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7 minutes ago, Reportage said:

It’s only their claim of non factual information. Wells lives in Saddlestone if it isn’t in Braddan then it’s on the outer, outer boundary of Douglas North and effectively Braddan for all intents of purposes. It’s a pedants point part of the estate is Braddan some of it Douglas. There is a familial link to the Council CEO that the papers would be well advised to look at. And Wells did totally get shown her arse at the meeting where at least 80 people (and probably more) were almost 100% (literally within 2 people) not in support of the measures at a public show of hands. And ALL Cllrs in the audience (plus the stooge), including Amadeus himself, did hilariously put their hands up in support of their own policy.

Do these daytime updates come from Macbeth’s?  It would explain how it was so easy to get to the Legion for 6, and about 95 percent of the content?

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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

It always amazes me how much people read into things. At least you have a vivid imagination. 

I'm unsure why imagination is needed, and implied. One of my early exchanges on the island was with a parent bemoaning the literal brown envelope of cash that was necessary to get his son into the fire service. I have heard many other similar tales over the years. Most island corruption is not so overt and is more nepotism and favours for mates - I'm sure I'm not saying anything here that most are unaware of.

It is offensive, but standard forum practice, that you immediately seek to rubbish a valid perspective. Offensive partly because an anonymous forum exists to allow viewpoints to be aired and moderators particularly should encourage, rather than rubbish those - whether they like, agree with, or even believe them.

It is mostly offensive though because the most shocking island corruption I have come across concerns child abuse, which was rampant, and seemingly organised on this island for far too many years. Hopefully that disgraceful period is now mostly historic but one of the prime candidates/organisers was one of the most senior island figures. This was known or suspected by many (I was once stopped in the street by an island advocate who knew but did not know what to do about it) but kept quiet. There are examples of island figures who tried to do something who were turned-on by the establishment and their lives made difficult, or worse.

This protective, closed-shop mentality remains pervasive - no imagination is necessary. The only way things will improve on this island is if and when we acknowledge how bad things actually are. New blood speaking openly and candidly is surely a start?

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1 minute ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’m sure those more familiar with the history of this forum know that when other posters start accusing people of being drunk it usually means that basically they’re out to discredit the content of the posts they make. It’s a tried and tested trolling and bullying technique used on here by the some people for years. Normally suggestive that someone has stumbled on an inconvenient truth that needs to be discredited. 

Or, that a post was largely bollocks.

For example, suggesting that someone doesn’t live in Douglas because they live close to the boundary with Braddan.  That is very clearly just absolute tosh.

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

You’d seem to be the expert on bollocks on here. I defer to your superior knowledge. 

Thanks.  It’s unfortunate that someone had to point out to you that you can’t say someone doesn’t live somewhere just because the part of where they live is quite close to somewhere else.

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38 minutes ago, Reportage said:

It’s only their claim of non factual information. Wells lives in Saddlestone if it isn’t in Braddan then it’s on the outer, outer boundary of Douglas North and effectively Braddan for all intents of purposes. It’s a pedants point part of the estate is Braddan some of it Douglas. There is a familial link to the Council CEO that the papers would be well advised to look at. And Wells did totally get shown her arse at the meeting where at least 80 people (and probably more) were almost 100% (literally within 2 people) not in support of the measures at a public show of hands. And ALL Cllrs in the audience (plus the stooge), including Amadeus himself, did hilariously put their hands up in support of their own policy.

Please note I am not saying that anything you have said is non-factual - I have no idea. What I do know is that there is an almost endless list of issues on this island that anyone who cares could justifiably be outraged about. Yours is a refreshing perspective. Please ignore the windbags, or worse, and keep going.. 😉

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22 minutes ago, Themis said:

It is offensive, but standard forum practice, that you immediately seek to rubbish a valid perspective. Offensive partly because an anonymous forum exists to allow viewpoints to be aired and moderators particularly should encourage, rather than rubbish those - whether they like, agree with, or even believe them.

Heh? This is a private site and while I will always defend the need for a place where people can post anonymously to avoid small island syndrome, there is no requirement for me or anyone else to encourage anything other than civilised debate maybe. You can post whatever you want within the rules and people can comment how they want within the rules.

Your Standard Practice comment is your opinion which in my opinion is misinformed but I don’t care enough to get drawn into stupid internet arguments anymore. Everyone can decide for themselves if what they read here is fruit loop territory or valid evidence of something. 

You must think this place is administered from a secret bunker underneath the Freemasons hall and staffed with government censors. The reality is much more boring that that. 

You can be offended all day long if you want, but remember that there’s no right to be offended and the world doesn’t just work according to your preferences. 

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46 minutes ago, Reportage said:

 Wells lives in Saddlestone if it isn’t in Braddan then it’s on the outer, outer boundary of Douglas North and effectively Braddan for all intents of purposes. 

we're only 20 miles from scotland , does that mean for all intents and purposes we are  scotish ?

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18 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’m sure those more familiar with the history of this forum know that when other posters start accusing people of being drunk it usually means that basically they’re out to discredit the content of the posts they make. It’s a tried and tested trolling and bullying technique used on here by the some people for years. Normally suggestive that someone has stumbled on an inconvenient truth that needs to be discredited. 

As Del boy would say - plume de ma tante

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18 minutes ago, Reportage said:

The funniest thing going really now that it’s been raised in another thread is that I’ve been accused of making things up by someone who is shortly up in court for perjury. You really couldn’t make it up. 

He's easily the most inadvertently amusing poster on here! There's much about the little old IoM that one couldn't make up - sadly most of it is far from amusing.

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11 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

You don’t have to point anything out to me as I can read. Your aimless trolling is adding to a thread that is already melting down. I’m not interested in where anyone lives although I’d guess if you asked most people where Saddlestone was 50% of people would say Braddan and 50% would probably say Douglas - so I wouldn’t get bent out of shape about it. 

The troll accusing others of trolling 😂

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