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More uselessness from DBC


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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

When you start playing the ball, so will I.  There was a questionnaire, perhaps that is not the same as a full consultation, but views were sought. 

"When you start playing the ball, so will I."

Really? It's a bit disappointing to hear that sort of thing from you.

You told me that you'd taken part in a consultation and I took you at your word.
Yesterday Wells said there was no consultation. One of you is correct. I'm inclined to believe you.

Also, what did you mean when you stated , "I suspect we will hear little more from Reportage.  But look, Viddy Well has turned up! 😏?"


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14 minutes ago, John Wright said:

It’s not a question of “as required”. There’s no real requirement. People who weren’t recycling are now recycling, or recycling more than they did before. It’s a process of encouragement, public education, carrot/stick. And, maybe, I’m the future, if it’s not done voluntarily, it will be required, with penalties for non compliance.

There are other ways. Deposits on glass bottles. Recycling collection points that pay you for things fed in. It’s true the IoM hasn’t kept up. It’s also true that recycling as a practical thing on island May be hard to justify from either an economic or green point of view.

But, burning it in the incinerator isn’t a 100% option and landfill is too controversial to go back too on a large scale.

I see. Is it your hypothesis that 15% is the ceiling of what we can expect for Douglas (or anywhere for that matter) for the time being, pending wholesale sea-changes to packaging, incentivization, penalties, etc?


Edited by Viddy well
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2 minutes ago, Viddy well said:

"When you start playing the ball, so will I."

Really? It's a bit disappointing to hear that sort of thing from you.

You told me that you'd taken part in a consultation and I took you at your word.
Yesterday Wells said there was no consultation. One of you is correct. I'm inclined to believe you.

Also, what did you mean when you stated , "I suspect we will hear little more from Reportage.  But look, Viddy Well has turned up! 😏?"


I told everyone what I had received, not just you.  I misdescribed what I had received, it was a survey. 

As for your last paragraph, I meant exactly what I said.  

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I told everyone what I had received, not just you.  I misdescribed what I had received, it was a survey. 

As for your last paragraph, I meant exactly what I said.  

Okay - I think when I said there had been a consultation, you heard survey - that must be it. I don't think you misled me.

When I visualize a consultation, I think of the Isle of Man Government's consultations: a formal opportunity to contribute views followed by a publication of the consultation results and any changes made to the proposal as a result of the consultation.

Can I ask a personal question? You and some others have been dogged evangelists on this forum for the changes. I assume that you're coming from the contented majority. What are you actually trying to achieve with your contributions?

PS: If you think I'm Reportage, please review my posts. I'm an enquirer first and foremost, and not always right. That's not how I would characterize Reportage.

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15 minutes ago, Viddy well said:

I see. Is it your hypothesis that 15% is the ceiling of what we can expect for Douglas (or anywhere for that matter) for the time being, pending wholesale sea-changes to packaging, incentivization, penalties, etc?


No. It’s not my expectation. It’s not a hypothesis. It’s based on what has happened elsewhere in the world.

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43 minutes ago, Reportage said:

There was a good 80-100 people there you frothing at the mouth Onchan lunatic. This seems to be a very odd situation where social media lies seek to misrepresent reality. As Amadeus is the true master of IOM social media lies and manipulation that’s to be expected really. 

you really are deluded. 80-100 out of how many Douglas residents. They don't care...

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2 minutes ago, John Wright said:

No. It’s not my expectation. It’s not a hypothesis. It’s based on what has happened elsewhere in the world.

That's genuinely interesting. Falk said something similar yesterday when asked how the Council has assessed the likely impact of the change.

Of course, it's none of my business but what's the best you've seen achieved globally? Is there a stand-out example of recycling done properly in the context of a small island?

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1 minute ago, Viddy well said:

Okay - I think when I said there had been a consultation, you heard survey - that must be it. I don't think you misled me.

When I visualize a consultation, I think of the Isle of Man Government's consultations: a formal opportunity to contribute views followed by a publication of the consultation results and any changes made to the proposal as a result of the consultation.

Can I ask a personal question? You and some others have been dogged evangelists on this forum for the changes. I assume that you're coming from the contented majority. What are you actually trying to achieve with your contributions?

PS: If you think I'm Reportage, please review my posts. I'm an enquirer first and foremost, and not always right. That's not how I would characterize Reportage.

Thank you for the polite and considerate reply.

What am I trying to achieve? To add to the debate, nothing more.  I am from the contented majority, but I also understand that for some people there are practical stumbling blocks but unless those stumbling blocks are raised with those who can deal with them,  they can never be solved.  


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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Thank you for the polite and considerate reply.

What am I trying to achieve? To add to the debate, nothing more.  I am from the contented majority, but I also understand that for some people there are practical stumbling blocks but unless those stumbling blocks are raised with those who can deal with them,  they can never be solved.  


Hoc est forum.

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1 hour ago, Reportage said:

It’s up to the media or anyone directly connected to deny any familial link.

Still waiting for all those investigative journalists to butt in. 

But you're only saying that because you're David Ashford's secret love-child, supporting his bin campaign to get him back on CoMin.

Go on!  Prove you're not.

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I thought the meeting went rather well. DBC put lots of very useful material on to the record and if the animus persists, it will be easily proven or debunked.

There could have been an open-minded sharing of views - after all, who knew how valid the points made by the citizens could have been? However the inept statement that Wells read out to set the tone, well it certainly set the tone: 

"Here is what we believe and why our crusade is justified. Now that you've heard from us, get whatever it is off your chest and then go back to your tiny flats and bedsits and get on with it, because I drove around my estate and people like me seem to be okay." 

Governing isn't easy and however unprofessional and undignified, I can easily understand why DBC might develop resentment towards perceived trouble-making minorities ruining their signature, legacy initiatives. However, ignoring the voices of the MHKs present: that sets a very bad precedent for democracy and anyone aspiring to high office.

I suspect the fruits of yesterday's meeting will be in the April 2024 DBC elections, long after 100% of Douglas is happily recycling its 15%.

It will be interesting to mark the effect of yesterday's meeting as it resurfaces in April 2024, which of course it will. We shall see then how keen Douglas is to elect representatives who have shown their colors in petty office.

Edited by Viddy well
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3 hours ago, C Montgomery Burns said:

😂 That guy was sat a few seats in front of me he was going absolutely spastic everytime anyone asked a question. If he is related to her I could believe it the way he was going mental at people who wouldn’t tow the line.

The fact that you use language like this points to you being a dinosaur.

And it is toe the line. Not tow.

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8 hours ago, Reportage said:

I hope so and then the whole crass and embarrassing episode can be exposed for what it is. 


We will have a more detailed account of Monday’s meeting later on today … only we won’t because we’ve been got at.

Is that the crass embarrassing episode of you making unsubstantiated allegations that you can’t back up?

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