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More uselessness from DBC


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12 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

I've been of the opinion for some time that the situation may well be being "exploited", shall we say? A little like MG "exploited" the previous user agreement. But without knowledge of exactly what the contractual arrangements are between IoMG and the operator, it's impossible to prove.

Yet the rises come thick, fast and steep and nobody seems to be able to question them. Why are the LAs not making representation to DOI/Central Govt and why can't the latter question the fees? Unless of course, they are locked into some sort of cast iron contract.

Nobody could have anticipated the sort of draw on rates that the EFW imposes when it was mooted, designed and built. Nearly £1M annually for Ramsey. Twice that at least for Douglas. Every other LA citing them as the driver behind Rates rises  and for many a year now too.

Somebody in Govt should be looking into this; unless Govt itself is complicit.

IIRC, and I may be wrong, we have discussed what I am going to say on a thread yonks ago - but to reprise, the incinerator was one of the 'creative accounting' structures during the great VAT scam period, and so, yes, the government is very much complicit.

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

If they're imposing a below-inflation rise then surely they're either subsidising it through reserves or storing it up for rises in future years though? Their costs won't have gone away or reduced, how are they absorbing the EFW fees that will have been imposed on them the same as every other LA? Although their refuse collection costs are combined with the other Northern Parishes.

Their litter bin emptier and street cleaner is a gardener who part-times for the KMC and they have very small public areas and facilities to maintain, one can't compare KMC responsibilities with those of a larger town or district, not that I'm defending DBC.


In fairness there just being more efficient  this is what the others should be doing , looking out for their ratepayers !

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16 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

I've been of the opinion for some time that the situation may well be being "exploited", shall we say? A little like MG "exploited" the previous user agreement. But without knowledge of exactly what the contractual arrangements are between IoMG and the operator, it's impossible to prove.

Yet the rises come thick, fast and steep and nobody seems to be able to question them. Why are the LAs not making representation to DOI/Central Govt and why can't the latter question the fees? Unless of course, they are locked into some sort of cast iron contract.

Nobody could have anticipated the sort of draw on rates that the EFW imposes when it was mooted, designed and built. Nearly £1M annually for Ramsey. Twice that at least for Douglas. Every other LA citing them as the driver behind Rates rises  and for many a year now too.

Somebody in Govt should be looking into this; unless Govt itself is complicit.

the LA's should club together and ship all their waste off island and say a big off to the EFW outfit , prices may come down then.

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2 hours ago, WTF said:

the LA's should club together and ship all their waste off island and say a big off to the EFW outfit , prices may come down then.

You think it would be that easy? Have you heard the word contract? SUEZ are industry leaders and they do privately funded contracts for fun.

I reckon (although I do not know I admit) we would be absolutely reamed!

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This has more to do with government realising they are becoming more and more insolvent with each passing month, and trying to unload any costs that they can on to the gmp by any means possible. but not by themselves directly. Can see hike in income tax to you and me, all due to covid  no mention of their inability to rein in spending on grandiose schemes and eye watering over costs on every thing they touch either by no due diligence or out right corruption. Also let's not forget the ever increasing burden of government and civil service all of which have been failed to be reeled in by the last4/5 successive elected representatives, and I for one can see no hope for the future with the latest incompetent bunch of serial waffler's and nose led assholes. By the cs if I left that unclear

Edited by Dirty Buggane
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3 hours ago, WTF said:

the LA's should club together and ship all their waste off island and say a big off to the EFW outfit , prices may come down then.

I don't think  the convention allows them to export or import waste , possibly only in an emergency , but really the cost would be astronomical ,and how would you facilitate it ? bin lorries going over to Heysham on the Ben ? and back next sailing ?  

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57 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I reckon (although I do not know I admit) we would be absolutely reamed!

There'd be no change then, we already are being, well and truly.

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49 minutes ago, Omobono said:

I don't think  the convention allows them to export or import waste , possibly only in an emergency , but really the cost would be astronomical ,and how would you facilitate it ? bin lorries going over to Heysham on the Ben ? and back next sailing ?  

Silver river sails regularly to UK/Ireland mostly empty.

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1 hour ago, finlo said:

Silver river sails regularly to UK/Ireland mostly empty.

look at Basle convention  which I think we are signature to, expressly prohibits the transhipment of domestic  waste ,  definite NO NO to Eu countries , Ireland is out , but the cost,  logistics ,  and subsequent landfill tax would be astronomical , better team up with government and local authorities  and face down the EFW  operator , the lease must be coming to an end soon  fight for a better gate price  deal 

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

There are different levels of reamedness 😘

There are indeed.

There's EFW and attached Rates reamedness.

There's Liverpool Terminal reamedness.

There's Douglas Promenade reamedness.

There's Gas Bill reamedness

Then there's the Big Daddy of them all. Power Station and attached Toilet Tax and Standing Charge reamedness.

All of which have been within the supposed control of our Government and none of which level of reamedness was voted for by the Manx Taxpaying Voter.

In fact there surely can't be an 85,000 population anywhere else quite as reamed as that of the IoM.


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I wonder if the police will be referring this scam email reproducing their logo to the OSCIA for a full investigation like DBC has done with their allegedly spoofed email? They seem to have tried to do a much better job than what’s been reported with the Wells email. Here it’s up to people to report direct which suggests the DBC press release is total BS.


Edited by MrGarrison
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18 hours ago, Happier diner said:

The gate fee change does not necessarily mean anyone is being ripped off. It's a contractual agreement. 

Who paid to build waste plant?

who makes a profit?

where does the profit go?


who does Sita have contract with? 
when that contract ends who foots the bill to refurb and replace the waste plant? 

brilliant set up like contract with iomspco, then when contract drains the asset the taxpayer picks up bill for lack of investment. 


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6 minutes ago, buncha wankas said:

Who paid to build waste plant?

who makes a profit?

where does the profit go?


who does Sita have contract with? 
when that contract ends who foots the bill to refurb and replace the waste plant? 

brilliant set up like contract with iomspco, then when contract drains the asset the taxpayer picks up bill for lack of investment. 


Do some research or put in an FOI

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