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More uselessness from DBC


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23 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

I've been a member of this forum since 2006 and intend to protect it...and protect all the free speech people can't get by being themselves elsewhere.

Well said. 

Closure of this site would suit many of the people and organisations who often receive its focus and scrutiny. In some way it is a form of accountability in public that some may not desire. We wouldn't get that anywhere else and that lack of transparency would not be in the public's favour in my view. We all know the standard of reporting events in the news and the use of the media to support Government policies.

For those demanding heads from Councillors, look up the standards committee on their behaviours - 7 Nolan principles. If there has been a breach of them then follow what it advises. 

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3 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Geoff was a useless leech but where is all this shutting down the forums stuff coming from? It’s not coming from government this time it’s coming from it’s own moderators. It’s very different to that thread. 

Yes, because they have had enough and who can blame them, much as I would miss the place. 

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5 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Geoff was a useless leech but where is all this shutting down the forums stuff coming from? It’s not coming from government this time it’s coming from it’s own moderators. It’s very different to that thread. 

That's the irony I had in mind when posting the link. But it's coming in the face of provocation that everyone can do without.

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Geoff was a useless leech but where is all this shutting down the forums stuff coming from? It’s not coming from government this time it’s coming from it’s own moderators. It’s very different to that thread. 

Its not the first time. Ans considered it. 

Truth is that in the last couple of years, or three, Ans, Gladys, Slinky and I have all got to the stage where we’d had enough. Yes, external factors in part, but also the difficulties caused by posters who think they have a god given right to post anything and everything without one thought about the consequences. And when requested to tone it down think it’s fine to attack the moderators.

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

But why have they had enough? Presumably as the target is now the moderators and not everyone else as previously was the case? 

You do not know the half of it.  Also, the attacks became very personal, the mods are unpaid volunteers and carry a substantial burden to keep things on the right track.  

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From the Council's documentation.

"11.2 Principles of Decision Making.

All decisions of the Council will be made in accordance with the following principles ... (b) decisions being taken on the basis of due consultation ... [etc.]"

On Monday, Wells stated that no public consultation was required on this particular issue.

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3 minutes ago, Inky said:

No people are being asked to accept multiple unelected assholes to make decisions for them. And even when they disagree with those assholes it doesn’t make any difference. There is a much wider agenda here than bins. If people don’t get that then they must be terminally stupid. 

So stand next time...you don't need to be a personality...just show a bit of commonsense. And write it down and stuff it in a letterbox.

You'll have at least 3 people helping you before you know it.

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I acquiesce that in a democracy the majority wins, but as a left wing eco-conscientious Remainer, although I don’t give up on my causes I know that after a loss my best option is to believe that next time it ‘will prevail’. What undermines democracies, and dangerously does so, is when the majority wallows in their victories so much so that they then snub and ignore (ultimately to their peril) the viewpoints of the ‘defeated’.

A seemingly trivial argument over a fortnightly bin collection should be resolvable through cooperation and exchange of views with mutual respect. Instead, this issue has become a festering political sore, not been helped by Claire Wells issuing statements along the lines of ‘ideological resistance to recycling’... These types of statements make ordinary people feel like they are being unfairly treated, not listened to and generally marginalised and disenfranchised. Douglas is a tiny ‘city’ on a small island; Douglas is not an impersonal Metropolis, or some Orwellian dystopia run by faceless bureaucrats - it needs to be a community and have a unifying community spirit. Heavy handedness, an ‘us vs them’ approach will not work in a small community like this - it will only perpetuate resentment and mistrust of our public institutions and lay a fertile ground where all sorts of bonkers conspiracy theories will flourish.

Reading the BBC coverage of this ludicrous parish-pump politics on full display on Monday made me cringe. One can’t help but think that this is a perfect case to argue the amalgamation of the IoM LAs into a single authority. I am sure lessons will be learnt, but Claire Wells should nevertheless resign from her role as Council Leader so that everyone involved can reset/ reboot the relations between DBC and the wider Douglas community to make a fresh start, IMHO.   

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22 hours ago, BriT said:

It just sounds farcical. What have these mystery people done? I’ve never heard of any of them apart from the one who started this thread. Why are you concerned about what they post enough to deleted it? Most of it looked fairly harmless to me. 

Oh FFS, just give it a rest.  We know what your opinion is - no need to keep bleating on about it.  Start your own damned forum if you're that arsed.

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3 minutes ago, Inky said:

No people are being asked to accept multiple unelected assholes to make decisions for them. And even when they disagree with those assholes it doesn’t make any difference. There is a much wider agenda here than bins. If people don’t get that then they must be terminally stupid. 

It doesn't matter if they received no votes - that's just how representational democracy works. We're not normally used to the fact a person can stand and there won't be at least somebody against them. However the rules are simple: by default, an unelected person gets the seat.

This theme is one of several that are creating unnecessary friction, the others being:

* the "recycling is good" vs "the choice to recycle should be a personal freedom"

* the endless ad homs

* the conceit that the moderators are trying to control the story by deleting posters' contributions on purpose.

These elements are a distraction from the core issue, which is that DBC have decided to run an experiment to see if they can force the recycling rate up by brute force and it is causing genuine despair for *some* people caught up in it. They've been offered a sensible option by Claire Christian, who advocated rolling the change back and then doing it properly (proper consultation, assessments and adjustments and then switch again to fortnightly collections).

They've declined and it appears to some that dogma trumps inclusiveness.

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15 minutes ago, Inky said:

No people are being asked to accept multiple unelected assholes to make decisions for them. And even when they disagree with those assholes it doesn’t make any difference. There is a much wider agenda here than bins. If people don’t get that then they must be terminally stupid. 

You don’t have to accept it.  You can stand in your own right as an asshole and see which asshole more people vote for?

But you won’t, you will just post here and grump about something that you could actually change if you wanted to without having the balls to try.

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