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More uselessness from DBC


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20 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

No matter what we do, some of you will always be negative because it's DBC. Instead of helping to promote the event you keyboard warriors knock it from the sidelines, instead of checking it out yourself you complain about something that the housing team put a lot of effort into to help people. This constant negativity is tiresome and sad. 

But aren’t you one of the biggest negative IOM keyboard warriors going? Do you just not like it when the attention is directed at the things you do? 

Edited by Wavey Davey
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28 minutes ago, Wavey Davey said:

But aren’t you one of the biggest negative IOM keyboard warriors going? Do you just not like it when the attention is directed at the things you do? 

Well his how awful it is in the IOM video was reasonably impressive. Yet the Douglas folk need to embrace a worse bin service rather than complain about the commissioners! 

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So MR City councillor you think this event was well organised…..thereby is the answer to the problem people have with the City council.    Firstly it was only for your tenants then at the last minute when a ratepayer objected to being excluded and with direct intervention by the Mayor it was opened up to all Douglas residents and at the very last post it got opened up to all Island.    You really must acknowledge this is not organisation at its best, it is not even mediocre, in fact it is piss poor for want of a more apt description.   This is why people have difficulty in giving the City council any creditability.    You could not run a race.

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52 minutes ago, Steady Eddie said:

Well his how awful it is in the IOM video was reasonably impressive. Yet the Douglas folk need to embrace a worse bin service rather than complain about the commissioners! 

They might as well appoint a Councillor responsible for Twitter in Town Hall. That’s where most of them seem to spend all their time. Not on sorting things out for Douglas residents. 

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2 hours ago, hissingsid said:

So MR City councillor you think this event was well organised…..thereby is the answer to the problem people have with the City council.    Firstly it was only for your tenants then at the last minute when a ratepayer objected to being excluded and with direct intervention by the Mayor it was opened up to all Douglas residents and at the very last post it got opened up to all Island.    You really must acknowledge this is not organisation at its best, it is not even mediocre, in fact it is piss poor for want of a more apt description.   This is why people have difficulty in giving the City council any creditability.    You could not run a race.

That's a bit unfair.  The Council is perfectly entitled to organise something just for its tenants, and of course it will find it easier to communicate with them as it knows where they live.  And neither you or I know just how well-organised it was because we weren't there.  You can't assume that everything that isn't directed at you personally is an automatic failure, there are other criteria for success.

That said it was a good idea to open it up and perhaps repeat after discussion with the organisations that took part to see how things could be tweaked.  After all there are more private tenants that public ones in Douglas[1] and they may be under greater financial pressure and poorer conditions.  And some home owners (especially elderly) may be cash-poor and facing hardship.


[1]  There were 3,051 private tenant households in the 2021 Census as opposed to 2,170 public ones (some of which may not be DBC).

Edited by Roger Mexico
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10 hours ago, hissingsid said:

So MR City councillor you think this event was well organised…..thereby is the answer to the problem people have with the City council.    Firstly it was only for your tenants then at the last minute when a ratepayer objected to being excluded and with direct intervention by the Mayor it was opened up to all Douglas residents and at the very last post it got opened up to all Island.    You really must acknowledge this is not organisation at its best, it is not even mediocre, in fact it is piss poor for want of a more apt description.   This is why people have difficulty in giving the City council any creditability.    You could not run a race.

As Roger said, it was organised by the DBC housing department and initially aimed at our housing tenants. When it became clear that others would like to attend as well it was extended accordingly. Your comments feel like you must find something bad to say every day or you’re not happy. Constructive criticism is always good and welcome but this is getting weird. 

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12 hours ago, Amadeus said:

No matter what we do, some of you will always be negative because it's DBC. Instead of helping to promote the event you keyboard warriors knock it from the sidelines, instead of checking it out yourself you complain about something that the housing team put a lot of effort into to help people. This constant negativity is tiresome and sad. 

Perhaps if DBC stopped practising style over substance, spent less time on social media, and just got on with ensuring the basic services are delivered in a timely and efficient manner, then the ratepayers perceptions might change.   


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I applaud DBC for taking the initiative to at least acknowledge that we are in the midst of a cost of living crisis, and have tried to help people.

Government and particularly Dr Alex are still in denial and claim it's scare stories cooked up by the UK press.

Interestingly both Ashford and Alex have stated that inflation wasn't real, later conceding it is real but won't go up as much as people think.



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1 hour ago, Mysteron said:

Perhaps if DBC stopped practising style over substance, spent less time on social media, and just got on with ensuring the basic services are delivered in a timely and efficient manner, then the ratepayers perceptions might change.   


And they might be able to help by reducing the rate we have to pay.

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3 hours ago, Mysteron said:

Perhaps if DBC stopped practising style over substance, spent less time on social media, and just got on with ensuring the basic services are delivered in a timely and efficient manner, then the ratepayers perceptions might change.   

But you're confusing the councillors with the council.  The councillors may spend time on social media, but communicating with their constituents is part of their job.  It's the council (who seems to be rubbish at any form of media) that delivers services.  If Amadeus spends less time on Manx Forums, he's not going to be emptying your bins with the time.

If you want to criticise the councillors for something, ask them to start cutting back on the managerial bureaucracy that has been allowed to explode there.  As I've pointed out before, they have 22 employees on over £50,000[1] - twice the number of English authorities with more responsibilities and twice the population.  In contrast Onchan, the Island's second biggest authority, with a population a third of Douglas's, has just one.


[1]  These are 20-21 figures (the latest accounts aren't out yet), but from the job ads we've seen I doubt the number has dropped.  And that's before they become a 'City'.

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Ironically I witnessed first hand this week living opposite one of the Douglas Borough Councillors General Rubbish Bins being emptied on the day of the Garden Waste day . I just wonder how many of these Councillors who have upset everyone with their fortnightly pick ups are taking advantage of their status as well to make it look like they are not struggling with it ? 

I'm not one to worry about it myself as I've always recycled but think this is actually encouraging those who wouldn't anyway to drop rubbish all over Douglas . So please Mr Councillors if you are going to encourage this way of thinking please follow through with it yourself or you will cause more damage than good . I do apologise for my rant and I have collected photographs to send to Douglas Corporation to stop this happening in future so won't name and shame on here as they will know who they are , but being as vocal as he is he might want to be careful because it wasn't only me who noticed .

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12 hours ago, Manxieover65 said:

Ironically I witnessed first hand this week living opposite one of the Douglas Borough Councillors General Rubbish Bins being emptied on the day of the Garden Waste day . I just wonder how many of these Councillors who have upset everyone with their fortnightly pick ups are taking advantage of their status as well to make it look like they are not struggling with it ? 

I'm not one to worry about it myself as I've always recycled but think this is actually encouraging those who wouldn't anyway to drop rubbish all over Douglas . So please Mr Councillors if you are going to encourage this way of thinking please follow through with it yourself or you will cause more damage than good . I do apologise for my rant and I have collected photographs to send to Douglas Corporation to stop this happening in future so won't name and shame on here as they will know who they are , but being as vocal as he is he might want to be careful because it wasn't only me who noticed .

Send me the pictures together with time and date of when they were taken: cllr.fschuengel@douglas.gov.im I find it hard to believe any of us would do this and want to find out if what you are saying is true. 

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2 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Send me the pictures together with time and date of when they were taken: cllr.fschuengel@douglas.gov.im I find it hard to believe any of us would do this and want to find out if what you are saying is true. 

Sounds like normal "I am" entitlement to me.

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20 minutes ago, finlo said:

Sounds like normal "I am" entitlement to me.

What "I am" entitlement? What is that even supposed to mean? Sounds like someone posts a wild accusation on the internet with no proof. If I get more info and the images, I will check what, if anything, really happened.

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