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Climate Change Progress Report

Moghrey Mie

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On 1/1/2024 at 8:33 PM, 2112 said:

I have just read online on the Manx Newspapers website an article, trumpeting a conference on the island, (Green Talks) before the Xmas period, attended by the great and the good relating to ‘climate change’. Organised by the Energy and Sustainability Centre. Granted it was ‘funded’ by charity, and attended by Minister Hooperman, I feel that the likes of these third party pressure groups are both dictating policies and holding the island to ransom, whilst some sectors greatly benefit, whilst causing great hardship to the islands population. 


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On 1/11/2024 at 3:14 PM, BillyNoMates said:

climate cange has more scams and fradsters than crypto all a m oneyh making scam

Sadly, whilst it is indeed another scam, the situation is much worse than you suggest, as you may well be aware.

In Sept 2001 we, and most of the population of the World, watched while 3,000 US citizens were murdered. We accepted the preposterous explanations offered by a malign and corrupt US government - which included supposed 'hijacker' passports magically appearing in the street (despite all else being reduced to dust) - and have done nothing to challenge the criminals behind this event. Despite approximately 50% of US citizens believe their government had a hand in what happened - the same proportion who believe the same about the murder of JFK in 1963. We can therefore hardly be surprised if those involved became emboldened.

In 2020 this same gang of crooks brought us the joys of 'covid' and subsequent 'lockdowns'. For those who choose to believe the BS trotted out by governments and their media allies, covid was a deadly disease and our only protection was to stay at home, wear ludicrous masks, then rush off to inject dubious, rushed to market chemicals, into ourselves (the current stats for heart diseases and new 'turbo' cancers tell their own story, or are a 'co-incidence' depending on what you choose to believe). For the 25% who didn't believe it all, nor got jabbed, the whole show looked remarkably similar to annual 'flu - which miraculously disappeared during the 'covid' years. 

Climate change is the latest, and greatest, BS we are all subject to (there are mountains of evidence to support this). If we go along with this scam it will lead to '15 minute cities' (read 'ghetto's'), gross restrictions on our liberty, and ultimately a World that looks very similar to communist China. And as you rightly say, it will also lead to charlatans like the one above making a lot of money.

Our equally corrupt IOMG is complicit in all of the above. We can argue amongst ourselves, complain about their ineptitude/corruption, but all the while we are the equivalent of frogs being quietly simmered in a saucepan. If you think it's bad now..



Edited by ricardo
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31 minutes ago, ricardo said:

Sadly, whilst it is indeed another scam, the situation is much worse than you suggest, as you may well be aware.

I am a dedicated so-called conspiracy theorist. As well as being a reasonably well-educated and relatively successful business-person I also have a degree of intelligence, that I attempt to use with a little discernment. I also have some explosives, and aviation experience, from a previous life. Combined, this experience was enough to tell me immediately on September 11th 2001 that the World Trade Centre buildings could not have 'collapsed' as a result of fire. In fact, the white dust seen that day was a giveaway that thermite explosives were used. This is has been common knowledge amongst those interested enough for many years. It is believed explosives were planted by an Israeli team - some of whom were arrested that day, then released - with links to former Israeli PM Ehud Barak, who operates this extremely dodgy business: https://www.tokagroup.com

We, and most of the population of the World, stood idly by while 3,000 US citizens were murdered that day. We accepted the preposterous explanations offered by a malign and corrupt US government - which included supposed 'hijacker' passports magically appearing in the street (despite all else being reduced to dust) - and did nothing. Even though approximately 50% of US citizens believe their government had a hand in what happened - the same proportion who believe the same about the murder of JFK in 1963. We can therefore hardly be surprised if those involved became emboldened.

In 2020 this same gang of crooks brought us the joys of 'covid' and subsequent 'lockdowns'. For those who choose to believe the BS trotted out by governments and their media allies, covid was a deadly disease and our only protection was to stay at home, wear ludicrous masks, then rush off to inject dubious, rushed to market chemicals, into ourselves (the current stats for heart diseases and new 'turbo' cancers tell their own story, or are a 'co-incidence' depending on what you choose to believe). For the 25% who didn't believe it all, nor got jabbed, the whole show looked remarkably similar to annual 'flu - which miraculously disappeared during the 'covid' years. 

Climate change is the latest, and greatest, BS we are all subject to (there are mountains of evidence to support this). If we go along with this scam it will lead to '15 minute cities' (read 'ghetto's'), gross restrictions on our liberty, and ultimately a World that looks very similar to communist China. And as you rightly say, it will also lead to charlatans like the one above making a lot of money.

Our equally corrupt IOMG is complicit in all of the above. We can argue amongst ourselves, complain about their ineptitude/corruption, but all the while we are the equivalent of frogs being quietly simmered in a saucepan. If you think it's bad now..



What absolute nonsense, you’re probably a flat earther as well😂

Edited by Banker
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41 minutes ago, NoTail said:

Ricardo. I suggest you have a good lie down.  Maybe some herbal tea and an early night. 

I'm open to banter or pi%%-taking but let's get real for a moment. Our government/s and the media, ie; the same people warning us of the dangers of climate change, are currently referring to a 'war' in Gaza and talking about, although not demanding, a 'cease-fire'. There is no 'war' in Gaza what is happening there is a despicable genocide, being carried out by a heavily armed, wealthy and powerful nation, upon a defenceless population. If you have the stomach for harsh truth take a look at the first minute or two of the film link below - it will tell you all you need to know. If you choose to view, and therefore understand this, you will understand much else. But if you prefer the comfort of pi$$-taking, feel free..



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1 hour ago, ricardo said:

Sadly, whilst it is indeed another scam, the situation is much worse than you suggest, as you may well be aware.

I am a dedicated so-called conspiracy theorist. As well as being a reasonably well-educated and relatively successful business-person I also have a degree of intelligence, that I attempt to use with a little discernment. I also have some explosives, and aviation experience, from a previous life. Combined, this experience was enough to tell me immediately on September 11th 2001 that the World Trade Centre buildings could not have 'collapsed' as a result of fire. In fact, the white dust seen that day was a giveaway that thermite explosives were used. This is has been common knowledge amongst those interested enough for many years. It is believed explosives were planted by an Israeli team - some of whom were arrested that day, then released - with links to former Israeli PM Ehud Barak, who operates this extremely dodgy business: https://www.tokagroup.com

We, and most of the population of the World, stood idly by while 3,000 US citizens were murdered that day. We accepted the preposterous explanations offered by a malign and corrupt US government - which included supposed 'hijacker' passports magically appearing in the street (despite all else being reduced to dust) - and did nothing. Even though approximately 50% of US citizens believe their government had a hand in what happened - the same proportion who believe the same about the murder of JFK in 1963. We can therefore hardly be surprised if those involved became emboldened.

In 2020 this same gang of crooks brought us the joys of 'covid' and subsequent 'lockdowns'. For those who choose to believe the BS trotted out by governments and their media allies, covid was a deadly disease and our only protection was to stay at home, wear ludicrous masks, then rush off to inject dubious, rushed to market chemicals, into ourselves (the current stats for heart diseases and new 'turbo' cancers tell their own story, or are a 'co-incidence' depending on what you choose to believe). For the 25% who didn't believe it all, nor got jabbed, the whole show looked remarkably similar to annual 'flu - which miraculously disappeared during the 'covid' years. 

Climate change is the latest, and greatest, BS we are all subject to (there are mountains of evidence to support this). If we go along with this scam it will lead to '15 minute cities' (read 'ghetto's'), gross restrictions on our liberty, and ultimately a World that looks very similar to communist China. And as you rightly say, it will also lead to charlatans like the one above making a lot of money.

Our equally corrupt IOMG is complicit in all of the above. We can argue amongst ourselves, complain about their ineptitude/corruption, but all the while we are the equivalent of frogs being quietly simmered in a saucepan. If you think it's bad now..



I beep at you every morning in Parliament Square - what an embarrassing diatribe of deluded word soup - keep your conspiracy shit to yourself and write a manifesto- this level of delusion with a touch of eloquent prose makes you an ideal MHK.

”Being reasonably well educated”…………….. Fuck me that means you turned up and weren’t expelled.

Insert C word emoji 

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1 hour ago, ricardo said:

“There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see.” 

 Leonardo da Vinci

On to which we need to add “Those who see that which is not there, and for which there is no evidence, but continue to spout bullshit because to do otherwise causes cognitive dissonance”

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