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Climate Change Progress Report

Moghrey Mie

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there are compounds in France and Belgium  with thousands of  3 and 4 year old EV's  nobody wants them  they never had the  duration  or mileage range , cant be adapted ,  , and no one has yet come up with a solution  of how to dispose of the batteries ,  and Mr Muck has just reduced  some of the Tesla range by $ 16.000 dollars ,  

the motor trade  must be  very wary ,  Toyota  is  dropping EV's  and producing Hydrogen powered vehicles  will confuse the situation even further 

its time the Isle of Man just took time out and watched what the  wealthier countries were doing  and when  tried and tested  solutions  have been proved to be cost effective , and can be adapted  to suit our circumstances  then thats when we should make our move , we are never going to be world  leaders  in spite of what the local greens  and Daffy  may try to bully us into 

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IMO we should have absolutely no green policy other than to encourage those who can or want to adopt a green lifestyle. No green department no employees in government dedicated to green etc. Perhaps a policy to force all new builds to have solar panels (no cost to government)

In 5 or 10 years time we can look at what has worked for countries which can afford to trailblaze and follow the best for us.

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53 minutes ago, NoTail said:

IMO we should have absolutely no green policy other than to encourage those who can or want to adopt a green lifestyle. No green department no employees in government dedicated to green etc. Perhaps a policy to force all new builds to have solar panels (no cost to government)

In 5 or 10 years time we can look at what has worked for countries which can afford to trailblaze and follow the best for us.

The bloke who lived among us and tried to live a green lifestyle was made homeless by DEFA. But then, he was working class.

Let's be honest, a lot of this is virtue signalling by people with money. I did some work for a hnwi over here, built a massive f'ck-off house, imported stone, this, that and the other, then retro fitted solar panels, got an ev and a 'theres no planet b' t-shirt. They are very able to use their influence to encourage the government to give them financial kick backs for their little hobby.

So I live in my council house, drive my little, old, economical diesel van to work, make small affordable differences to my life and how I work to be 'greener', don't have lots of holidays and don't 'do' much consumption. I'd wager my carbon footprint will be smaller then Daphne's.

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Some of the scientists who worked for the fossil fuel companies in the 1970s identified back then that if the world continues on the same trajectory of atmospheric pollution, by the end of this century a billion of people will have nowhere to live and nothing to eat or drink. Most animal species will be extinct in the wild and will only exist in zoos. But of course, this crisis was never going to happen overnight. Increasingly, the Isle of Man will be battered by bigger storms (which will make the Laxey flooding looked like a stream). We will also face food shortages that result from droughts in places like Spain, Portugal and France. Today’s scientists (and people like David Attenborough) predictions have so far been fairly accurate. A problem is that no country, no matter how rich it is, can tackle climate change alone. ‘Our’ £42 million, even £42 billion are minuscule drops in the enormous proverbial pail of what is required to stop global warming - the entire world must stop fighting wars (hot and cold) and instead come together to save the planet. This must happen before it is too late.  

The governments of various small Pacific Islands have been lobbying through the UN for financial reparations from rich developed countries to save their people. I would strongly support the IOMG sending a ‘climate change’ delegation to London, Brussels, Washington and New York to work with others on a global solution. We need to forget about ‘talking shops’, and to collectively make concrete changes. As I envisage it, the only way forward is for the multi-national bodies like the IMF and the World Bank to print the equivalent of say 100 trillion dollars with the sole purpose of investing in world-wide solutions to climate change. AI will come handy - i.e., in recent days the scientists with the assistance of the AI have discovered a super-drug that kills superbugs which up till now were untreatable. There are other precedents for working together as a team for the benefit of the whole of mankind – the Covid pandemic and the development of numerous vaccines.

Our IOM ‘delegation’ would cost the IOM taxpayers a tiny sum compared to £42m that will probably be wasted on pointless schemes that have very little benefit, IMHO.

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I think a wait and see approach from an IOM perspective for renewables would be a sensible and then adopt best practice . No country has a clue about what the best route forward is and are casting the net wide hoping somethings sticks. We are the size of a small town in the UK and we have to balance our books to remain and enjoy the  independence we have from the UK. We cannot afford to throw money on renewable projects that may prove not to be best practice in less than a decade .




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  • 2 weeks later...

There are tiny little changes that would contribute to making a huge difference. 

There are also tiny little things that are a huge problem, disposable vape pens, what a load of nonsense! Packaging, product, pollution, absolutely terrible things, why do we have them? 

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On the bright side all of the private solar power will be offsetting the carbon footprint of 1000's of bikes blatting all over the island. Wonder how long it'll be before we get a hosepipe ban?

Sadly, despite all the millions thrown at the green agenda and global warming I doubt the MUA have any plans for new or enlarged reservoirs to account for the variability of rainfall now. Let alone the extra 15,000 or whatever the magic number is. That's if you consider how long it has taken them to sort out not shitting in the sea.

Much like the farmers complaining about crops failing if we get another week of sunshine... it happens. It happend in 1976, it'll happen again. And now Ramsey Bakery have folded and they have no ready market for their product they'll no doubt expect the tax payer to bail them out.

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On Saturday the Guardian published an opinion piece by Rowan Atkinson, entitled I love electric vehicles – and was an early adopter. But increasingly I feel duped 

For those of you loathed to click on a Guardian link, here's a small, interesting excerpt:

 "In advance of the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow in 2021, Volvo released figures claiming that greenhouse gas emissions during production of an electric car are 70% higher than when manufacturing a petrol one. How so? The problem lies with the lithium-ion batteries fitted currently to nearly all electric vehicles: they’re absurdly heavy, many rare earth metals and huge amounts of energy are required to make them, and they only last about 10 years. It seems a perverse choice of hardware with which to lead the automobile’s fight against the climate crisis."

He goes on to talk about up-and-coming hydrogen fuels, amongst other things. 


Rowan's a pretty smart guy and I urge those with an interest in these matters to go have a read. He makes a lot of sense, even if it was the Guardian he chose to publish in. 😉

Edited by Zarley
Changed a word
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While they are being promoted around the world as a crucial weapon in reducing carbon emissions, solar panels only have a lifespan of up to 25 years.

Experts say billions of panels will eventually all need to be disposed of and replaced.

"The world has installed more than one terawatt of solar capacity. Ordinary solar panels have a capacity of about 400W, so if you count both rooftops and solar farms, there could be as many as 2.5 billion solar panels.," says Dr Rong Deng, an expert in solar panel recycling at the University of New South Wales in Australia.

According to the British government, there are tens of millions of solar panels in the UK. But the specialist infrastructure to scrap and recycle them is lacking.

Energy experts are calling for urgent government action to prevent a looming global environmental disaster.

"It's going to be a waste mountain by 2050, unless we get recycling chains going now," says Ute Collier, deputy director of the International Renewable Energy Agency.

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Three countries continue to account for the lion's share of global carbon dioxide emissions. In 2022, China was highest, at 32%. The United States was next with 14%, an increase of 1.5% over 2021. India's emissions continue to rise and now make up 8% of the global total.

The Isle of Man has 0.00001% of the world's population (less than 1/100,000%) and as it has no heavy industries we contribute fcuk-all to Global Warming.

The constant propaganda for Electric cars ignores the fact that the batteries cost a fortune and have a life span of at best 10 years and solar panels perhaps may last 25 years. And both involve more environmental damage (e.g. in extracting and refining all the rare earth minerals used) and Co2 emissions in their production and in generating the power to constantly have to re-charge them than they will ever save.

The truth is that all of the Isle of Man Green policy stuff here is a racket and based on stupidity and ignorance. It is costing everyone a fortune and it will make no difference to climate change whatsoever. Just so that delusional virtue signaling politicians can pander to the equally delusional aggressive, loud-mouthed, hysterical and self-appointed local ''Green Environmentalists'' and can look self-important at meetings with a few off-island people and organisations.

And no sane person should give even the time of day to any of the constantly mushrooming wholly self interested get-rich businesses selling ''Green Solutions''. 

But with most people severely brainwashed by those same local self-appointed delusional ''expert'' people, try telling that to the latest genius MHK  Professor - the Manx Climate Change Czar Daphne Caine. And other loonie virtue-signalling MHKs holding back the exploitation of the gas in our territorial waters. The DoI have allegedly been refusing to meet with Crogga. That is exactly the sort of politicians we have here - destroying the island's finances and the people's quality of life. For just one example, we  have an obscene badly broken NHS. One that does not even have a modestly functioning appointments system.

Yet the cnuts in charge are deliberately delaying and obstructing a massive energy windfall. Many of them want to prevent it from ever happening...……………..

We all know who the main movers of this evil nonsense are......................fcuk them all.

Edited by Cassie2
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