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More uselessness from DBC


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6 hours ago, Amadeus said:


The island is decades behind the UK and other places when it comes to recycling. 

No its not. Where did you get this poor information and can you give me a reference?

Where they are ahead of us I reckon, is where the local councils have provided a working facility. My father in law has 3 bins and a tub

  • The grey bin is general waste and is collected fortnightly
  • The green bin is for paper, card, tins and plastic and is collected fortnightly using the same crusher trucks
  • The brown bin is for garden waste and collected fortnightly but at a cost
  • The tub is for glass and is collected by a private contractor weekly

It seems to work


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1 hour ago, Manxieover65 said:

It's quite ridiculous when I speak to one fella with a big family who has to wait months to assess if their family can use two bins when they live in a 5 bedroom house . Just give people two bins , those who want to recycle will and everyone can move on . 

Given this only started three weeks ago, can you confirm/document  the “to wait months”. 

I rang on 14/11, chased 21/11 ( by phone & e-mail ) and they came to see me on 24/11. I’ve been away for the weekend. The new larger 360l bin has arrived whilst I was away.

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This “Alex Christian” guy is losing credibility. Some of his latest comments on FB , particularly over mice is a sign that he’s running out of steam🤭. Poor Alex. Maybe go and meet the Councillors at the soon to be announced meeting. Make yourself known as Alex Christian and have a civil discussion. Maybe face to face with videos of your apartment block situation?😜

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5 hours ago, Cassie2 said:

Actually I am 50% German. I bet that raises your eyebrows!

Is that one of those facts that you don’t feel the need to explain? It’s just a fact. It’s
very confusing.

I know your comment was not addressed to me but to be honest for my eyebrows to raise would take more than that revelation.

My eyebrows have a mind of their own and are not easily raised.

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

People need to get a grip. It's not a dictatorship if you only have your bins emptied once a fortnight. Especially, if you can set up petitions and facebook groups and have a dimwit "national politician" like Ashford write pompous letters about it. This is democracy!

Give me a dimwit National Politican over some jumped up Germans and a pot head any day of the week . Of course its a dictatorship when they won't even comprehend that it's wrong . At least 700 members of douglas they work for agree . So again I'm entitled to my say if you like it or you don't.  As for it getting personal , Frank made it personal and I'm sure will lose no sleep over it and probably take this as a cue for another youtube video slagging the island off 😀 

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3 minutes ago, Manxieover65 said:

Give me a dimwit National Politican over some jumped up Germans and a pot head any day of the week . Of course its a dictatorship when they won't even comprehend that it's wrong . At least 700 members of douglas they work for agree . So again I'm entitled to my say if you like it or you don't.  As for it getting personal , Frank made it personal and I'm sure will lose no sleep over it and probably take this as a cue for another youtube video slagging the island off 😀 

Did you participate in the online survey? 

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4 minutes ago, Manxieover65 said:

Give me a dimwit National Politican over some jumped up Germans and a pot head any day of the week . Of course its a dictatorship when they won't even comprehend that it's wrong . At least 700 members of douglas they work for agree . So again I'm entitled to my say if you like it or you don't.  As for it getting personal , Frank made it personal and I'm sure will lose no sleep over it and probably take this as a cue for another youtube video slagging the island off 😀 

@Manxieover65 there are rules on here, that you signed up to fairly recently. You’re entitled to your opinions and say, but not to express them here if they’re racist or abusive. You’re very close to crossing the line.

Moderating team.

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6 minutes ago, Manxieover65 said:

Give me a dimwit National Politican over some jumped up Germans and a pot head any day of the week . Of course its a dictatorship when they won't even comprehend that it's wrong . At least 700 members of douglas they work for agree . So again I'm entitled to my say if you like it or you don't.  As for it getting personal , Frank made it personal and I'm sure will lose no sleep over it and probably take this as a cue for another youtube video slagging the island off 😀 

No it’s not at all. The scheme is only a few months old, DBC will work with people, it’s not that difficult. Plus apart from the usual few hotspots, I can’t see much litter or side waste at all. What I can see is Douglas Head Apartments fueling anger because they are not getting their own way… read between the lines peeps. By the way, DBC could have handled it better mind!

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I see “Marie Blackburn”, sorry Andy Green**** on FB is stirring it again. Off topic as per usual but appears well informed. Speaking to his chum Colin M. you know the one that got thrown out of the NSC, for smacking children… 

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Just now, Satan666 said:

I see “Marie Blackburn”, sorry Andy Green**** on FB is stirring it again. Off topic as per usual but appears well informed. Speaking to his chum Colin M. you know the one that got thrown out of the NSC, for smacking children… 

Smearing people who object now? Not a good look to be fair. Is this what council folk do when cornered? Get publicly nasty about some of the people contributing to their wages? 

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8 hours ago, Cassie2 said:

For goodness sake, Mr / Herr Shuengel, this totally defies belief. THE COUNCILLORS are the elected representatives of THE RATEPAYERS. As such they are the over-seers and employers of the staff. Or could it be that you, your fellow German Falk Horning (Chairman of the Environment etc Committee) and the other idiotic Councillors who supported this nonsense and have stayed silent ever since think that this is actually Germany in 1930s and that you can impose your will on We. The. People.

You have not resolved a single problem in this matter which now has approaching 700 people signed up to the Protest Group. A totally unprecedented number of protesters in this normally laid back place.

And yet you arrogantly dismiss all of them out-of-hand as irrelevant nobodies.

You have not actually supplied any helpful information let alone done anything concrete to change things for the better and repair the disaster you voted for and continue to support unquestioningly.

You have simply now just said that that you are frightened to upset internal applecarts in the shameful and badly broken Douglas Borough Council.

You need to look in a mirror and tell yourself that you are there to serve the people and not yourself, not your co-councillors and not the staff of Douglas Borough Council. And not your woke Uber Greenie Environmentalist dogmas either.

Many thousands of people are aware of how you all have acted and most will be sure to remember that.  


Don’t worry Amadeus. 700 people wandering what these lunatics are trying to communicate. 690 of them are just there for the crack. 

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8 minutes ago, Steady Eddie said:

Smearing people who object now? Not a good look to be fair. Is this what council folk do when cornered? Get publicly nasty about some of the people contributing to their wages? 

I ain’t no council folk sunshine. Just someone who can smell a rat (no pun intended) and is observing and occasionally pointing out the bare facts. 

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