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Climate Change Progress Report

Moghrey Mie

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Reading a UK newspaper they were going on about how many heat pumps had been installed and mentioned the going rate for solar panels were £5,000 I suspect they would be using a small installation as an example but it is a lot cheaper than the quotes on Island.

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The other thing she said about EV cars was that whilst the purchase price was higher than ICE cars, the running costs were lower. 

Well, that's fine but the majority of people will find it easier to deal with running costs than the initial outlay. 

Reality is a distant bedfellow. 

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It will be 42 million down the pan with little to show for it, and absolutely no effect whatsoever on climate change, apart from an upsurge in Daphne's mental state.

When are we going to learn to sit on our hands, do what we can realistically, to not to exacerbate the perceived situation, and let the big players find out how to waste their cash. We do not have the financial resilience to go trying to be at the sharp end of this energy revolution. FFS we are still paying for our gas / diesel powered power station.

Do the little things, improve our environment for everyone, plant trees, rewild, better recycling, improve public transport etc etc, but to get us further in financial hock is a nonsense.

We cannot affect the perceived threats of climate change very much, if at all, given our size, but we can affect everyones lives here negatively by pretending we can !

I am far from anti saving the planet, quite the reverse, but like many issues here we are proposing to jump with both feet financially into an abyss !

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10 hours ago, Gladys said:

The other thing she said about EV cars was that whilst the purchase price was higher than ICE cars, the running costs were lower. 

Well, that's fine but the majority of people will find it easier to deal with running costs than the initial outlay. 

Reality is a distant bedfellow. 

Politicians need a major dose of reality in many aspects of government.

Our climate champion needs to realise we aren’t all ex-Civil Servants getting a pension, and now also being paid as an elected politician who can afford an EV and charge it up (for free?) at the back of government offices throughout Tynwald sittings.

As for the argument we have to do our bit for the climate because of our international standing in the finance sector what nonsense. Money moves electronically and goes where the best financial deals are available!.

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8 hours ago, asitis said:

It will be 42 million down the pan with little to show for it, and absolutely no effect whatsoever on climate change, apart from an upsurge in Daphne's mental state.

When are we going to learn to sit on our hands, do what we can realistically, to not to exacerbate the perceived situation, and let the big players find out how to waste their cash. We do not have the financial resilience to go trying to be at the sharp end of this energy revolution. FFS we are still paying for our gas / diesel powered power station.

Do the little things, improve our environment for everyone, plant trees, rewild, better recycling, improve public transport etc etc, but to get us further in financial hock is a nonsense.

We cannot affect the perceived threats of climate change very much, if at all, given our size, but we can affect everyones lives here negatively by pretending we can !

I am far from anti saving the planet, quite the reverse, but like many issues here we are proposing to jump with both feet financially into an abyss !

100% this. On Twitter, Daphne (who I class as a friend) was saying the buses that Longworth bought will soon wear out and we will need to be buying the new half a million electric ones. Someone suggested she might have been mansplained, which I thought was a fair point.

A bus would have a productive life of around 25 years. Some I use over here are approaching that. The whole 'getting ahead' plan is ridiculous, and puts manx residents and business at a significant disadvantage.


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3 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

How does it compare cost wise with a diesel? How long do the batteries last?

Here’s a report giving some details but apparently like most EVs they are a lot heavier than ICE vehicles so more wear & tear on roads 


Edited by Banker
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8 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

100% this. On Twitter, Daphne (who I class as a friend) was saying the buses that Longworth bought will soon wear out and we will need to be buying the new half a million electric ones. Someone suggested she might have been mansplained, which I thought was a fair point.

A bus would have a productive life of around 25 years. Some I use over here are approaching that. The whole 'getting ahead' plan is ridiculous, and puts manx residents and business at a significant disadvantage.


She is living on another planet, there is a reason none of the green party were elected last time round, and I suspect this is Daphnes last ride on the money train.

Is she serving her community or herself?  We couldn't even measure the benefit of active travel let alone the miniscule affect reducing fossil fuels on the island will have on the planet. What I do know is it's going to cost a shed load of money, and make people poorer.

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8 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

There's a £500,000 leccy bus on trial at the moment.

She has clearly been conned by the Bus Vannin management team. Let’s have £5M for 10 new EV buses to replace the new diesel buses we only bought three years ago. Because we might have to actually service or repair a bus if it’s over three years old. Best to buy new so we can run a load of empty EV buses around instead of a load of empty diesel buses around. Daphne is hopeless, genuinely hopeless. How can someone so hopelessly out of their depth be taken seriously? And we’ll all be thirty percent carbon neutral by 2024 via some magic link to a magic facility somwhere in magic land. 

Edited by offshoremanxman
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The electric vehicle front is becoming very quiet, used car values are really seriously floundering and dealers are just glad to get rid of any EV stock, new or used. Manufacturers, particularly in Japan, are seriously developing hydrogen IC engines with Toyota being the most bold in stopping all EV development. They are one of the two largest manufacturers in the world and don't do things on a whim, like governments. 

We've been conned once again I'm afraid, first the prats were touting diesel vehicles, then they have an about turn and push another option, but a seriously flawed one. Never ever trust the government!  

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

She has clearly been conned by the Bus Vannin management team. Let’s have £5M for 10 new EV buses to replace the new diesel buses we only bought three years ago. Because we might have to actually service or repair a bus if it’s over three years old. Best to buy new so we can run a load of empty EV buses around instead of a load of empty diesel buses around. Daphne is hopeless, genuinely hopeless. How can someone so hopelessly out of their depth be taken seriously? And we’ll all be thirty percent carbon neutral by 2024 via some magic link to a magic facility somwhere in magic land. 

The Spirit of Longworth lives on...

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