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More uselessness from DBC


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1 minute ago, Amadeus said:

I have checked this with the chief in person just now and this is not true. She does not have any relatives on island and this gentleman is not related to her. You need to apologise and tone it down. 

I know that this is untrue. It’s you who need to stop lying. 

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3 minutes ago, Reportage said:

So says another chirping forum windbag parroting what this forums admins would like to portray. That’s what you get when an unelected local Cllr who is a serial abuser of media and social media for his own ends gets to run his own little anonymous news empire. The fact is that Douglas Council has lied, has been dismissive, and simply failed to engage with the public they are supposed to represent. It’s also becoming very clear also how this Cllr uses social media to provide a completely illusory slant on the basic incompetence of himself and other councilors who seem to think that they are totally unaccountable to anyone. I suppose though that’s completely understandable when nobody actually voted for them anyway. Why should they be accountable to people who they didn’t need the votes of anyway to get into council? As most people in Douglas know they’ll be handing out Cllr jobs in Christmas crackers soon. It’s a shame that people who have no public mandate at all can be so staggeringly confrontational and arrogant when cornered when they have no moral authority to even be standing on the platform they have. 

You keep referring to councillors having “jobs” or “turning up to work”

I take it you are aware why that (is one of the things) that makes you look a bit stupid and difficult to take seriously?

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2 minutes ago, Reportage said:

I know that this is untrue. It’s you who need to stop lying. 

What can I even reply to that. You and Reason are clearly walking on different paths. I would like to remind you that you agreed to the terms of this forum when you signed up and you may wish to revisit them. 

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12 hours ago, John Wright said:

There’s a hurdle you’ve got to get over first, to hold your position, and that’s to establish the relationship. You haven’t. You can’t. It’s a pretty common gammon move, shout, loudly, make unsubstantiated allegations in the hope mud will stick, hope no one fact checks. When challenged dissemble and obfuscate.

If you can’t you’re in the firing line for letters before action from lawyers acting for both. You’ve alleged Kath acted unprofessionally on two counts, using a family member as a ringer and then not declaring to the meeting that Nick was related. You’ve alleged that Nick was acting as a stooge of DBC, and clearly that has lowered him in the estimation of some posters.

Ah, well, I’m not moderating anymore. Perhaps a councillor or two will draw your posts to the attention of Kath.

Created an account specifically to come on here and bleat about this one issue.  Perhaps one of the councillors turned him down for a date at some point so this is the only way he can get his rocks off?  As you say, gammony as shit.

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11 hours ago, Viddy well said:

I thought the meeting went rather well. DBC put lots of very useful material on to the record and if the animus persists, it will be easily proven or debunked.

There could have been an open-minded sharing of views - after all, who knew how valid the points made by the citizens could have been? However the inept statement that Wells read out to set the tone, well it certainly set the tone: 

"Here is what we believe and why our crusade is justified. Now that you've heard from us, get whatever it is off your chest and then go back to your tiny flats and bedsits and get on with it, because I drove around my estate and people like me seem to be okay." 

Governing isn't easy and however unprofessional and undignified, I can easily understand why DBC might develop resentment towards perceived trouble-making minorities ruining their signature, legacy initiatives. However, ignoring the voices of the MHKs present: that sets a very bad precedent for democracy and anyone aspiring to high office.

I suspect the fruits of yesterday's meeting will be in the April 2024 DBC elections, long after 100% of Douglas is happily recycling its 15%.

It will be interesting to mark the effect of yesterday's meeting as it resurfaces in April 2024, which of course it will. We shall see then how keen Douglas is to elect representatives who have shown their colors in petty office.

Unfortunately, with all the abuse hurled at councillors who receive no salaries from these positions, you're going to see a lot more uncontested seats.  Why would anyone with any sense take on these positions where you get abused whatever you do?  These are not professional politicians with access to spin doctors and media coaches. And pissing off a minority is certainly better than pissing off the majority, so they got that bit right.

None of the most vocal here would ever put themselves forward to show us how it all should be done.  Amiright?



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1 minute ago, Tailless said:

Unfortunately, with all the abuse hurled at councillors who receive no salaries from these positions, you're going to see a lot more uncontested seats.  Why would anyone with any sense take on these positions where you get abused whatever you do?  These are not professional politicians with access to spin doctors and media coaches. And pissing off a minority is certainly better than pissing off the majority, so they got that bit right.

None of the most vocal here would ever put themselves forward to show us how it all should be done.  Amiright?



Exactly right, most of the most vociferous whiners like offshore manc remain anonymous & don’t turn up p for the meeting 

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2 minutes ago, Tailless said:

Unfortunately, with all the abuse hurled at councillors who receive no salaries from these positions, you're going to see a lot more uncontested seats.  Why would anyone with any sense take on these positions where you get abused whatever you do?  These are not professional politicians with access to spin doctors and media coaches. And pissing off a minority is certainly better than pissing off the majority, so they got that bit right.

None of the most vocal here would ever put themselves forward to show us how it all should be done.  Amiright?



I have a feeling @Reportagehas only recently found out they don’t get paid and that this isn’t actually their job.  I fear his research skills aren’t the best

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2 hours ago, John Wright said:

There’s only one deranged harridan and that’s you, posting on here with your humongous Napoleon power complex. Little man who’s temporarily in the ( self made ) spot light and who’s only arguments are ad hominem personal attacks on council officials and councillors.

And then you get it wrong. N Rice has no link that you can demonstrate to K Rice. Repeating it doesn’t make it so.

C Wells does live in Douglas. Saying she lives in Braddan, and repeating it, does not make it so.

Thank you so much for this comedy gold. It made me laugh out loud!

I'm sure you're familiar with the saying "we only see in others that which is present within ourselves". Napoleon power complex indeed - from you that is truly priceless! Please keep them coming..

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3 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

I have a feeling @Reportagehas only recently found out they don’t get paid and that this isn’t actually their job.  I fear his research skills aren’t the best

I for one am grateful to anyone who volunteers to undertake these thankless positions and hold them to a lesser standard than MHKs/MLCs who do get paid. I am acquainted with a few of them and have no doubt they are trying to the best for Douglas even though I disagree with  some of their decisions. The new bins rollout was not the greatest, but they are aware of the problems and have been working to resolve them as attested to by others here.  I suspect things will be sorted in a relatively short time for 99%.  Of course, @Reportage and his few mates will be attempting to resurrect this nothingburger early 2024 when everyone (except these diehards) has moved on to things that are actually relevant to their lives. Most already have barely noticing this blip.

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1 hour ago, Reportage said:

So says another chirping forum windbag parroting what this forums admins would like to portray. That’s what you get when an unelected local Cllr who is a serial abuser of media and social media for his own ends gets to run his own little anonymous news empire. The fact is that Douglas Council has lied, has been dismissive, and simply failed to engage with the public they are supposed to represent. It’s also becoming very clear also how this Cllr uses social media to provide a completely illusory slant on the basic incompetence of himself and other councilors who seem to think that they are totally unaccountable to anyone. I suppose though that’s completely understandable when nobody actually voted for them anyway. Why should they be accountable to people who they didn’t need the votes of anyway to get into council? As most people in Douglas know they’ll be handing out Cllr jobs in Christmas crackers soon. It’s a shame that people who have no public mandate at all can be so staggeringly confrontational and arrogant when cornered when they have no moral authority to even be standing on the platform they have. 

So when was it you got turned down for a job at DBC then? You sound that bitter you'd make a lemon shudder

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2 hours ago, Reportage said:

You’re correct. They won’t report the true dialogue to save Claire Wells’ embarrassment for coming across as a deranged harridan who has a humongous power complex when it comes to her little empire being challenged. She was so dismissive of anyones views that she would have been better not attending the event at all rather than attending with a disgustingly dismissive attitude that was just insulting to anyone who had made the effort it turn up. Watching the 5 council members (plus the CEOs family stooge) being the only people to vote in support of their own actions at the end was the clear highlight of the night. It just showed what a delusional and detached from reality council Douglas has. Wells should resign. She has no public mandate as nobody voted for her anyway. She’s in there by default having achieved the sum total of zero votes from the people in her ward. She even lives in Braddan and clearly has no understanding of what it’s like to live in central Douglas. 

It's great to see a different perspective on this echo chamber - your anger is fully justified.

I arrived on the island in 2007, to help develop a business. At one point we helped support a film project and invited some established American film people over to help out. At one of our meetings a well-known, and decent, Manx character introduced himself and said 'Welcome to the World's most corrupt non-banana republic" to our US guests. My experience on the island at that time had only been positive so I wondered about the veracity of what he said to us. In the subsequent years I have come to fully understand and have been regularly surprised, sometimes shocked at how bent this little island is. In addition to the obvious nepotism, incompetence etc that you point to of course. Grotesque would be one word one could use, there are of course several others.

I do not know about the facts behind your feelings, but am sure that in some respects you are spot on. You are also right that many, perhaps most, of the stooges on, and moderating, this forum are simply more of the same. Ignore them. Many more read what is said but know better than to get involved. Sadly I suspect Happier Diner is correct - it is not that the ratepayers of Douglas don't care simply that they/we have been ground down by years of incompetence and, likely, corruption - certainly pathetic empire building. Anger is an absolutely appropriate response.. 




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Just now, Themis said:

It's great to see a different perspective on this echo chamber - your anger is fully justified.

I arrived on the island in 2007, to help develop a business. At one point we helped support a film project and invited some established American film people over to help out. At one of our meetings a well-known, and decent, Manx character introduced himself and said 'Welcome to the World's most corrupt non-banana republic" to our US guests. My experience on the island at that time had only been positive so I wondered about the veracity of what he said to us. In the subsequent years I have come to fully understand and have been regularly surprised, sometimes shocked at how bent this little island is. In addition to the obvious nepotism, incompetence etc that you point to of course. Grotesque would be one word one could use, there are of course several others.

I do not know about the facts behind your feelings, but am sure that in some respects you are spot on. You are also right that many, perhaps most, of the stooges on, and moderating, this forum are simply more of the same. Ignore them. Many more read what is said but know better than to get involved. Sadly I suspect Happier Diner is correct - it is not that the ratepayers of Douglas don't care simply that they/we have been ground down by years of incompetence and, likely, corruption - certainly pathetic empire building. Anger is an absolutely appropriate response.. 




You may have changed your name but you're not fooling anybody...🙄

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