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Climate Change Progress Report

Moghrey Mie

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13 hours ago, Max Power said:

The climate was very different at various times in the past 2000 years of history, ranging from very warm to very cold, grapes were grown to produce wine for example. 

That is true. However, that is not the point. The point is the speed with which global warming took off in the last 150 years, as illustrated in the graph below. It seems that ‘natural’ fluctuations CO2 emissions (climate change) occurred until humanity started to industrialise (started burning lots of coal) in about 1850. After that global CO2 concentrations took off and are currently increasing at about 2.5ppm annually. In the 850 years prior to 1850, the increase in global CO2 concentrations was a big fat zero. The early data in this graph was extracted by analysing ice-cores and the later data was obtained by air ‘sampling’.

Increases in global CO2 concentrations are only headed one way – upwards. If current trends continue unabated in 2050 global CO2 concentrations will have increased from the current level of 420ppm to around 530ppm and average temperatures will have risen by another 1 degree centigrade.  Anyone who is alive after that is not going to be a happy bunny, no matter where on the planet they live - if nothing radical is done to stop this trend, eventually they will bring apocalypse after apocalypse.

NASA scientist James Hansen testified to the US Congress in 1988 that the harmful greenhouse gas emissions generated through burning coal/oil/gas were detected in the atmosphere and they were hurtling mother-nature off her ‘natural’ climate trajectory. His testimony was also backed by scientific research conducted by scientists who were working for ‘big oil’ companies but were forced to supress their findings in the same way as the tobacco companies tried to suppress the scientific research into smoking.

It is public knowledge that the tobacco companies have been successfully sued, I am hoping for similar successful outcomes against the fossil fuel industry.


Edited by code99
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14 hours ago, code99 said:

Climate change in ten graphs – Channel 4 News

I thought we were talking about weather and floods and ice and rain and snow not a very, very small temperature change which has happened before industry many times, skating on the Thames anyone? Tropical vegetation and shells on the point of Ayre? Sea levels that covered most of the Northern plain?

Volcanos that spew more pollutants in one day than mankind in a year, forest fires that do the same, countries that spew chemicals into the rivers and lakes, rockets and wars that kill, use Earths resources and devastate countries, flora and fauna and soil.

That's fine just corrupt and disrupt ways of life, it doesn't matter nature will win in the end whether I have an i/c car  or not so go ahead with your banning of fossil fuels on a little rock in the Irish sea but don't dare challenge China, Russia, USA, Brazil, Middle East, India, Pakistan or any of the other polluters that spew out more poison in a few minutes than the IOM does in a year.

I'm off to feed the horse so that I can go shopping and blow the methane it produces, (much worse than CO2 for the atmosphere). 

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1 hour ago, doc.fixit said:

I thought we were talking about weather and floods and ice and rain and snow not a very, very small temperature change...

"So far, global warming has been limited to a rise of around 0.75C since the end of the 19th century. This sounds like a small change, but the scientific evidence suggests it is already leading to a range of impacts around the world...these impacts includes changes to sea level, rainfall patterns, ecosystems and some kinds of extreme weather".

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Towards the end of the last ice age it all went totally haywire. 

The Ollerod oscillation raised temps by about 10C over a few decades.

The Younger Dryas dropped the temps by a similar amount and period. 

Lots of theories, but they don't know for certain what caused either. 

Edited by The Phantom
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31 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

How do you know? ....

You're right I don't know because I am not a scientist. But I trust the scientists who are experts in this field just like I trusted the experts who made Covid vaccines and the other experts who advised public to protect themselves by wearing face masks during the pandemic.

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18 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Listen to the science, they said. Educate yourself. Think of the children!

Here's a climatologist (not just any old scientist or schoolgirl truant).

But the reason you like this climatologist and not the ones who outnumber her by many orders of magnitude is not because you think her conclusions are scientifically more sound, it's because she's saying what you're prefer to hear.

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17 minutes ago, code99 said:

You're right I don't know because I am not a scientist. But I trust the scientists who are experts in this field just like I trusted the experts who made Covid vaccines and the other experts who advised public to protect themselves by wearing face masks during the pandemic.

Well, that really is our point of contention.

I believe that most scientists are genuinely striving for the truth but so often their theories are just that, attempts to get to the truth, quantum theory, make-up of the atom to name a few. (I won't bore you with all the theories that fairly recently have expanded, altered or been trashed). 

I don't believe that there is a definitive answer to understanding weather patterns yet, nor a definitive answer to what causes them to change, but, I do believe at some point we will have a clearer understanding.

Thanks for the rational discussion, I always put my view forwards in the hope of learning something and modifying it accordingly. 😎

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1 hour ago, code99 said:

"So far, global warming has been limited to a rise of around 0.75C since the end of the 19th century. This sounds like a small change, but the scientific evidence suggests it is already leading to a range of impacts around the world...these impacts includes changes to sea level, rainfall patterns, ecosystems and some kinds of extreme weather".

The graphs almost perfectly mirror the earths population. 

I wonder if............

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