how polluted the air in Douglas was? 

When everyone except Team Daffers knows that this would only be the case if they were sampling exactly at the same time as when the Steam Train is puking out sulphur and brimstone eveywhere. 

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On 12/2/2022 at 5:46 PM, Stu Peters said:

Another scientist with seemingly impeccable credentials speaks out. The interviewer is annoying (talks too much and listens too little) and there are 2 mins of ads at the beginning. It's too long for most, but if you can afford 8 minutes, watch from around 55'00" in.


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5 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

But they'd just employ more consultants to get things wrong again.  

It makes one wonder how many other Govt stats that policy is being formed on, might be awry by 50%?

Employment figures? Average wages? Population? Inflation? Govt headcount?

It might go some way to explaining a few things....

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

It makes one wonder how many other Govt stats that policy is being formed on, might be awry by 50%?

Employment figures? Average wages? Population? Inflation? Govt headcount?

It might go some way to explaining a few things....

Probably none by that amount, but a lot of those things do have methodological problems and need to be closely examined.  There's a long-held tendency to just do what was done last year, whether it continues to be relevant or not. Something like Government headcount should be accurate, but then you run into problems of definition (FTE or total) and who is included and the effect of outsourcing and bank and agency workers. 

So even figures that are accurate need expansion and analysis before they should be used to inform policy.  Not that that has ever happened of course.  You only have to look at the latest 'plans' to see how little use is made of even what figures they have, never mind basing policy on them.

Actually if you look at the (rather confused) WQ reply to Haywood you'll see that the error is caused by 'doing what we did last year'.  They have just mechanically increased the consumption figures by 3% every year based on what went, for nearly 20 years in one case.  No checks were made to see if this was justified by increased population; what changes in the pattern of usage were; if there were attempts to save energy.  But in any case, with so few suppliers, checking the actual consumption should have been quick and easy.  No one bothered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This might not be the right thread, but there are some interesting tales of people struggling with their EVs coming out of America at the moment as parts of the country freezes.  Also cars getting stuck and being unable to just push them out of the way or even tow them easily.

Also ASHP’s failing to warm peoples homes with ice on internal surfaces etc.

Now they are seeing some extreme weather, but if we had a real cold snap I would be glad of my diesel car and gas heating.

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