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More uselessness from DBC


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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

I get that tempers are frayed. But honestly it’s worth giving it a go. If it causes problems talk to the council. I did. I think it’s resolved.

I’m not that bothered about the bin issue to be fair but the longer this thread has gone on I’m more interested in the ways that it looks like they’re trying to suppress their own ratepayers and pummel them into submission. Also if politicians don’t like some of the comments or the personalization then to be fair they are not cut out to be politicians. I’d say more people now seem to be more bothered about the attitude and tactics used by certain councillors rather than the recycling. 

And to be fair it is rather funny that one Councillor in particular seems to think it’s fair game to publicly blast service issues about the airport all over Twitter as they’ve been inconvenienced fir 50 minutes, but also admits on here he contacted the newspapers to try to get negative comments under a newspaper story removed as he didn’t like them. That isn’t normal behavior to me. That’s pure manipulation of public messaging where me making negative posts about anyone else are fine, but negative posts connected to me and my mates are verboten. 

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2 hours ago, John Wright said:

@Steady Eddie

There is no right/obligation to bin collection weekly. There’s a statutory obligation to remove refuse. How it’s acheived, what vehicles, how frequently, is totally down to the Corpy. Ratepayers aren’t entitled, and shouldn’t expect, to micromanage. Neither, for that matter, should councillors. They rely on the officials and the advice they give.

Though Dominic Delaney pointed out at the meeting that if DBC weren't deemed to be doing it properly, then DOI had the obligation to take it over.

If they iron out the remaining issues over the next few months, there will clearly be no case for that.

But the political damage has already been done through defending a very poor change management approach across this whole process...and there will no doubt be a political price to pay for this. That is..if people actually are willing to stand against and change the politicians.

I doubt though people will stand, as they've seen the vitreol on this issue and would not want to face that themselves over this or any future issue.

The only things that got successfully binned by DBC over this issue were: any credibility to manage and deliver projects, respect for or faith in politics and politicians and commonsense.

Of particular concern was the majority of councillors that voted for this, leaving a couple of their colleagues to 'face the music'.

I can see a future not far away where 75% of councillors are elected with zero votes and things get even worse.


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13 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Though Dominic Delaney pointed out at the meeting that if DBC weren't deemed to be doing it properly, then DOI had the obligation to take it over.

If they iron out the remaining issues over the next few months, there will clearly be no case for that.

But the political damage has already been done through defending a very poor change management approach across this whole process...and there will no doubt be a political price to pay for this. That is..if people actually are willing to stand against and change the politicians.

I doubt though people will stand, as they've seen the vitreol on this issue and would not want to face that themselves over this or any future issue.

The only things that got successfully binned by DBC over this issue were: any credibility to manage and deliver projects, respect for or faith in politics and politicians and commonsense.

Of particular concern was the majority of councillors that voted for this, leaving a couple of their colleagues to 'face the music'.

I can see a future not far away where 75% of councillors are elected with zero votes and things get even worse.


I was disappointed with Delaney on the night. He was almost ranting, didn’t seem to know what he was talking about and the bit about the DOI was almost nonsense and just playing to the room. 

I wholeheartedly invite others to stand at local elections but the truth is few will do so. As you rightly said, look at the bashing we received and then ask yourself who would voluntarily give up time for that. LGR is needed to reduce the number of LAs and we also need to make local politics more engaging and transparent. 

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2 minutes ago, Steady Eddie said:

Dominic is 80 years old and in a wheel chair FFS. Is everyone who doesn’t agree with you worthy of ridicule? 

His sister died the night of the meeting too...he got a phone message during the meeting.

He might be in a wheel chair, but his brain is still working perfectly.

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28 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

He might be in a wheel chair, but his brain is still working perfectly.

I agree so it’s hardly fair for a councilor to say “I was disappointed with Delaney on the night. He was almost ranting, didn’t seem to know what he was talking about” just because he disagreed. It seems it’s fair game for them to pick on anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Quite cowardly and uncalled for against an 80 year old former MHK/MLC.

Edited by Steady Eddie
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A couple of pictures to show how useless the recycling tubs are. Bloody litter all over the place. I picked up as much plastic as I could but most was going faster than i could run. BTW. The photos don't do it justice. Someone has gone to great effort here. Wasted effort.

Please give us a system that works



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3 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

A couple of pictures to show how useless the recycling tubs are. Bloody litter all over the place. I picked up as much plastic as I could but most was going faster than i could run. BTW. The photos don't do it justice. Someone has gone to great effort here. Wasted effort.

Please give us a system that works



Yes the boxes aren't great.  The covers are brittle and you are required to have the recycling out for collection by 8 in the morning, meaning many will put it out the night before and risk it being blown around or the cardboard becoming sodden.  

I weigh mine down with a stone, but they aren't the best as most recycling is very light.  

Doesn't stop me recycling though, just would like something better. 

Edited by Gladys
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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

Yes the boxes aren't great.  The covers are brittle and you are required to have the recycling out for collection by 8 in the morning, meaning many will put it out the night before and risk it being blown around or the cardboard becoming sodden.  

I weigh mine down with a stone, but they aren't the best as most recycling is very light.  

Doesn't stop me recycling though, just would like something better. 

I agree. But its a bit cart before the horse. They have been crap for years now. Difference is that now a lot of people are trying harder. Some out of choice, some out of necessity. This is highlighting the inadequacy of the recycling tubs even more. Perhaps it would have been better to iron out the issues before going to fortnightly.

These poor buggers had put all the nets on and the elasticated tarpaulins etc but the boxes had tipped over. It wasn't the only one. Some tubs are floating around empty today.

Yes putting a stone in helps stop them blowing away as easily but it doesn't stop the tarp being blown off. If its that crap people will stop trying. 

The way it is, all that plastic is heading off into the drains, fields and probably into rivers and the sea. It would have been better burned. I think they should resume weekly until they have sorted this.

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1 minute ago, Happier diner said:

Yes putting a stone in helps stop them blowing away as easily but it doesn't stop the tarp being blown off. If its that crap people will stop trying. 

It’s massively windy today which is compounding the problem but there’s a lot blowing round the streets already that you can see. As for putting a stone on it, it’s hardly any real solution is it? As you say they if they were serious about recycling they’d have upgraded and improved what has been a poor system for years first. 

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Improvise. Cut a piece of visquene to oversize and use 2 bungy-straps, one at each end of the box. The hooks sit nicely in the lid-lip and keep everything in the box. The recycling lads put the plastic and straps in the box once they're emptied. The process takes less time than chasing after plastic bottles released by the wind (as @Happier diner) and keeps the shite in one place. Half a breeze-block ensures the boxes don't blow over. 

@Steady Eddie Those boxes aren't really fit for purpose, as @Gladys points out, the mesh and covers haven't lasted and DBC should remedy this. Show those complainants they're doing something at least. 

Edited by quilp
Spelling, etc.
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