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More uselessness from DBC


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5 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Don’t be surprised if DBC introduces a premium bin collection service at a premium price. 

they have had the premium pricing for quite a while , the collection aspect went down the shitter in recent times though.

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On 7/9/2023 at 4:13 PM, Clondike said:

....he’s only using the free ride he got on Council as a means to stand for Keys next time so he can emulate Josem as Douglas’ worst and most unsuccessful general election candidate....

Oh please, I received far more votes than Schuengel did when he ran: he came stone last.

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Right so in the interest in fairness . They finally got in touch with the waste section . Each bin has a number on it apparently.  Due to a lot of the bins being not marked . People were mixing bins . Because of this one of the other neighbours had their other bin which cannot be used currently until they meet with assessment.  This is why it's happened twice as it appeared to the workers that they were filling two which wasn't the case . 

So just incase anyone else has these issues mark your bins . I believe they are going to get assessment soon and then hopefully mark their bins . Still stuck with a full bin currently but at least they will be sorted . They only found this out when they were asked to put their second bin out and a neighbour had another one of their numbered bins and they had a blank spare one (which hadn't been used since changes) .

All well that ends well . Hopefully they get sorted now . One bin for that family isn't anywhere near enough.  

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Back lane blocked because of construction works/road digging around the corner. BIG well done to the team that still emptied the rubbish bins this morning, must have come through from the other side 👏. THANK YOU.

Not so much the "recycling" team, who never even bothered trying on Friday.

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1 hour ago, majkul said:

BIG well done to the team that still emptied the rubbish bins this morning, must have come through from the other side 👏. THANK YOU.

For context, and to know whose team is being praised, can I ask where you live - Douglas? Ramsey? Peel? South?  Elsewhere?

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21 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

For context, and to know whose team is being praised, can I ask where you live - Douglas? Ramsey? Peel? South?  Elsewhere?

Douglas. Not sure if the rubbish bins and "recycling" teams are the same, but now have a feeling they're not, seeing as today they did a good job, as expected, whereas on Friday the "recycling" boxes were never emptied. Mind you, the "recycling" is always a bit haphazard, already a few times that they turned up a few days late. Some of the neighbours take their boxes back in. I don't, in the hope that at some point, they will turn up. 

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13 minutes ago, Alberttwatmunch said:

Shouldn’t the anchor blocks be buried in the sand?  The raft is going to smash against them in a storm as it is being picked up and dropped down again as the tide comes and goes!

Precisely. But...in Douglas we actually have not recently had any truly stormy weather. Douglas Bay has been relatively calm for months. When we have a proper storm (storm that brings overtopping) the raft will be ripped from its mooring and crushed against the concreate Promenade seawall.

Unlike Port Erin, which channels the prevailing southwesterly winds but never gets really rough, Douglas Bay has occasional days when it gets pretty wild. IMHO, for that reason, this 'installation' will likely turn into a waste of ratepayers money. 

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