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More uselessness from DBC


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34 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It’s green bin day tomorrow and we’re only allowed one green bin which isn’t enough for the green waste so last night after it was dark I took two full wheelie bins full of leaves I’d picked up on Sunday up the road and dumped them in a gully over the main drain cover. Hopefully when they send a gulley sweeper up the road to clear the drain they’ll be gone. Then I filled another bin with green waste that they can take away. If they can be pathetic so can I. I don’t see why I should get my car all shitty taking filthy leaves to the tip that last month I could just put in my bin to be taken away.

ever heard the saying "two wrongs don't make a right"

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So the Mayor of Douglas was on the Nations Station this morning welcoming all to the Firework display tonight.   When asked by the reporter if it was a good way to spend money in the current economic climate she responded by saying it had been budgeted for before the current financial situation had happened.  So that is alright then, there was no mention of any kind of sponsorship so tonight you can raise a glass to the ratepayers of Douglas whilst watching the grand display.

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On 11/2/2022 at 3:40 PM, offshoremanxman said:

Not really. If they expect me to pay £2K in rates and get my car full of shite every 2 weeks disposing of crap they won’t take away they’re sorely misguided. 

Saw someone getting out car on ballanard road on junction with Porte chee avenue & putting contents of large black bin bag in the bin on pavement so maybe the way forward 😀

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It’s the DBC firework display sweepstake!  Two choices each

Potential outcomes below:

 A - Display goes off successfully and everyone is happy with value for money, parking arrangements and the provision of food vendors.

B - display is cancelled after everyone has stood in the cold for a couple of hours due to a technical  glitch, as happened not that long ago.

C - An errant firework lands in a back lane full of rubbish causing a major response by the fire brigade, who then can’t get near the scene due to traffic chaos.

D - Douglas head is closed a full hour before the display.  Leading to numerous Facebook rants.

E - People crying as the music turns out to be the 1985 hit by Starship.  “We built this city”

F - biosphere status is revoked due to the pollution both from the display and everyone driving into town to sit in their cars with the heaters going.

G - Facebook goes potty with claims of horses dropping dead and dogs panicking 

H - Ramsey tomorrow turns out to be an infinitely better night out, as usual.

I - The McFlurry machine breaks as everyone is trying to get their Friday night sugar rush on the way home.  Leading to riots on Peel Road

Edited by Asthehills
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Anyone got a redtop bin? There was one at my house when I moved 4 years ago, not once has it been taken out for me. I was sent a letter ooooh 3 and a half years ago asking if I still needed it - what difference would it make if I did? Anyway I'm just wondering if having a red top bin is generally ignored or just for me?

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35 minutes ago, 2bees said:

Anyone got a redtop bin? There was one at my house when I moved 4 years ago, not once has it been taken out for me. I was sent a letter ooooh 3 and a half years ago asking if I still needed it - what difference would it make if I did? Anyway I'm just wondering if having a red top bin is generally ignored or just for me?

Do you actually require assistance getting your bin to the edge of your property/street  from where you store it?  Has your doctor certified that your medical need for the service?

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5 hours ago, Banker said:

Saw someone getting out car on ballanard road on junction with Porte chee avenue & putting contents of large black bin bag in the bin on pavement so maybe the way forward 😀

It’s happening all over Douglas a mate of mine now has a padlock on his bin as the neighbours are going up and down the lane on bin night putting their crap in other peoples bins as they’ve run out of space. We have truly become the UK when it comes to pointless local authority rules that encourage bad and pathetic behaviour in response. 

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It’s happening all over Douglas a mate of mine now has a padlock on his bin as the neighbours are going up and down the lane on bin night putting their crap in other peoples bins as they’ve run out of space. We have truly become the UK when it comes to pointless local authority rules that encourage bad and pathetic behaviour in response. 

Stupid rules always bring out the worst behaviour in people. Sadly stupid rules and stupid councillors

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6 hours ago, hissingsid said:

So the Mayor of Douglas was on the Nations Station this morning welcoming all to the Firework display tonight.   When asked by the reporter if it was a good way to spend money in the current economic climate she responded by saying it had been budgeted for before the current financial situation had happened.  So that is alright then, there was no mention of any kind of sponsorship so tonight you can raise a glass to the ratepayers of Douglas whilst watching the grand display.

She actually has an account here now as well :) 

The fireworks are supported by a sponsor and bring people into town. People who go shopping, have dinner, stay for drinks etc. It’s a balancing act and I believe having the fireworks this year was the right decision. 

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2 hours ago, John Wright said:

Do you actually require assistance getting your bin to the edge of your property/street  from where you store it?  Has your doctor certified that your medical need for the service?

Of course not! I'm as fit as a butchers dog, but I asked for a normal bin 4 years ago and haven't had it yet and it worries me that people who do need their red bins taking away for them are being ignored. I say worry, what I really mean is I'm being outraged on behalf of others who probably get their bins taken & don't even care :)

I think the two weekly bin thing is OK, I like the idea of recycling more (if only I had recycling bins, I wouldn't have to drive around with empty Gin bottles in the back of my car...). Foxdale have had fortnightly bin emptying for years and you don't see Foxdaliens sneaking around putting rubbish in other peoples bins... I mean really? Who does that?

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2 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

She actually has an account here now as well :) 

The fireworks are supported by a sponsor and bring people into town. People who go shopping, have dinner, stay for drinks etc. It’s a balancing act and I believe having the fireworks this year was the right decision. 

Are all the shops in Strand street staying open late?

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2 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

She actually has an account here now as well :) 

The fireworks are supported by a sponsor and bring people into town. People who go shopping, have dinner, stay for drinks etc. It’s a balancing act and I believe having the fireworks this year was the right decision. 

Sorry  to upset you  Amadeus but most people I know would rather have their bins empties weekly ,  than see  their money go up in smoke ,  in a 30 minute tribute to a failed Guy Fawkes  , who also did not deliver   what he set out to achieve !

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Why did she not mention the sponsor when she was interviewed she gave the impression that the ratepayers were copping for the lot but it was ok because it had been budgeted for before the hard times had arrived.   The hard times have been with us for some time now missus it is just getting worse.

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