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More uselessness from DBC


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10 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

One of bins that was removed was the dog waste bin up governors hill it was getting filled up by residents in the flats so people couldn't put dog waste in anyway. 

most of the dog bins suffer from that fate , usually work vans having a clear out of chip wrappers and pop bottles.

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17 minutes ago, WTF said:

most of the dog bins suffer from that fate , usually work vans having a clear out of chip wrappers and pop bottles.

Quite.  Rather than just publishing the 'Council removes litter bins' headline, making everyone assume they all had been, Gef actually bothered to ask the Corpy what was going on:

When we asked Douglas Council how many bins have been removed, a spokesperson said that out of the 355 public bins across the capital, it has removed four of them.

They added: ‘This isn’t new actually as bins are sometimes temporarily removed as their use is abused by either households or commercial operators. The temporary removal normally lasts a month or two.’

The spokesperson also explained that staff know when bins are being used for household waste because they are stuffed with black bags.

They said: ‘On those occasions, they go through the rubbish and if they can identify where it has come from, they receive a visit from the Community & Enforcement team.  

So all the hysteria is about 4 bins out of 355, just as the massacre of hanging baskets turned out to be just 5 out of 600 plus.  I think some people just like getting their knickers in a twist.

Edited by Roger Mexico
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2 hours ago, 2bees said:

Is this the right thread to talk about Douglas bins? I was happy, didn’t mind two weekly collections, had set two weekly reminders, one for recycling and one for t’other bins, life was great. But then “people are abusing the bin men” “people are putting domestic rubbish in litter bins, we’re taking the bins away” - hold on… you’re doing what? Taking the fucking bins away? Douglas council are off their heads. No one has abused the bin men, this is absolute garbage, who would do that? That’s like telling the milk man off because the price of milk has gone up, nooo clowncil, you’re liars and imbeciles. 

Self serving, self important, inflated ego and that woman… who even are you? Leader of the clowns - well done! Anyway, not to put too fine a point on it, I’m no longer happy and will support any protests Douglas residents wish to cause/make! 


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6 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

The spokesperson also explained that staff know when bins are being used for household waste because they are stuffed with black bags.

They said: ‘On those occasions, they go through the rubbish and if they can identify where it has come from, they receive a visit from the Community & Enforcement team.  

That actually looks like fun. Maybe I’ll try leaving a black bag stuffed with bills and receipts in a public bin and see if I get a visit from DBC Community Enforcement. I wonder what lectures they hand out to litter bin abusers? It’s all getting a bit 1984 in Douglas that’s for sure. Sad little empires clearly have to be enforced with zero tolerance. 

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1 hour ago, Steady Eddie said:

You get the impression that most peoples beef isn’t really about the bins at all but the high handed and seemingly despotic approach being taken by DBC. I watched that video all the way through and to be honest even her facial expressions when questioned are so dismissive. It’s like ‘Do you know who I am’ and at one stage she even smirks like she finds the question simply beneath her to answer. I can see why some are calling for her to resign so she appears to have treated a lot of those people with pure contempt. But when they’re reduced to bin snatching to “enforce” behaviours you know they’ve totally lost it. They come across as jumped up nobodies who are simply power tripping 

Your constant anti DBC interpretation of everything is getting really tiresome. She and Falk faced a room filled with people hostile towards the measure. I’ll be blunt and say I’m not in her inner circle of friends and don’t always agree with her on things, but I have to defend her here. She was nervous and trying to handle the situation as good as she could. You’re misreading things, I assure you. The two also spent a lot of time preparing for this and genuinely listened. We also received and handled a number of follow up queries. 

And please stop this silly power tripping despotic talk. We’re talking about a local council and a change to the bins that the vast majority of people have not had issues with and that has been in operation elsewhere on the island for years. Yet you make it sound like we’re holed up in the Wolfsschanze and planning to annex Poland. Seriously, have a mince pie and take a break. 

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4 minutes ago, Steady Eddie said:

That actually looks like fun. Maybe I’ll try leaving a black bag stuffed with bills and receipts in a public bin and see if I get a visit from DBC Community Enforcement. I wonder what lectures they hand out to litter bin abusers? It’s all getting a bit 1984 in Douglas that’s for sure. Sad little empires clearly have to be enforced with zero tolerance. 

And again. If you compare how we handle things here and how some councils in the UK act, you’ll find that things are very relaxed here. Fines and legal steps are the very last resort and I’m not even aware of any cases where anything like this would have happened. It’s anything but zero tolerance. It’s super duper tolerance. 

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8 minutes ago, Steady Eddie said:

That actually looks like fun. Maybe I’ll try leaving a black bag stuffed with bills and receipts in a public bin and see if I get a visit from DBC Community Enforcement. I wonder what lectures they hand out to litter bin abusers? It’s all getting a bit 1984 in Douglas that’s for sure. Sad little empires clearly have to be enforced with zero tolerance. 

Be even better to type up some envelopes with someone else's  name / address and put them in the bin

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12 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Your constant anti DBC interpretation of everything is getting really tiresome. She and Falk faced a room filled with people hostile towards the measure. I’ll be blunt and say I’m not in her inner circle of friends and don’t always agree with her on things, but I have to defend her here. She was nervous and trying to handle the situation as good as she could.

If reading the 5 odd comments I’ve made here is tiresome for you then maybe you’ve not cut out to be a councillor? I was commenting on what I picked up on when I watched the videos. I’m sure other people picked up on some of those points too. If you don’t think that’s fair then fair doos. But don’t tell me how I should have watched a video and what conclusions I should have drawn from it. I’m an adult. 

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I'm not going to get involved in personal abuse of the personalities involved - that's totally the wrong tack to take since the arguments here are with policy, not with people. 

That being said, DBC seem to have lost sight of their core functions. It was said at the start of all this that fly-tipping and waste burning would be the result, and we're not far away from it. Ratepayers are paying customers, not children to be lectured. 

DBC don't accept that not every household is on-board with recycling, and that it's an elective choice. Personally I support it, but I recognise that not everyone does.  Where people don't have the means to get to the Civic Amenity site, you'd have thought that a few individuals dropping a bagload of rubbish in the litter bins would be more acceptable than it ending up in someone else's bin, or dumped somewhere. 

It seems to have gone off the deep end though - we now have the bin Stasi going through the rubbish to "identify the household responsible" and even removing the fucking bins as a collective punishment on the community. That's just an admission that the policy has failed, or been so badly introduced that it's failed in spite of the benefits it could have introduced.

The message this gives to the less-ethical is - find an alternative.

That means kids dropping litter. Households fly-tipping, burning their own waste. 

All of this because DBC won't climb down, or admit that they could retry this another time with a better implementation plan that gets people on board, rather than beating them over the head.

Edited by The Bastard
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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

One of bins that was removed was the dog waste bin up governors hill it was getting filled up by residents in the flats so people couldn't put dog waste in anyway. 














Thats what you call a real shit show

PS. You are still attaching your 'white out' photo with your posts

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14 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Seems I have been prematurely smug about the supremacy of the Ramsey bin collections v the Douglas version

Long story short. Our usual  ( nay, always) bin collection in Ramsey is on a Thursday. Put bin out. Not collected. Phoned to ask commissioners why not. Told that it had been moved back to Wednesday this week ( therefore we had missed it  not putting our bins out 24 hours earlier than normal).Told this change in dates had been put on Facebook.
Facebook,  I tell you FFS when did you have to consult that to see if your regular collection day may possibly have changed.



It was published in the papers too. Bin collection dates always vary around Christmas, so it always pays to check!! Mine's been emptied - twice in 6 days!! 

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4 hours ago, 2bees said:

Is this the right thread to talk about Douglas bins? I was happy, didn’t mind two weekly collections, had set two weekly reminders, one for recycling and one for t’other bins, life was great. But then “people are abusing the bin men” “people are putting domestic rubbish in litter bins, we’re taking the bins away” - hold on… you’re doing what? Taking the fucking bins away? Douglas council are off their heads. No one has abused the bin men, this is absolute garbage, who would do that? That’s like telling the milk man off because the price of milk has gone up, nooo clowncil, you’re liars and imbeciles. 

Self serving, self important, inflated ego and that woman… who even are you? Leader of the clowns - well done! Anyway, not to put too fine a point on it, I’m no longer happy and will support any protests Douglas residents wish to cause/make! 

Don't hold back now girl...

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3 hours ago, Steady Eddie said:

You get the impression that most peoples beef isn’t really about the bins at all but the high handed and seemingly despotic approach being taken by DBC. I watched that video all the way through and to be honest even her facial expressions when questioned are so dismissive. It’s like ‘Do you know who I am’ and at one stage she even smirks like she finds the question simply beneath her to answer. I can see why some are calling for her to resign so she appears to have treated a lot of those people with pure contempt. But when they’re reduced to bin snatching to “enforce” behaviours you know they’ve totally lost it. They come across as jumped up nobodies who are simply power tripping 

Except it's not "most people's beef" is it? just a few noisy people.

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