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More uselessness from DBC


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41 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Offshore, if you are totally honest do you recycle everything that you can?  If you do, you may find that a fortnightly collection is fine. 

My collection is today, there isn't enough in my bin to make hauling it to the roadside worthwhile, it will wait for the next collection.  That is often the case. 

I have posted before about the recycling and domestic waste collections started when I lived in the UK, must be 25 years ago.  It worked fine, and there was no platform like this to hurl abuse at the local councillors. You just did it and we had problems with urban foxes, (I didn't, I quite liked them), as well as the usual assortment of scavenging animals. 

It is a mindset and much less stressful to comply and work with it positively, than continually feel you have been wronged by your local authority and trying to illustrate how it is so severely impacting your life. 

maybe you can sublet the rest of your bin space to offshore ?

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

Yes and I’ve been recycling everything I can well before these town hall clowns decided to make the service worse on the pretext of recycling when it’s really about saving a few pence so they can waste it somewhere else. You should see the queues at the tip at this time of year since these idiots forced everyone to have to drive there to dispose of their green waste themselves. It’s hardly environmentally beneficial sitting with the engine on in a queue for half an hour just to get rid of some manky old leaves or hedge cuttings. 

Why didn't you take up the offer of a green waste bin? 

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1 minute ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’ve got a green waste bin which holds about 15% of my green waste. To get more, and this is serious, I have to submit to an inspection by the DBC bin police who then might allow us to have another bin. There is currently a long wait as their bin policemen are very busy. But anyway they can piss right off with that throughly useless process as up until last month I could put my green waste in any bin and they’d just take it away. I’d rather dump all my crap on the town hall steps than submit to an idiotic process where a bin police person, who is probably on £45K plus a final salary pension, has to enter my property and look at all the crap I throw out. 

If you have so much green waste it is reasonable to have this taken away by DBC? It's a genuine question. Surely if you have so much waste then that is more than a normal garden would produce.

I suppose if you pay a higher rate then it's not unreasonable to have an increased level of service. But then everyone just gets one bin regardless of how much they pay for the service which would seem unfair.

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

That’s my point. I pay £2k a year currently to fill my own car with damp dirty shite and take it to the tip. Which I didn’t have to do 2 months ago. Also to point out green waste is seasonal. So they have brought in this ridiculous process right at a time when a lot of peoples green bins can’t cope hence why the tip is backlogged when you go. I’m also not sure why some muppet from DBC has to assess your need for another bin which you pay about £40 for anyway. Just sell me another bin. Do they think I’ll suddenly be taking in other peoples rubbish for money if I have access to one more bin? Or do they think I’ll be selling my £40 bin on to recycle collect at a profit? The whole process is simply pointless. 

No, you pay £2k for all the services provided by DBC.

If your garden is so big, why not have a compost heap? 

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3 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

Yes and I’ve been recycling everything I can well before these town hall clowns decided to make the service worse on the pretext of recycling when it’s really about saving a few pence so they can waste it somewhere else. You should see the queues at the tip at this time of year since these idiots forced everyone to have to drive there to dispose of their green waste themselves. It’s hardly environmentally beneficial sitting with the engine on in a queue for half an hour just to get rid of some manky old leaves or hedge cuttings. 

Douglas Corporation never said it would take ALL your green waste. 


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5 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

I pay £2k a year currently to fill my own car with damp dirty shite and take it to the tip.

How big is your house if your DBC rates are two grand? My abode is decent enough and my DBC rates were £750 this year.

Maybe invest in a composter?

I'm no fan of the cut to the black bin collections, but I don't understand how people are filling their black bin so quickly. We're a family of four and don't fill it in a fortnight.

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4 hours ago, Gizo said:

I really don’t understand why you would take leaves to the tip. That isn’t recycling. 
Typical half wit behaviour. 

The southern tip used to turn it into compost, but they stopped for some reason. Cost of leaves or something probably. I assume it all goes to Ballaneven now, but the stuff from the southern was better.

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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Parks, street lighting, waste disposal, cemetery, social housing, library, bye law enforcement, from the top of my head.  Thing is, rates cover a lot more than bin collections. 

You missed the free bar in the town (not city) hall!

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