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More uselessness from DBC


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21 hours ago, hissingsid said:

With this wind I reckon there will be a few flying boxes around.

Yup. A few flying down the road towards the QB this morning. 
Gotta say though, I have noticed a lot more smashed glass along a few pavements. A load on the corner of York/woodbourne lights, been there for weeks. 

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2 hours ago, english zloty said:


more utter nonsense from Devon. Tis Tynwald who decides such things DBC just follow the orders

A better start would be to do a thorough boot and braces review on the rents. Lots of people living in council houses who should not be in them. By that I mean they should be moved into smaller houses and free up the 3/4 bedroom properties for families

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Bin Despots - paid for by us


Scotty Williams

Because we live in an area with a number of residential properties and apartments/flats we are having the added issue on top of fortnightly collections of others dumping their rubbish in our allocated bin. Not all individual properties have their own bin which would help matters. Our bins are emptied on a Monday, and our bin is normally full on a Tuesday before we have even had a chance to put anything in it.
If we are not able to put our rubbish in our bin we will at least try and put it in a bin that has space before we then take it to the Eastern Amenity Site or worst case to my partners parents house and put it in their bin. We have not, and never will just dump a bag or rubbish of any sort on the ground next to the bins!
Around 18-24 months ago before the fortnightly collections even began, I rang up about people dumping their rubbish in our bin to lodge a complaint. It happens constantly!
I was advised that I could look through the rubbish in my bin to try and find something that would indicate the name or address of the person that was dumping the rubbish and they could look into it for me. I said I wasn't willing to do this due to not knowing what could be in the bags (sharps or contaminants) and they should come and do it themselves. I asked what they could do to stop this going forward and they said they could put a lock on the bin but there was a charge for that. I advised I didn't believe that I should have to pay anything additional to ensure I could use my own bin that I already pay my rates for.
Roll on 18-24 months and we are now reduced to fortnightly collections with no reduction in rates to reflect the reduction in the service they provide.
Today at 10:15am there was a buzz on our intercom. Normally we would both be at work.
My partner went to answer the door but no one was there. She came back to the living room and as she was about to sit down there was a knock at the internal apartment door.
On my partner answering the door, she was met by two people from Douglas Borough Council who were inside the communal area of our property without invitation, a blonde woman and a man that must have been at least 6' 10".
After my partner confirming her name, the finger pointing started straight away with me trying to listen to what was going on best I could from the living room with the front door closed over.
After finding some rubbish which had my partners name and address on it on the ground next to the bins the blonde woman had become judge, jury and executioner and had come to the conclusion that my partner/our household had dumped rubbish on the floor next to the bins. My partner a little taken back and feeling intimidated didn't really know what to say other than to apologise and try and explain that we don't dump our rubbish. 
I went to the door and called my partner back inside from the communal hallway and I will be honest, they didn't get the best side of me this morning after very little sleep and hearing the accusations being thrown at my partner.
As the property owner, I asked them to confirm who they were and what the issue was and was met with the same line of questioning and accusations that they had "evidence" that my partner/our household were dumping rubbish.
I explained that while they may have found what she referred to as "evidence" (that evidence being something with my partners name on at the side of the bins) it was not proof that she or our household were "dumping" rubbish as she referred to it as. It simply means it was not in the bin we placed it in originally and rather than asking why we thought it wasn't in the bin and could we explain how we thought this may have happen my partner was firmly accused.
I explained that I had contacted them previously about people dumping rubbish in our allocated bin and nothing was done by them, I had asked about a lock but when advised on the additional cost i had refused to pay on top of my rates to stop people dumping their rubbish in our bin, I also advised that if we are unable to put things in our bin or another available bin we always take it to the tip or a family members house to put in their bin. We under no circumstances dump kerb or bin side and didn't appreciate the accusations being made.
I was then quizzed as to whether I had attended the meeting about the Fortnightly Collections. 
This was met by "well we have the evidence and it's my job to challenge these things". No, it's your job to investigate these things, gain ALL the information before speaking to the parties involved to get their side. Not enter the property without invitation and stand and accuse someone straight from the get go with what you believe to be concrete "evidence".
I also don't want to stand there and hear how hard your job is, how many pairs of rubber gloves you've gone through during the course of your morning so far, how many bin bags you had had to lift from the lane next to our property (14 bags in case anyone is wondering), other nearby streets or properties or that you have to stand and take abuse from EVERYONE you speak to (just to add, in my case I don't feel I was abusive to you, but I was firm in making my points and will not stand by and have my partner or myself accused of something that is not true and will not be intimidated by your 6'10" minder who is likely there to make sure you are ok after you have pointed the finger and accused others with your condescending tone). If you don't like your job or you can't do it without coming to the wrong conclusion or casting aspersions, don't do it.
Reasons I know that could cause a couple of bits of paper with someones name to be on the ground next to several bins and 14 dumped bags of rubbish.
Collections reduced to fortnightly 
Not enough bins for all individual properties in that area
Other residents with no allocated bin using other rate payers bins and the owners of that bin removing that rubbish and dumping it next to the bins
Seagulls, Rats and Cats tearing open bin bags that are visible in the top of a bin because they can't be closed
Gale force winds (like last night) knocking bins over with bags being strewn on the floor and Seagulls, Rats or Cats tearing them open
There are far more likely reasons why something with someones name would be on the floor rather than them being stupid enough to dump rubbish that had their name on it 🤷‍♂️
Ideas to help the residents of Douglas and your own offices.
Go back to weekly collections 
If you refuse to go back to weekly collections and you have halved the service being paid for, reduce the cost. This would cover the trips made to the Amenity Site
Provide free locks to people that request them, they are being fitted to your bins at the end of the day, unless of course we get to keep the lock?
Search for the number of properties in the area, which properties pay rates and send them ALL a letter with information on it to help them which would include if they live in a block of apartments and there is only 1 bin for the whole block how they/landlord request their own individual bin for their apartment
Anyway, while I appreciate there are a lot more instances like this one this was our experience this morning and I will be contacting DBC.''

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The recently started Change.org Petition To Reinstate Weekly Bin Collections in Douglas now has an unprecedented 1602 verified petitioners. And still the Douglas Borough Council are a perfect  mirror image of the proverbial three monkeys. Unprecedented arrogance and the most vile anti Rate-payer behavior. They must really hate those they are there to serve. They are mostly in flagrant breach of their mission statements so it is now inevitable that there will be political consequences because 'We The People' are clearly not going to now just permanently quietly succumb to being dictated to by these people.


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Karel Ver Elst: "The councillors know that if they go to a public vote they will not retain their seats on this matter alone. We need councillors who will reintroduce weekly bin collections, put in place robust recycling measures, commit to public consultation on key policy proposals, work to reduce waste and bureaucracy including cooperation with other local authorities and most importantly remember they are there to represent the views of their electorate."

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19 minutes ago, Cassie2 said:

Helix said: 'Unprecedented in what category?'

Unprecedented for Douglas ratepayers to protest like that.

But are they all actually DBC rate payers are just everyone signing it including Mickey Mouse?

Know a number of Douglas residents and none of them are bothered about the changes, more concerned about money wasted on other things 

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1 hour ago, Cassie2 said:

Bin Despots - paid for by us


Scotty Williams

Because we live in an area with a number of residential properties and apartments/flats we are having the added issue on top of fortnightly collections of others dumping their rubbish in our allocated bin. Not all individual properties have their own bin which would help matters. Our bins are emptied on a Monday, and our bin is normally full on a Tuesday before we have even had a chance to put anything in it.
If we are not able to put our rubbish in our bin we will at least try and put it in a bin that has space before we then take it to the Eastern Amenity Site or worst case to my partners parents house and put it in their bin. We have not, and never will just dump a bag or rubbish of any sort on the ground next to the bins!
Around 18-24 months ago before the fortnightly collections even began, I rang up about people dumping their rubbish in our bin to lodge a complaint. It happens constantly!
I was advised that I could look through the rubbish in my bin to try and find something that would indicate the name or address of the person that was dumping the rubbish and they could look into it for me. I said I wasn't willing to do this due to not knowing what could be in the bags (sharps or contaminants) and they should come and do it themselves. I asked what they could do to stop this going forward and they said they could put a lock on the bin but there was a charge for that. I advised I didn't believe that I should have to pay anything additional to ensure I could use my own bin that I already pay my rates for.
Roll on 18-24 months and we are now reduced to fortnightly collections with no reduction in rates to reflect the reduction in the service they provide.
Today at 10:15am there was a buzz on our intercom. Normally we would both be at work.
My partner went to answer the door but no one was there. She came back to the living room and as she was about to sit down there was a knock at the internal apartment door.
On my partner answering the door, she was met by two people from Douglas Borough Council who were inside the communal area of our property without invitation, a blonde woman and a man that must have been at least 6' 10".
After my partner confirming her name, the finger pointing started straight away with me trying to listen to what was going on best I could from the living room with the front door closed over.
After finding some rubbish which had my partners name and address on it on the ground next to the bins the blonde woman had become judge, jury and executioner and had come to the conclusion that my partner/our household had dumped rubbish on the floor next to the bins. My partner a little taken back and feeling intimidated didn't really know what to say other than to apologise and try and explain that we don't dump our rubbish. 
I went to the door and called my partner back inside from the communal hallway and I will be honest, they didn't get the best side of me this morning after very little sleep and hearing the accusations being thrown at my partner.
As the property owner, I asked them to confirm who they were and what the issue was and was met with the same line of questioning and accusations that they had "evidence" that my partner/our household were dumping rubbish.
I explained that while they may have found what she referred to as "evidence" (that evidence being something with my partners name on at the side of the bins) it was not proof that she or our household were "dumping" rubbish as she referred to it as. It simply means it was not in the bin we placed it in originally and rather than asking why we thought it wasn't in the bin and could we explain how we thought this may have happen my partner was firmly accused.
I explained that I had contacted them previously about people dumping rubbish in our allocated bin and nothing was done by them, I had asked about a lock but when advised on the additional cost i had refused to pay on top of my rates to stop people dumping their rubbish in our bin, I also advised that if we are unable to put things in our bin or another available bin we always take it to the tip or a family members house to put in their bin. We under no circumstances dump kerb or bin side and didn't appreciate the accusations being made.
I was then quizzed as to whether I had attended the meeting about the Fortnightly Collections. 
This was met by "well we have the evidence and it's my job to challenge these things". No, it's your job to investigate these things, gain ALL the information before speaking to the parties involved to get their side. Not enter the property without invitation and stand and accuse someone straight from the get go with what you believe to be concrete "evidence".
I also don't want to stand there and hear how hard your job is, how many pairs of rubber gloves you've gone through during the course of your morning so far, how many bin bags you had had to lift from the lane next to our property (14 bags in case anyone is wondering), other nearby streets or properties or that you have to stand and take abuse from EVERYONE you speak to (just to add, in my case I don't feel I was abusive to you, but I was firm in making my points and will not stand by and have my partner or myself accused of something that is not true and will not be intimidated by your 6'10" minder who is likely there to make sure you are ok after you have pointed the finger and accused others with your condescending tone). If you don't like your job or you can't do it without coming to the wrong conclusion or casting aspersions, don't do it.
Reasons I know that could cause a couple of bits of paper with someones name to be on the ground next to several bins and 14 dumped bags of rubbish.
Collections reduced to fortnightly 
Not enough bins for all individual properties in that area
Other residents with no allocated bin using other rate payers bins and the owners of that bin removing that rubbish and dumping it next to the bins
Seagulls, Rats and Cats tearing open bin bags that are visible in the top of a bin because they can't be closed
Gale force winds (like last night) knocking bins over with bags being strewn on the floor and Seagulls, Rats or Cats tearing them open
There are far more likely reasons why something with someones name would be on the floor rather than them being stupid enough to dump rubbish that had their name on it 🤷‍♂️
Ideas to help the residents of Douglas and your own offices.
Go back to weekly collections 
If you refuse to go back to weekly collections and you have halved the service being paid for, reduce the cost. This would cover the trips made to the Amenity Site
Provide free locks to people that request them, they are being fitted to your bins at the end of the day, unless of course we get to keep the lock?
Search for the number of properties in the area, which properties pay rates and send them ALL a letter with information on it to help them which would include if they live in a block of apartments and there is only 1 bin for the whole block how they/landlord request their own individual bin for their apartment
Anyway, while I appreciate there are a lot more instances like this one this was our experience this morning and I will be contacting DBC.''

So after all the so called personal attacks , Douglas Council can intimate people after something blows out of a bin . I beg of you to send them round my house . Oh ps. My recycle bin blew all over the road , guess what , I don't care

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14 hours ago, Banker said:

But are they all actually DBC rate payers are just everyone signing it including Mickey Mouse?

Know a number of Douglas residents and none of them are bothered about the changes, more concerned about money wasted on other things 

No one(or not many) would go to the effort of signing the petition unless they had a view would they?

I will be disappointed if I found out that Mickey had done that. I thought he was better than that and considering the salary he is on, would have more important things to do than dabble in local isle of man issues.

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

No one(or not many) would go to the effort of signing the petition unless they had a view would they?

I will be disappointed if I found out that Mickey had done that. I thought he was better than that and considering the salary he is on, would have more important things to do than dabble in local isle of man issues.

The thing is, when signing this petition, you don’t have to prove you live in Douglas. This, combined with the fact that it makes a rather immature statement at the end about the councillors standing down I suspect will mean it’ll be pointless. 
on a slightly different note I was chatting to a Douglas MHK last week and DBC have all MHKs support on this. Yes it could have been rolled out better but I suspect with this support too this fortnightly collection will remain. To be fair to DBC when I’ve contacted them the actual officers doing the job and the front line have been really helpful.

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Saturday morning  and my recycling bins are still sitting at the entrance to my property , they should have been collected days ago , has the scheme been so successful that the  collection crews have been overwhelmed ? 

I think not  and priority will have been given to emptying  the overloaded refuse bins  and clearing up the mess  from the 2 weekly collection cycle , they even posted on facebook  that my area would be collected the next day , 

Time for a rethink councillors  , what was not broken before is turning into a very expensive exercise , and one which the Douglas ratepayers can not afford ,


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1 hour ago, Satan666 said:

The thing is, when signing this petition, you don’t have to prove you live in Douglas. This, combined with the fact that it makes a rather immature statement at the end about the councillors standing down I suspect will mean it’ll be pointless. 
on a slightly different note I was chatting to a Douglas MHK last week and DBC have all MHKs support on this. Yes it could have been rolled out better but I suspect with this support too this fortnightly collection will remain. To be fair to DBC when I’ve contacted them the actual officers doing the job and the front line have been really helpful.

Even Wannenburgh and Ashford? 

Ditto on the contact point.  I do wonder how many having problems have actually raised them with DBC?  It's all very well complaining on FB, etc. but unless the concerns are actually raised with DBC they don't know of the issues, nor can they address them. 

Edited by Gladys
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57 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Even Wannenburgh and Ashford? 

Ditto on the contact point.  I do wonder how many having problems have actually raised them with DBC?  It's all very well complaining on FB, etc. but unless the concerns are actually raised with DBC they don't know of the issues, nor can they address them. 

no, cos DBC never look at facebook do they ............................................

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