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More uselessness from DBC


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2 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well not the final word.

Is it really not time that Douglas Borough Council recognized the groundswell of public opinion against this reduction in the refuse collection service.

Its clearly not just a few malcontents protesting. 

The implications of this change are clear. Rubbish left out on the streets, Civil amenity sites having to close due to lack of capacity.

Post Christmas the countryside may be awash with Amazon cardboard parcels.

Can they not just  say “ sorry we got it wrong, we will revert back to the way it was”

And those who feel they only need fortnightly collections can do their bit by only putting their bins out only fortnightly.

I would agree if I didn't suspect there has been a degree of obstinacy. 

As I have said a few times, I experienced a change to segregation of recycling and fortnightly collections (recycling and other waste alternating each week).  There was no gathering of opinion or visits to help identify how you could modify your habits to suit, we were just given a recycling bin one week and told this is how it is to happen from now on.  

We were a family of 4, with one child still in nappies, and had 2 step children staying part of the week also.  We never had an overflowing bin and it just worked.

But, the major difference was that all the recycling went into the recycling wheelie bin to be sorted somewhere else.  Glass could not be put in that bin and had to be taken to bottle banks.  So it was easier than finding somewhere to stack the recycling crates we have here. 

Having said that, apart from having somewhere to store the boxes and the rather poor covers, the system works OK for me. 

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14 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well not the final word.

Is it really not time that Douglas Borough Council recognized the groundswell of public opinion against this reduction in the refuse collection service.

Its clearly not just a few malcontents protesting. 

The implications of this change are clear. Rubbish left out on the streets, Civil amenity sites having to close due to lack of capacity.

Post Christmas the countryside may be awash with Amazon cardboard parcels.

Can they not just  say “ sorry we got it wrong, we will revert back to the way it was”

And those who feel they only need fortnightly collections can do their bit by only putting their bins out only fortnightly.

Cant wait for the next Douglas council election  and vote these arrogant people out ,  it seems thats the only recourse open to the ratepayers if their representatives don't listen to what  they are being told !

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26 minutes ago, FANDL said:

I, like many, enjoyed your coverage of the national elections, but you seem to have lost your edge since. First the sloppy research (and stroppy response) and now bending some innocent words with a crowbar to somehow compare a local council leader to the world's biggest terrorist over some bin collections? This is German-level humour and bargain basement quality writing that I am sure would have left HJT unimpressed. Did you really write that, proof it, and think "Yep, that's great, that's what I'm going to go with!" ?

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7 minutes ago, Gladys said:

They would say they are still collecting your rubbish, just they require it to be segregated. 

Yes, the same volume is still being collected, just in different ways and on different days. 

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1 minute ago, Amadeus said:

I, like many, enjoyed your coverage of the national elections, but you seem to have lost your edge since. First the sloppy research (and stroppy response) and now bending some innocent words with a crowbar to somehow compare a local council leader to the world's biggest terrorist over some bin collections? This is German-level humour and bargain basement quality writing that I am sure would have left HJT unimpressed. Did you really write that, proof it, and think "Yep, that's great, that's what I'm going to go with!" ?

Whilst I don’t agree with @FANDL sentiments, I thought the bin and laden quip was effective. 

Perhaps it’s linguistic or national stereotype that means you don’t get it.

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As I may have mentioned previously we live in Ramsey. Some years ago our big green bins were replaced by smaller blue ones. That’s fine for us we  are a household of two. As regards recycling we have access to a car and a civic amenity site less than a couple of miles away access to which is largely on clear roads and the staff are most helpful.

So we can recycle all our wine bottles etc and feel quite virtuous about it. We can even take them to the recycling facility at Shoprite which is even closer.

My virtuosity would be stretched through by having to drive from the other side of Douglas to the amenity site and having to have a significant wait to dump my rubbish( as friends have told me) or finding it closed due to it being used to much.

So hats off to Ramsey Town Commissioners for not following suit and providing adequate recycling facilities 

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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2 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Yes, the same volume is still being collected, just in different ways and on different days. 

Same mass. Not necessarily volume, if people are crushing cans and compressing plastics and successfully flattening cardboard..

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6 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

I, like many, enjoyed your coverage of the national elections, but you seem to have lost your edge since. First the sloppy research (and stroppy response) and now bending some innocent words with a crowbar to somehow compare a local council leader to the world's biggest terrorist over some bin collections? This is German-level humour and bargain basement quality writing that I am sure would have left HJT unimpressed. Did you really write that, proof it, and think "Yep, that's great, that's what I'm going to go with!" ?

Only one of us has lost it councilor. 

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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

As I may have mentioned previously we live in Ramsey. Some years ago our big green bins were replaced by smaller blue ones. That’s fine for us we  are a household of two. As regards recycling having access to a car and a civic amenity site less than a couple of miles away access to which is largely on clear roads and the staff are most helpful.

So we can recycle all our wine bottles etc and feel quite virtuous about it. We can even take them to the recycling facility at Shoprite which is even closer.

My virtuosity would be stretched through by having to drive from the other side of Douglas to the amenity site and having to have a significant wait to dump my rubbish( as friends have told me) or finding it closed due to it being used to much.

So hats off to Ramsey Town Commissioners for not following suit and providing adequate recycling facilities 

You have to ask why people are going to the amenity site.  I didn't think they took organic household waste and you can ask for more boxes for recycling. 

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