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Climate Change Progress Report

Moghrey Mie

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17 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Yes indeed, how many miles to a charge, I'm told 250 but that's usually manufacturer optimism? Then a nine hour recharge, so how many miles per day do our buses do on average? You wouldn't want to be pushing the limit of 250 miles late at night with a bus full of Peelites heading to Douglas to keep the night going! The other buses would all be on charge! 

Joney and her ilk talk as though they have some expertise in engineering when they say that we should be lashing out half a million a pop on these buses. I'd be interested to see the results of the trial and a proper feasibility study before opening my mouth! After this, there should be responsibility on the person recommending their operation to ensure their success, or there will be consequences!

It's a bargain. Bus Vannin has about 70 odd buses. So £35m is pocket change.

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As people are saying, just so there can be some dick waving/breast bouncing and seen to be supporting the "green initiatives", mean while peoples lives are being put at risk due to staff/funding shortfalls within the health service. And the great politico's idea let's stick another layer of burocracy and say its at arms length so it is not our fault. Bit like Trashford not me guv I was just following rules, so it is impossible for it to be my fault. The big boys did it and ran but I'm small and tripped and got caught.

Sorry wrong thread bashing

Edited by Dirty Buggane
I'm unhappy with David
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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

Saw it parked up by the power station, charging I guess.  Utter madness to be even considering now as asitis points out.  I would rather they worked on providing a bus service that people would prefer to use over their cars, regular and reliable and not involving a change of bus to get, say, from Farmhill to the hospital. 

Or go the whole hog and,  apart from the routes between 4/5 towns and the school runs, just dial-a-ride.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Not sure what it is you are trying to post, or do you just have shares in the Telegraph.

Bugger, it was sent to me by email and opened up ok.

Basically it's an article expressing the fact that the world's leading car manufacturers are backing off from EVs big time. It goes on to say how governments have held a gun to the heads of the industry which has invested billions in an ill thought through concept. 

It's a shame, I tried copy and paste but to no avail! 

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Alternative options still being explored too


Ammonia can be pretty dangerous stuff,I once saw 20 people hospitalised when  a  chill unit burst and the gas escaped into a food processing plant , it was like a scene from the trenches  during a gas attack ,

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, cissolt said:

The NetZero team are pressing ahead with their ban on new fossil fuel boilers regardless of the result of the consultation. 


58% of respondents didn't support the proposal.  Why ask if you are going to do it anyway?



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1 hour ago, cissolt said:

The NetZero team are pressing ahead with their ban on new fossil fuel boilers regardless of the result of the consultation. 


58% of respondents didn't support the proposal.  Why ask if you are going to do it anyway?


It’ll probably get pushed back again when new house prices shoot upward 

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Why push the, 'green' agenda so heavily? How exactly does it help us or the world? 

Answer.......It won't.

All in favour of the IOM gov's green agenda, please go to the massive polluters in the world and peddle your wares there.

Wonder how you would get on? 

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The technology is expensive, there are too few people to install it and the cost will be passed down through to the end user.

Are the green policies aimed at saving the planet or forcing an increased reliance on the public to pay the mea debt?

Why bother with a consultation when you have already made up your mind.

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