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More uselessness from DBC


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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

Housing Committee member checking in. Have to be careful what data I share publicly but it’s a typical iomtoday clickbait story. The number of tenants in arrears is in the low single digits and we are mostly talking low amounts. I fully agree with the chair that this isn’t a major concern and is being handled very well by the housing team who do all they can to help tenants. There are also numerous reasons why this may occur. 

???   low single digits ?  that's 5 or less to my mind , and they owe a total of 70k ??   but mostly low amounts ?  do 4 owe 125 quid and the last one owes 69500?

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

So you want legal action taken against struggling families to evict them? You would be first to complain about that!

Their overall rents must be several £m so £70k probably is modest in overall figures, more useful would be how many tenants & how long outstanding 

Firstly let’s get 1 thing straight I haven’t said or asked for eviction! Secondly, before any legal action could commence, a set procedure has to be adhered to, and like social housing across, it is best practice. 

EG - letter, telephone call or home visit, second letter, telephone call or home visit, pre legal letter warning, telephone call or home visit. If no contact or financial agreement in place and tenant not complying then legal action. 

It’s also common best practice to have full details of the tenants, names of household, ages, household financial details etc as well as contact details. These should be on the file, and on the computer software account management. This information should also be used in discussions with the tenant(s) into their housing debt, and negotiating an affordable and realistic repayment plan, based upon incoming and outgoing payments. It’s hardly rocket science.


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9 minutes ago, WTF said:

???   low single digits ?  that's 5 or less to my mind , and they owe a total of 70k ??   but mostly low amounts ?  do 4 owe 125 quid and the last one owes 69500?

Perhaps Devon Watson, without breaking any confidentiality agreements etc, could give a break down of the arrears.





Perhaps as well we could an indication as to how many are at the pre-legal action stage? 

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53 minutes ago, Mistercee said:

So if there is no problem and it is all being handled very well why are there currently 8 possession hearings shown in the latest Court listing?

Because not everyone sticks to agreements to repay arrears, so sometimes a possession order is needed.

Suspended possession orders are as common as anything across.

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22 minutes ago, WTF said:

???   low single digits ?  that's 5 or less to my mind , and they owe a total of 70k ??   but mostly low amounts ?  do 4 owe 125 quid and the last one owes 69500?

Yes that caught my eye as well.  I suspect he meant low double figures. 20-40 tenants in arrears would be more plausible and would tie in with the number of repossession orders - though some of those may be for other reasons than rent arrears.  And some arrears will for small amount or for technical reasons , eg people in hospital.

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11 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Yes that caught my eye as well.  I suspect he meant low double figures. 20-40 tenants in arrears would be more plausible and would tie in with the number of repossession orders - though some of those may be for other reasons than rent arrears.  And some arrears will for small amount or for technical reasons , eg people in hospital.

Sorry I meant the % of tenants over all is in low single digits, not the actual number. 

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1 hour ago, Ghost Ship said:

I'd have thought that the questions to ask the relevant dept are:

(1)  What made this lightning strike "freak"?

Just having a guess...

Frank said that the lightning struck a component that was connected to other components.

Is it possible that this was some sort of header component (don't know the terminology, but a one-off bit at the beginning of a string of lights?) that was tiny, like 50p size? And they're calling it a "freak" strike because who'd have thought a lightning bolt would hit that one tiny component out of all the bits of metal on the prom? 

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7 minutes ago, Declan said:


He turned up on my Youtube feed taking apart some dangerous looking Chinese electronic thing. 

It wasn't part of the Promenade lights was it...? 😂

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