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Climate Change Progress Report

Moghrey Mie

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I'm all for playing our part in going green, I'm all for rewilding, planting trees, improving public transport networks etc etc, but this move looks to me too much too soon. The tech is moving too fast to be mandated at this time in my view, and house prices are bad enough as is without extra burdens on buyers !

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Heat pumps are efficent in the sense that you get 3 to 4 times more thermal energy out than electrical energy used ito get it (it's a bit like a fridge turned inside out), however the rate of transfer is slower due to having a lower temperature output than gas or oil boilers, consequently to compensate you need larger radiators and possibly pipes or underfloor heating where it's easier to maintain the required comfort level.

As with much 'new' technology adopting into a new build is way simpler and far cheaper than retrofitting in older housing stock.

Much like the rush to ban ICE vehicles, legislation is forcing the pace of change and not economics or logic, especailly when the alternatives (i.e. green electric capacity and distribution infrastructure) isn't in place to power the heating and hot water demands of all housing/offices/schools/hotels/hospitals by heat pumps and charge all forms of transport vehicles from private cars, buses and haulage)


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8 hours ago, english zloty said:


more made up sums (apart from the 210 new build, that's about right) until you consider Alf's plan, which needs more than double that number to succeed. 

Absolute nonsense, just add £10k to price of house!!

Thought gas was a transition fuel & classed as green FTB?

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9 hours ago, hissingsid said:

I have heard that if you put solar panels in when building a new property it does not cost much more than if you put a regular roof on, I am certainly no building expert but if this is true surely this would be the way to go.

But if there’s no sun what’s your back up heating from/hot water from?

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9 hours ago, hissingsid said:

I have heard that if you put solar panels in when building a new property it does not cost much more than if you put a regular roof on, I am certainly no building expert but if this is true surely this would be the way to go.

There's more than just panels though.

As for no sun - battery backup, then MEA. You need a MEA feed for the inverter.

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Instead, only plans approved before 1 August (2023) could include the (fossil fuel) systems.

Which given the usual planning inadaquecy will effectively be 1st May (12 weeks or so from submission to approval). So there'll be a mad rush to beat the deadline and then the arse will fall out of the boiler market.

A total ban on installing the fossil fuel heating systems would come into force on 1 January 2025.

So what is the point of a consultation if its a done deal? They've had literally years to consult on this but obvioiulsy have no interest in listening, just ticks a 'democratic process' box. Save the time and cost and just bin it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I see the UCM are offering a new ‘green’ course, over 5 weeks and 3 hours session. I’m sure it will qualify those attendees a certificate to lecture islanders, and jump on board the ever burgeoning IOMG gravy train. I am all for skill workers but it’s should be for people who need to skills to enter the work place, or upgrade their skills. 

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On 4/30/2023 at 4:13 PM, 2112 said:

I see the UCM are offering a new ‘green’ course, over 5 weeks and 3 hours session. I’m sure it will qualify those attendees a certificate to lecture islanders, and jump on board the ever burgeoning IOMG gravy train. I am all for skill workers but it’s should be for people who need to skills to enter the work place, or upgrade their skills. 

The head of the climate team has no scientific background or climate policy experience nor do any of the others.  All marketing based, which tells you all you need to know really.  

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