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More uselessness from DBC


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2 hours ago, Ringy Rose said:

When English councils cut bin collections they were clear that it was to save money.

When DBC cut bin collections you tell us that it doesn't save any money and the binmen go to do "other stuff". Which seemingly didn't involve collecting recycling, judging by last week's shambles.

So if its not saving money, and you can't collect my recycling in a timely fashion, why are you doing it?

If I were a DBC ratepayer I'd think that was a reasonable question.

When my UK city council introduced alternating general waste and recycling collections on a fortnightly basis (together with a weekly food waste collection) I don't think anybody believed it was a cost-saving measure or because they wanted to save the environment.

I think most people suspected it was so the UK national government could comply with the waste and recycling requirements being imposed on member states by the EU, and that local authorities were being "leant on" by national government to introduce waste and recycling strategies that would assist in the UK meeting its targets.

What I'd want to know if I were a rate-payer are the answers to two questions:

1.  What exactly is the rationale (be it economic, political or environmental) behind the switch to a fortnightly cycle, and 

2.  Who introduced the initiative?  Was it an elected councillor or councillors, or was it officers employed by the council?

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50 minutes ago, lowell thurber said:

If I have no requirement  for green waste collection do I get a rate reduction or am I subsidising Everyone  with a garden.

Where I live in the UK you have to pay extra to get your green waste taken away.  You get a third (brown) wheelie bin to go with the ones for general waste (black) and recycling (blue).  Not forgetting the "caddy" we have for weekly food waste collection.

The extra cost for green waste is £44 pa for a 180 litre bin or £58.75 per annum for a 240 litre bin.

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16 hours ago, Gladys said:

When fortnightly collections with recycling was implemented where I lived, there was no food waste recycling or separate collection and it wasn't an issue really.  That was for a family of four including one child in nappies...

@Gladys - I know what you mean but I think I agree with @ptarmigan that the lack of a weekly food waste collection is going to make the introduction of a fortnightly cycle difficult for people to accept.  I agree with you that it's doable (we've done it ourselves) but some will find it difficult.

If I were a DBC ratepayer I'd want to know what DBC's plans are for introducing a weekly food waste collection.

I presume they couldn't send it where my local authority does - Biogen | Leaders in Food Recycling & Anaerobic Digestion

The other genearal problem is that DBC don't appear to have provided recycling containers that are fit for purpose...

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I think the garden waste recycling, which I value, should be an opt in paid for service as outlined above. There are many properties in Douglas that have no need of it.  It’s been all poorly executed. 

my biggest issue is the complete lack of accountability for all of this. Piecemeal solutions to an island wide issue. 

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18 minutes ago, ptarmigan said:

I think the garden waste recycling, which I value, should be an opt in paid for service as outlined above. There are many properties in Douglas that have no need of it.  It’s been all poorly executed. 

my biggest issue is the complete lack of accountability for all of this. Piecemeal solutions to an island wide issue. 

I suppose you could argue the same with recycling bins in Braddan, lots of lazy sods don’t do it but they still pay for the service on rates 

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10 hours ago, Amadeus said:

I'm also sure I have mentioned this a few times before already: it's not being reduced by half. It's one week black bin, one week garden waste, plus the recycling

Is half of all waste collected in Douglas "garden waste"? No? So bin collections have been cut.

They certainly have for a) people who don't have a garden or b) already have their own composter.

I'm in the (b) camp, so my bin collections have been halved. I don't need my grass cuttings collected. I do need my cat litter and nappies being collected.

With recycling and a composter, I certainly don't need "rubbish advice" from Mrs Wells.

So I'll ask you once again, if it's not saving money,  why are you doing it?

Edited by Ringy Rose
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12 hours ago, 0bserver said:

The bit I'm really interested in is which Councillor this was supposedly reported to by Mr. Scales as per his claims. 

That in and of itself is surely not a contentious subject? The Councillor would then be free to confirm or deny the claim. 

Indeed. There’s nothing on the agenda to be discussed today either.


Although Page 14 notes from the last meeting “The Committee considered a schedule of properties in a state of dilapidation or disrepair. Members noted that sixteen properties had been added to the schedule since the last meeting; five properties had been removed because work had been completed; and a total of sixty-two properties remained on the list.

Resolved, “That the schedule of dilapidated properties be noted and approved and that the Director of Environment and Regeneration be authorised to progress improvements to the properties, by service of Notice and legal action where necessary.”

Edited by FANDL
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12 hours ago, majkul said:

So here we are... our recycling boxes and bags, which were not collected on Friday, because "the truck is full", and were supposed to be collected today (Monday) instead, have NOT been collected at all (maybe they DID mean 9th December after all, the incompetent bunch that they are!!!).

Now it's all going to get interesting, as tomorrow (Tuesday) is our bin collection day. I sincerely cannot see them turning up to clear the back lanes from all that's there (is it different teams, or the same staff driving different wagons on alternate weeks?).

I know it's first world problems and all that, but with all their arrogance of announcing all this and expecting everyone to do as they're told, WHEN they're told, what a fucking shambles, as they clearly are a bunch of incompetent fools. We are really doing our best, but there's so much shite in our back lane, I would bet my left bollock that there's NO WAY they will clear it all tomorrow. I wait with bated breath (soon it's the only thing we'll be able to do, with all the smells starting to emanate!!!

UPDATE: I just lost my left bollock.

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12 hours ago, lowell thurber said:

If I have no requirement  for green waste collection do I get a rate reduction or am I subsidising Everyone  with a garden.

Presumably someone with a garden is likely to have a higher rateable value on their property and so they will be paying more indirectly for the extra services they require.

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1 hour ago, 0bserver said:

Now because of the shit, non-standard lighting chosen by Douglas Borough Council the lights won't be working for a good while. 



250 units affected, not available, lights not switched on again until March? How much did the taxpayer pay for this scheme again?

Douglas descends into further darkness.

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