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More uselessness from DBC


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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Reading between the lines this seems to have not so subtly shifted into an attack on MF rather than a debate on the original subject. It's quite sinister and should stop (or be stopped) before lasting damage is done. I'm no fan of JW, but this episode feels to me as though the waters are being tested for vulnerability now he isn't around presiding over proceedings. If this is not the case, it's very odd that it should all blow up just now.

Don't rise to it.

Geoff Corkish rears his ugly head again!

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12 minutes ago, Inky said:

Fantasist Frank 

This is the story of an unaccountable man on an unaccountable council who really is only there to try to build up an image for himself so that he can stand for Tynwald next time round. He doesn’t care about the people of Douglas and he only really cares about his image as a social media crusader who lives his life on his phone posting shit in an almost obsessional way about how great he is. It’s the story of a man even more delusional and obsessed with power than fellow south Douglas political failure and general all round political clown Michael Josem. Which may well explain why he publicly holds Josem in such disregard and as a result devotes so much of his time online obsessionally rubbishing everything he does and making sure that everyone hears about it. I’d suggest that really he is envious of his Australian counterpart and runner up for most failed and ridiculous politician in Manx history. Because one day he might well beat him into the house of Keys and that would be embarrassing. 

The real master stroke though is his malevolent influence over IOM social media. Even to the point that many of the legitimate posters on the Douglas Refuse Collection Facebook page have found themselves reported to Facebook and had their accounts locked as alleged spammers. Such is the council he sits on’s obsessional attention to detail when attacking the people who pay their rates. In addition they are now paying for targeted ads too with ratepayers money in order to target media content to attempt to directly discredit some of the claims publicly made by residents. This isn’t therefore the behaviour of normal people. It’s the behaviour of a monstrously out of control despotic cabal of already out of control despots in an attempt to cover their arses because if it all blows up any further his, Watsons & Bentley’s political aspirations in Keys next time round will go up in smoke. So it’s a literal coven of ass covering and general covert activity directed at some of the very people who keep town hall funded. 

No only content with manipulating social media this also appears to be a person who seems happy to abuse their own position as a moderator of a public forum by playing a very political game of pretending they didn’t delete posts and posters but that a new admin they hurriedly appointed in five minutes did instead. It’s all a big mistake. How awful. Well if someone like Josem had done that it would all be plastered all over the same forum, or if someone like Rob Callister or David Quirk did something on social media that looked crooked or untoward it would be mentioned for pages and pages and pages. But when honest Frank gets accused of something his whole forum goes into meltdown and everything has to disappear pronto. It smacks of pure media manipulation in true Rupert Murdoch fashion. Nothing less. 

There are resignations being sought on Douglas Council and he and Wells should be top of the list. They have no credible public support and achieved the grand total of a full Eurovision round of ‘null points’ at the polls. Yet they lord it over the public and actively spend their time pursuing campaigns against the very people they are supposed to represent. The press may well want to spare the corporations embarrassment for a shocking public display this week but many residents don’t. They put on an awful display that would have made the grottiest and most corrupt banana republic or morally bankrupt communist cesspit look good in comparison. A shameful public display of disinterest and appalling arrogance and all over bin collections. It’s hard to imagine a worse panel of genuinely appalling individuals who should not even be left in charge of emptying peoples bins. 


I have met Albert and Amadeus irl.  They are real people and Albert is not a fake account set up by Amadeus.  The reason for the deletions has been explained.  There is no manual for being a mod, perhaps there should be.  

You are reading way too much into things and coming to the wrong conclusion. 

FFS, this all kicked off because people were being asked to accept fortnightly rubbish collections, something that is easily achievable if they increase their recycling.  Hardly a huge infringement on your rights as a citizen.  It has all got just bonkers. 

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We've done this alleged bias to death now. There is no bias on MF. The thread's staying open.

Any posts hidden by how I banned an abusive poster are either now restored or getting restored.

Let's keep to the issues.

Any more personality bollox and the ban hammer's coming out.

Meanwhile, the other 12 councillors that voted for this are getting away unscarred.

90% of members agree...so move on or ship out.

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1 minute ago, Albert Tatlock said:

We've done this alleged bias to death now. There is no bias on MF. The thread's staying open.

Any posts hidden by how I banned an abusive poster are either now restored or getting restored.

Let's keep to the issues.

Any more personality bollox and the ban hammer's coming out.

Meanwhile, the other 12 councillors that voted for this are getting away unscarred.

90% of members agree...so move on or ship out.

You megalomaniac, you. 

How about stopping any new accounts for a period until things cool down? 

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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

FFS, this all kicked off because people were being asked to accept fortnightly rubbish collections. 

To be fair I think the debate moved swiftly on a while ago to who even voted for any these f**kers. That seems to be the real issue. 

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4 minutes ago, BriT said:

To be fair I think the debate moved swiftly on a while ago to who even voted for any these f**kers. That seems to be the real issue. 

Well, was the democratic process not followed?  They have been elected or no other candidate stood, so they are the legitimate representatives.  If you want to blame anyone,  blame an apathetic electorate. 

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5 minutes ago, BriT said:

To be fair I think the debate moved swiftly on a while ago to who even voted for any these f**kers. That seems to be the real issue. 

What’s the alternative if nobody else wants to stand or be considered for the voluntary positions?  Just don’t fill them?

Although that might sound attractive it kind of buggers up the running of the place if nobody is prepared to stand up and be counted.

How many votes do you think you would get?

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

You megalomaniac, you. 

How about stopping any new accounts for a period until things cool down? 

People are welcome back...but need to stick to the basic rules i.e.

...don't put yourself or the forum at risk, and don't be excessively aggressive to others on here.

Otherwise...sorry...but you'll be gone.

I've been a member of this forum since 2006 and intend to protect it...and protect all the free speech people can't get by being themselves elsewhere.

It's not complicated.

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5 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

People are welcome back...but need to stick to the basic rules i.e.

...don't put yourself or the forum at risk, and don't be excessively aggressive to others on here.

Otherwise...sorry...but you'll be gone.

I've been a member of this forum since 2006 and intend to protect it...and protect all the free speech people can't get by being themselves elsewhere.

It's not complicated.

It isn't complicated, and of course you guys must make your own minds up.  

The problem is, if someone you is banned just opens a new account, they should not be welcomed back.  They should accept their time in the cooler and reflect.  That is the point of the ban. 

Once they have served their ban, then of course welcome them back. 

Edited by Gladys
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28 minutes ago, BriT said:

What lasting damage could be done to an anonymous forum largely of angry folk generally talking shite? 

I would consider the loss of the forum because nobody is prepared to take the shit of being involved in running it anymore to be lasting damage, wouldn't you? Everyone has their limit and it seems that some people are out to test those limits possibly to destruction.

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