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More uselessness from DBC


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10 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

I Saying "Nobody carries cash anymore" is such a silly tech-bro thing to come out with.  It's demonstrably untrue, even if only a small percentage of people do and in fact most people still do, even if they use it less than they might have in the past.  In fact there is a reply-thread to Frank's post that shows that the Victorian Society has analysed the situation and concluded that it wasn't justified for various financial and non-financial reasons:


To be honest you only wish that various government organisations would engage in this depth of analysis before buying the latest bit of kit someone in management had been convinced was 'essential'.

Some good sensible Tweets there. What the attraction needs is supporters trumpeting its clause as a venue not knockers slagging it off on social media and the fact that those publicly knocking it are actually town councilors is simply astounding. The way the Douglas ones seem to operate is staggeringly arrogant. 

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44 minutes ago, Augustus said:

I wondered where all the litter blowing down Marathon Road this morning came from? Bingo.


That’s just lazy residents.  You really can’t blame anyone else for that.

A very quick glance at those photos shows most is recyclable or at the very least could be broken down.

Who puts bottles full of air in a bin with the lid on and then moans the bin is full?  Lazy people

Edited by Ativa
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7 hours ago, Ativa said:

That’s just lazy residents.  You really can’t blame anyone else for that.

Actually looks like people have put their bins out and then maybe other people have come out and crammed their crap on-top of already full bins as they’ve run out of space. It’s filthy though and probably down to people not having enough space to dispose of their own rubbish. 

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9 hours ago, Ativa said:

That’s just lazy residents.  You really can’t blame anyone else for that.

A very quick glance at those photos shows most is recyclable or at the very least could be broken down.

Who puts bottles full of air in a bin with the lid on and then moans the bin is full?  Lazy people

None of this resolves what happens to the rubbish flapping around on Marathon Road. I had a look again this evening. Untouched. No change at all. These multiple occupancy places are always going to generate problems in communal bins with feckless residents who don't give a shit. Perhaps something DBC might have considered at some earlier stage.

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9 minutes ago, Augustus said:

Perhaps something DBC might have considered at some earlier stage.

Perish the thought. What about all those wobbly trolleys at the airport and infuriating flight delays? Some DBC councillors seem to be much more interested in milking them for likes than arranging picking crap up off a stinking beach or accommodating proper refuse collections.

Edited by BriT
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24th May 2023
Douglas Beach Festival!

Exclusive breaking news ..

Following the decision by Douglas Council to approve a summer beach festival to take place on the 1st July, the Herald is now delighted to exclusively break the news of what the £10,000 one day event will have in store for Douglas ratepayers.

When approached by the Herald last week Mayor Natalie Byron was absolutely delighted to confirm “I’m thrilled that we have now found the funding to put on this event. Its something that I’ve wanted to do for ages but nobody has rightly let me free with the Council cheque book before. We could have spent £10,000 cleaning the beach which as you know absolutely stinks but that would be a total waste of money on something productive. So what we are going to do instead is put on a poo themed festival which should mean that hopefully nobody will notice the putrid vomit-inducing open latrine stench while they party on down”. Ms Byron added “I will email you information on the exciting entertainment we have booked so far but I’m delighted to say that compering the day will be our very own Cllr Devon Watson dressed as Mr Jobby – the Councils amusing but socially responsible poo mascot – who will be there to entertain the Douglas kids but also teach them about responsible recycling”

Having received this Mayoral scoop the Herald then approached a grumpy sounding Mr Watson who was clearly annoyed that the cat had been let out of the proverbial poo-bag “Its not for me to comment” claimed the clearly agitated councillor. “I’m not happy about the whole thing but I was apparently the only person small enough to fit into the Mr Jobby costume and was completely outvoted. Personally I think its a concerted attempt to undermine me by Cllr Wells and her supporters as I am popular and she is not”. He closed by bitterly adding “As a dedicated Communist I am wholly opposed to anyone having fun of any kind whether on a beach or anywhere else and in addition I believe that hetero-normative people having children are totally destroying the planet. Its irresponsible to be having children in this world so I am not pleased at all about the offspring of the Douglas bourgeois expecting jovial turd-themed child minding at my expense on a day where we should be remembering all the dead whales and dolphins and stuff”

Unfortunately after giving a short statement Mr Watson had to go as he was rumoured to already be three hours into an pointless Twitter spat when the Editor called. However from the e-mail the Herald later received from Cllr Byron we can exclusively reveal that Douglas residents can look forward to the following on 1st July.

10:00AM Event opens with Ms Byron welcoming guests

10:30AM Mr Jobby’s Dog Egg hunt (£5 per child)

11:00AM Throw a traffic cone on your favourite Bee Gee

11:30AM Bill Dales find a Tampax hour (mystery prizes)

12:30AM Fenella Beach’s filthy back door beach party

1:30PM Competition Bum Log Millionaire (prize £10)

2:00PM Mr Jobby reads extracts from Das Kapital

2:30PM Seaweed tractor rides for the kids (£15 each)

3:30PM Mr Jobby introduces various live acts

5:30PM Byelaws state the music must end by 5:31PM

If you plan on going to the Douglas Beach Festival please let the Editor know as we have no absolutely intention of covering such crap ourselves.

The Editor, the Port Soderick Herald

Twitter: @portsoderickH

Email: tpsh@email.com

Edited by Cassie2
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