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More uselessness from DBC


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1 minute ago, John Wright said:


And it’s potentially damaging to MF.

Keep your vanity videos off here, please.

Ok I get it, because I’m a councillor I have to be miserable, tolerate everything, can’t have a life outside of town hall, and cant have any fun or call out people when they post BS under the guise of satire. Is that about right? No wonder I’m depressed. 

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Just now, quilp said:

What about the bin collections which didn't happen today? Is there a plan for collection tomorrow? Are we to wait another week? No press release from DBC that I can find...🙄🤨

Check the other thread. I posted an update. The weather one. 

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4 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Ok I get it, because I’m a councillor I have to be miserable, tolerate everything, can’t have a life outside of town hall, and cant have any fun or call out people when they post BS under the guise of satire. Is that about right? No wonder I’m depressed. 

Post what you like, errr Frank...

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1 minute ago, Amadeus said:

Ok I get it, because I’m a councillor I have to be miserable, tolerate everything, can’t have a life outside of town hall, and cant have any fun or call out people when they post BS under the guise of satire. Is that about right? No wonder I’m depressed. 

What you are (not) tolerating is no worse than anything you have allowed to be said about any other politician or Councillor on this forum in the last 10 years and more. In fact it’s based on fact and opinion and a lot less than the streams of abuse you seem to have allowed on this site over the years as it’s moderator in relation to anyone else in public life. The Rob Callister thread is testament to this alone. How long would it have lasted if it was about you? Never had any push back on anything published on the election or anything else. Until the satire is pointed at a few tin pots who can’t even seem to manage emptying people bins. Typical IOM. 

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5 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Check the other thread. I posted an update. The weather one. 

Still in the dark. Waste services, because of the weather, playing catch-up and bins to be put out as normal, which we did last night, but now, myself and my neighbours are wondering whether we should leave ours out. Harcroft. They attempted to drive up the close this morning but it was too icy.

So what do we do Frank..? 

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21 minutes ago, John Wright said:

God, Frank, get over yourself. It’s a parody site. A bit like trolling. Do you see Rob engaging as if it were a journalistic site.

I know Germans aren’t endowed with a sense of humour, but really!

it’s the same with you promoting your Roundel YouTube videos on here. A massive own goal whilst the bin saga rumbles on. It’s tone deaf. And the journalistic standards are non existent. 

So Should Amadeus not do something he enjoys doing because a few folk are upset their bins aren't collected weekly? 

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8 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Ok I get it, because I’m a councillor I have to be miserable, tolerate everything, can’t have a life outside of town hall, and cant have any fun or call out people when they post BS under the guise of satire. Is that about right? No wonder I’m depressed. 

No the point is, you have chosen several roles that may come into conflict with eachother  - 

  • Councillor
  • Your role in e-gaming
  • Weird photographer of car crashes and you-tuber
  • Part of the management team here

The first two roles mean that your independence is going to questioned in the second two. You can act with the best will in the world but people are going to perceive a conflict of interest. 

I've long worried that you would use your role here as a platform for your causes and to advance your political ambitions. Years ago I was asked to return as a moderator and turned it down because the role involves being collectively responsible for other mods' decisions and I didn't trust you to put self-interest aside in your decision making. 

However, you've proven me wrong and I can't think of any times you've let a conflict of interest  impact on moderating decisions.

Now, though, your political role is putting extra pressure where the roles intersect. Add in the controversy over the bins (and the reactions of some of the frankly irrational people involved in the opposition to the change) this is going to create additional stress, not just on your ability to be independent but more so on you being seen to be independent. And that's a risk to the forum. 

John's right to highlight the you-tubing discussion thing and linking to it on here as an unneccssary extra diminsion at the moment.  

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56 minutes ago, John Wright said:

it’s the same with you promoting your Roundel YouTube videos on here. A massive own goal whilst the bin saga rumbles on. It’s tone deaf. And the journalistic standards are non existent. 

Oh relax, John.  Starting a podcast[1] is the new male midlife-crisis.  It's cheaper than a sportscar and less dangerous than a Harley.  Leave him be.  You don't have to watch and with most of them not even in three figures for views[2], hardly anyone has been.


[1]  I mean I know there are visuals, but you can't deny it would be improved without them.

[2] Views meaning someone played it for 30 seconds before they gave up.

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45 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

So Should Amadeus not do something he enjoys doing because a few folk are upset their bins aren't collected weekly? 

Or an alternative view might be that your role in public life generally limits any ability you have to be perceived as impartial. For a moment imagine that you knew that an anonymous politics forum was run by Alf Cannan. Then imagine if that forum allowed all sorts of politicians to be slagged off and criticized all the time, but that any criticism or abuse about Alf Cannan always just disappeared or was subject to constant adverse comment by the ‘moderator’? Is it really that different here? There seem to be two fairly deplorable threads here about Rob Callister and Juan Watterson in particular. It looks like none of the moderating team took any attempt to moderate them despite some incredibly offensive remarks appearing. But a significant effort appears to be taken over any mention of criticism of DBC when it’s known that one of the moderators is on DBC. The optic really does not look good when it comes to maintaining the perception of impartiality.

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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

There’s nothing bitter about it. I’m just disappointed about the way you research and publish things. It falls far short of any journalistic standards that you should strive to adhere to if you care about your credibility. Having seen how you work I’m unwilling to interact with you in any meaningful way even if I like the concept of what you do. 


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9 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Oh relax, John.  Starting a podcast[1] is the new male midlife-crisis.  It's cheaper than a sportscar and less dangerous than a Harley.  Leave him be.  You don't have to watch and with most of them not even in three figures for views[2], hardly anyone has been.

I'm sorry Rogerbut you are way off the mark. Harley Davidsons dangerous?They barely go fast enough to stop flies hitting the riders on the back if the helmet.🤣

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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

Ok I get it, because I’m a councillor I have to be miserable, tolerate everything, can’t have a life outside of town hall, and cant have any fun or call out people when they post BS under the guise of satire. Is that about right? No wonder I’m depressed. 

No. That’s not the point, and you know it. You can bore on about cars, roundels, and other things to your hearts content.

But don’t promote them on here when the actions of the political body you sit on are under criticism and in the public spotlight and it brings your moderating further into question.. 

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