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More uselessness from DBC


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3 minutes ago, 360 View said:

No leaflets delivered to my house, didn’t go to fun day or food and drink festival to get one either. Why couldn’t they just put a leaflet under the bin handle like they used to about CHRISTMAS and NY collections , or send out another card with collection dates on it? Hopeless

To easy, and the go to in this day and age is social media. Which is fine if you have or want to access said media. God only knows the cost that they spunked on this shite. A lot more than a photocopy leaflet I'm betting, 

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4 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

It has long seemed to me that the more government go on about 'communication' and the more 'professionals' they employ to do it, the less good at actually passing on information they become.


..unless it is about telling us about the good stuff. Happening all over at the moment.


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5 hours ago, Newsdesk said:

Literally all they had to do when they emptied peoples bins the last normal time was leave a sticker on the bin or put a flyer through your letterbox saying when it would next be taken away. No doubt though the communications team spunked a budget on a load of ads clearly nobody saw. 

That's what anyone with common sense would have done.

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7 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

It clearly wasn't non-existent.  According to that article:

A spokesperson for the council said in response: ‘It’s been advertised extensively in all the mainstream media, editorials and interviews in the newspaper, radio stations and local magazines. There have been leaflets delivered to Douglas residents, stands at local events such as Douglas Fun Day and the Food and Drink Festival, and an extensive social media campaign.’

The question is whether it has been targeted correctly and whether it has been specific enough, reiterating to residents how they personally will be affected.  It's no good telling people that there will be some sort of change happening sometime, they need to know what they have to do themselves.  Clearly there should have have been leaflets delivered every street saying how there collections would now take place.

It has long seemed to me that the more government go on about 'communication' and the more 'professionals' they employ to do it, the less good at actually passing on information they become.


It was communicated extensively and over quite a period of time. Was it ever going to be perfect on day 1? No, but people know now and we are on the right path. I voted for this together with my colleagues as it's about time we catch up with the rest of the world when it comes to recycling and reducing waste. We are decades behind. The team at town hall is there to help if anyone needs an extra bin or has questions: refuse@douglas.gov.im or phone 696445 If you just have general feedback, complaints, or want to vent, please don't take up their time. Send it to me and I will take it up internally: cllr.fschuengel@douglas.gov.im 

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29 minutes ago, On the Lav said:

I was told by a member of staff at DBC that they would need to check my refuse before an extra bin would be provided . 



A neighbour of mine purchased a larger bin from DBC when they first announced their refuse collection changes.  The neighbour was under the impression they'd then have two bins, but when the new one was delivered the old one was taken away.

If residents have two bins - being emptied fortnightly - then surely this is the same as one bin being emptied weekly.       

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8 hours ago, Amadeus said:

It was communicated extensively and over quite a period of time. Was it ever going to be perfect on day 1? No, but people know now and we are on the right path. I voted for this together with my colleagues as it's about time we catch up with the rest of the world when it comes to recycling and reducing waste. We are decades behind. The team at town hall is there to help if anyone needs an extra bin or has questions: refuse@douglas.gov.im or phone 696445 If you just have general feedback, complaints, or want to vent, please don't take up their time. Send it to me and I will take it up internally: cllr.fschuengel@douglas.gov.im 

There is an old saying "The proof of the pudding is in the eating"

There are wheelie bins all over the place, put out by hundreds (if not thousands) of households who did not know this was starting last week. Lots of angry people. Whatever you say, or claim, about your strategy - I am afraid is disproven by the result.

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It was such a widespread change that putting leaflets through doors would have helped. My in laws don’t use social media, do listen to manx radio and read the paper and wouldn’t have known what week was their week if I hadn’t looked it up. 

it’s the right thing to do, and I know people who are now recycling who weren’t before. But if you live in a flat, it’s more difficult. 

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They can spout any shite they wish, this is just trying to pay less gate fee's at the Energy from waste plant(ha ha). Which due to lack of waste and will increase the gate fee's to cover the guaranteed profit SITA has to be payed. So driving not only there own costs up but all island rate. So therefor costing everyone else's rate bills up. Green initiative my ass.

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47 minutes ago, Dirty Buggane said:

They can spout any shite they wish, this is just trying to pay less gate fee's at the Energy from waste plant(ha ha). Which due to lack of waste and will increase the gate fee's to cover the guaranteed profit SITA has to be payed. So driving not only there own costs up but all island rate. So therefor costing everyone else's rate bills up. Green initiative my ass.

Don't forget all the new trips to the Amenity site that everyone now has to make. They are making a simple error of judgement;

The amount of rubbish that has to be burnt =  the amount of rubbish produced

How you get it there and how often it is collected is irrelevant to the basic calculation. All the nitwits have done is make the transition from where the rubbish is produced to where it gets burned more complicated and less green. Yes, recycle more I agree. But do they really think that punitive moves like this will make people want to recycle? Of course it wont. They are deluding themselves.

What we need to do is encourage people to produce less rubbish. Taking away the route of disposal is not the answer.

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Crisis? What crisis?

If your bin isn't  emptied by the usual time, it's not your week.Make a note. Logic! Bring your bin in, pound the rubbish down, compress your kitchen bin bags, fold your amazon boxes flat, re-cycle more and hey presto, calm returns to your life!!!

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