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More uselessness from DBC


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3 minutes ago, John Wright said:

You were on the correct page. Need to follow the links.

You mean this link?


I think I need to borrow your glasses too.

There should be hyper-links to downloadable pdf files under the images at the top of the page - that is what users expect.

I suppose I could suggest that you stick to the lawyering stuff and I'll do the sarcastic comments about web page design. But I that would just get me banned.

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19 minutes ago, Steady Eddie said:


Soft Douglas Sh1ts

In Jurby we have Alligator's, Hippos and them small Kangaroo things eating out of our bins.

All sorts of things that have escaped the Wild Life Park over the years and has been hushed up.

That red bear thing that died recently, what a twat, he would come into your house and curl one out while looking you straight in the eye, Cute? Cu7t...


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32 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

You mean this link?


I think I need to borrow your glasses too.

There should be hyper-links to downloadable pdf files under the images at the top of the page - that is what users expect.

I suppose I could suggest that you stick to the lawyering stuff and I'll do the sarcastic comments about web page design. But I that would just get me banned.

Fully agree about the crap web design. In my defence the link comes up clear, readable and copies as such on my device. I’m not moderating or banning. I’ve retired. Keep up.


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59 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

It's not working in the UK, though.

I had it where I was living in the UK, before I moved here, and it was horrible. It'll be equally horrible here.

I'm against it simply because I've lived with it before and it was nasty.

ETA: where I lived before also had proper recycling wheelie bins, paper/plastic/tin in the bin and a caddy for glass. Batteries and fabric could be left in a bag in the caddy too. And, despite doing it properly, it was still disgusting opening the normal bin with two-week-old waste nicely stewing in the bottom.

It only ended up working in the UK because everyone ended up with 4 wheelie bins for different reasons and each one is collected differently over the fornight. That's 4 different bins being collected on different days.

Of all things for the council to focus saving money on, this does seem like the most silly still.

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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

4 out of 355 public bins have been temporarily removed. Seems that has happened before when commercial outlets misused them, so not really a new thing. Appreciate how it looks though. 

So next will be a headline about litter being a problem in certain areas of Douglas and more staff will need to be hired along with buying uber AI solar powered (don't want to make the same mistake as the gas powered vans* now do we) pavement vacuum cleaners etc.  And more CCTV to catch the culprits of course.

This is not rocket science, the implementation has been a farce from the start. Always seem to be reacting instead of anticipating. Hopefully, the residents will see the benefits with a lower headcount and other savings on the rates. But I doubt it.

I'm assuming at some stage DBC will start charging by weight (they already do for commercial thats why each bin has an ID affixed) then the real fun will begin. Government, big or small, only ever grows like a weed and invades more and more of your life.

*did they get a full refund?

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

That's what the incinerator is for! 

What some haven't realised is that as the incinerator volumes fall less energy will be produced which in turn means that they'll have to keep injecting fuel oil to keep it alight. The incinerator was designed to create energy but some clods can't or won't see that.

What's wrong with these people?

Careful! 🤫 the green thought police will come a knocking. Repeat after me... "There is no incinerator, only the Energy from Waste Plant"....  

What ever happened to the fly ash? Is it still up Jurby somewhere?

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16 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Careful! 🤫 the green thought police will come a knocking. Repeat after me... "There is no incinerator, only the Energy from Waste Plant"....  

What ever happened to the fly ash? Is it still up Jurby somewhere?

Don't know if they did but they were going to spread it around Archallagan like the tunnel spoil in the Great escape.

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

That's a bit amusing. I made a search (just for fun) and found that the Corp. website says:

"For collection schedules please see 'Contact Details' opposite."

Where the Contact Details gives you a phone number to ring - but not at this time of night.

Welcome to the Digital Isle of Man.

Yep , I went down that route too...muppets .

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2 minutes ago, finlo said:

Don't know if they did but they were going to spread it around Archallagan like the tunnel spoil in the Great escape.

I think they did something like that in London many years, using incineration waste for footpaths. Only it was found to be full of dioxins and heavy metals so they had to dig it all up again at great expense.


A more recent event.

Of course, we'd never do anything like that.

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40 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Careful! 🤫 the green thought police will come a knocking. Repeat after me... "There is no incinerator, only the Energy from Waste Plant"....  

What ever happened to the fly ash? Is it still up Jurby somewhere?

Even though the efw plant is basically an incinerator that has a boiler and with a steam turbine bolted on

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9 hours ago, Two-lane said:

People do not "generate rubbish" - they spend money. Just about everything that ends up in the bin originates in a purchase from a business. If everyone went extreme and reduced their expenditure to near-zero, Douglas Council would not be making much money from business rates.

Some people buy a lot more waste than others. It's largely a lifestyle choice. The raw ingredients with which to make quality affordable meals involve relatively little packaging. You've got other people going through multiple bottles of wine every week and living on ready meals packed in huge amounts of cardboard, plastic and polystyrene.

Edited by genericUserName
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