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27 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

So remind us all again, when was it you were sacked by DBC?

It's more simple than that. This is all still about Albert banning some posters. It's a grudge, pure and simple and an attempt to get back at Amadeus, Tatlock and MF. 

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17 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

It's more simple than that. This is all still about Albert banning some posters. It's a grudge, pure and simple and an attempt to get back at Amadeus, Tatlock and MF. 

To be honest Roxanne, Albert also banned me for a month because of drumming on about building control uncoverings, despite it being in the public press and outlets.

I understand why some people are holding grudges, I'm personally well past it.

Edited by NoTailT
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9 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

To be honest Roxanne, Albert also banned me for a month because of drumming on about building control uncoverings, despite it being in the public press and outlets.

I understand why some people are holding grudges, I'm personally well past it.

You weren’t happy but you recognised that it was out of your control and you just got on with it. You didn’t become vindictive, create several new user names and become inflammatory on purpose. I’m glad to hear you’re well past it. It’s better for you and your well-being. 

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10 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

You weren’t happy but you recognised that it was out of your control and you just got on with it. You didn’t become vindictive, create several new user names and become inflammatory on purpose. I’m glad to hear you’re well past it. It’s better for you and your well-being. 

I usually find Bushy's is better for me and my well-being.

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3 hours ago, Catrisk said:

Aside from your good self there’s only one internet big mouth here and that’s Councilor Frank who has to court a Twitter audience with inane shite 24/7 to draw attention to himself. Look I’m at a shit airport it’s so shit, oh look I’m at a shit EV charging point it’s so shit someone should do something about it. Look at me I’m speaking to someone on a roundel its shit etc etc. It’s just a shame he doesn’t do the same in relation to his own massive political and operational short comings and to the allegations of fraud leveled at the public authority he’s a member of. The very definition of a one-dimensional, two-faced, attention seeking internet shouty man really. 

Okay ex Council employee enjoying your pension

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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

It's more simple than that. This is all still about Albert banning some posters. It's a grudge, pure and simple and an attempt to get back at Amadeus, Tatlock and MF. 

What a completely ridiculous conspiracy theory. I have expressed an honest opinion about the fraud of a councilor who seems to use his own platform to slag off everything to do with the IOM but who appears to not like to be challenged about anything he might be responsible for. Simple as. No different and no better than the political Pygmy that is Michael Josem. The IOM is full of them. 

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3 hours ago, Catrisk said:

What a completely ridiculous conspiracy theory. I have expressed an honest opinion about the fraud of a councilor who seems to use his own platform to slag off everything to do with the IOM but who appears to not like to be challenged about anything he might be responsible for. Simple as. No different and no better than the political Pygmy that is Michael Josem. The IOM is full of them. 

Ok, you need to tone it down. I told you and your other sock puppet personas repeatedly where my line is. When it gets to legal territory fun time’s over. You have now repeatedly accused me of being involved in fraud. That’s crossing it. Why people like you think they have a good given right to abuse a private forum for your anger filled rants is beyond me but you’re not continuing. 

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10 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Ok, you need to tone it down. I told you and your other sock puppet personas repeatedly where my line is. When it gets to legal territory fun time’s over. You have now repeatedly accused me of being involved in fraud. That’s crossing it. Why people like you think they have a good given right to abuse a private forum for your anger filled rants is beyond me but you’re not continuing. 

Nobody needs to tone anything down Councillor. Although yet again you can’t respond coherently so you ban any account that dares to question your motivation in running this forum and start the same ludicrous threats of legal “things”.

Like Allan Bell when confronted with Peter Karan’s claims of “institutional corruption” you choose to deliberately misunderstand the meaning of the word fraud. In this situation it relates to a person or thing intended to deceive others typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with certain accomplishments or qualities. Which is exactly what you are doing by claiming credit for being some sort of open progressive council member whilst clearly being nothing of the sort at all.

How is the investigation going into the building controllers? How are the problems with waste disposal and the civil amenity site going? Has that bloke got his disgusting mold ridden flat cleaned yet? Douglas looks a complete state like some sort of poorly funded third world cesspit. Your only response so far has been to post pictures of the airport on Twitter and make accusations at the DOI rather than provide answers to Douglas ratepayers about how your own shoddy, dirty, incompetent little empire is being managed. That’s deliberate deception. That’s unjustifiably claiming credit for something that isn’t so. That’s pure deflection by switching to accusations of the competence of others as a deliberate distraction whilst clearly suppressing questions surrounding the competence of the agency that you yourself sit on. So basically in plain English terms it’s painting a fraudulent perception of what is really going on. When will you be effectively dealing with issues to do with Douglas Council and it’s failings rather than constantly throwing mud at other government agencies on social media? 

Edited by MrGarrison
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