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More uselessness from DBC


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32 minutes ago, cissolt said:

The news item makes it look pretty trivial - Bellamy knew what the law said, and DBC despite (presumably) taking legal advice did not, and still persisted. Maybe there is more to know.


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1 minute ago, Two-lane said:

The news item makes it look pretty trivial - Bellamy knew what the law said, and DBC despite (presumably) taking legal advice did not, and still persisted. Maybe there is more to know.


Maybe the improvement notice was serviced akin to the allegations of wrongdoing in DBC. That's why they didn't follow correct process.

I reckon it could also explain council silence on this. They're going to be shit scared about any properties they've touched now this is public.

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4 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

Maybe the improvement notice was serviced akin to the allegations of wrongdoing in DBC. That's why they didn't follow correct process.

I reckon it could also explain council silence on this. They're going to be shit scared about any properties they've touched now this is public.

Absolutely that and being daft enough to take Bellamy on in the first case who will have 100% covered his legal position in relation to this. Looks like they might have picked on the wrong target. 

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The whole Bellamy affair goes back to 2005 and is recounted in the full judgment (and boy is it full) here:

https://www.judgments.im/content/Judgment Delivered on 9 February 2023.pdf

There have been endless court cases about it, many of which Bellamy has lost.  This judgment says that DBC should pays his legal costs for some of them, but no other damages.  As Deemster Morris remarked rather dryly (para 236)

As to Mr Bellamy’s claim for additional damages for stress, inconvenience and his time, no evidence has been submitted to support these claims, particularise them or to quantify them. I do not propose to consider them further. In view of Mr Bellamy’s frequent appearance as a litigant in the Courts (including as a Claimant), I would in any event have taken a lot of persuasion that Mr Bellamy finds the process particularly stressful.

Both sides seem to have dug their heels in and you can't help feeling that Douglas deciding to reissue the notices correctly might have save them a lot of trouble.

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39 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

The news item makes it look pretty trivial - Bellamy knew what the law said, and DBC despite (presumably) taking legal advice did not, and still persisted. Maybe there is more to know.

They’ve done it before too. Bear in mind Princess Street has been the home of several mayors and DBC councillors over the years. This is back in 2018 where they were bullying the head of Mec Vannin over things they said needed doing on a property who then ended up swapping company ownership in a cat and mouse game to avoid succumbing to the actions of their building control department.


They don’t seem to be very good at going for clever folk like Kermode or Bellamy but perhaps focus instead on skint uninformed people who end up losing their property. 

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Oh, my. 

That is one of the most wrong posts ever. The Kermode house saga, you can't say they were bullying him, the house was falling down, Kermode was an absolute prick about it for years. completely refused to do the right thing. You've got that all wrong, DBC was completely inept, powerless really at getting anything done. In any reasonable society Kermode would have lost the house.

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