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On 8/11/2023 at 5:20 PM, code99 said:

IMHO, out of control:  "Douglas Council spends more than £200k on advocates in the last financial year". What did ratepayers get for this expenditure...?


That's kinda what we are asking internally, and the question why we have an in house lawyer, plus we want to know how external law firms are chosen.

I know where some of the money went, going by recent proceedings, and for some of us (me included) there's a real us-against-them feeling when it comes to council & town hall leadership. There's also a persistent Can't Do attitude IMHO. Not how it should be and not good. Certain people are also real quick to send emails saying this and that isn't according to rules and threatening with the standards committee. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I get one for this post. I sure got one for making a joke about the mayor's bar on here once. Speaking just for myself, I often find the atmosphere unhealthy, hostile and unproductive but please don't think this applies to the whole place or everyone working there. There are good people in council and in town hall. Hard working individuals who really care and do their best. But there are also problems. Problems and attitudes I really didn't expect on such a local level of politics.  

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11 hours ago, code99 said:

I 100% agree with you. This is what Amadeus wrote in Airport threat:

“What exactly were red sonya and spackman paid for?”

When I questioned £60,000 to be spent from Councils’ Reserves including £9,000 on recycling video and £10,000 on promotional material to households to explain recycling policy (even though the Council Leader insisted in a public meeting last year that “everybody” in the community knew about the policy), he wrote: “When did you last have a hug?”

 It appears that he can dish it out but he can’t take it. As a passenger/ customer of the Airport it is his prerogative to criticise their services. In a democracy, it is perfectly acceptable for Local Authority ratepayers to be satisfied or dissatisfied with the level of services that their Local Authority is providing. There are ample examples in the UK of what happens when Local Authorities become unaccountable about their finances and run amuck.

Clearly, any personal abuse, name calling and insults are unacceptable.

Fair comment. 

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13 hours ago, Amadeus said:

That's kinda what we are asking internally, and the question why we have an in house lawyer, plus we want to know how external law firms are chosen.

I know where some of the money went, going by recent proceedings, and for some of us (me included) there's a real us-against-them feeling when it comes to council & town hall leadership. There's also a persistent Can't Do attitude IMHO. Not how it should be and not good. Certain people are also real quick to send emails saying this and that isn't according to rules and threatening with the standards committee. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I get one for this post. I sure got one for making a joke about the mayor's bar on here once. Speaking just for myself, I often find the atmosphere unhealthy, hostile and unproductive but please don't think this applies to the whole place or everyone working there. There are good people in council and in town hall. Hard working individuals who really care and do their best. But there are also problems. Problems and attitudes I really didn't expect on such a local level of politics.  

Do us all a favour then and walk away . I find this whole post so ironic . Yours and the other councillors attitude to the very people you represent is of total disrespect . You don't listen to the people , you refused to react after a petition was brought to you and tried to get addresses . There's There's real reason most refuse to give addresses and that's because your councillors use your authority to single out individuals.  

If as a councillor you cannot understand where hundreds of thousands have gone then you all need to go , especially when you claim bin reduction is to save money you'd think you'd pick up on the fact that 4 times as much is being wasted at the same time . 

As proven once again , not one of you councillors are upto the job , and if I'm honest are purely there to force people into your green way of thinking . Just quit Frank and take your ginger witch with you . 

I assume this will be removed as usual as just like the council you've got far too much power here which you really shouldn't have . 

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48 minutes ago, Manxieover65 said:

Do us all a favour then and walk away . I find this whole post so ironic . Yours and the other councillors attitude to the very people you represent is of total disrespect . You don't listen to the people , you refused to react after a petition was brought to you and tried to get addresses . There's There's real reason most refuse to give addresses and that's because your councillors use your authority to single out individuals.  

If as a councillor you cannot understand where hundreds of thousands have gone then you all need to go , especially when you claim bin reduction is to save money you'd think you'd pick up on the fact that 4 times as much is being wasted at the same time . 

As proven once again , not one of you councillors are upto the job , and if I'm honest are purely there to force people into your green way of thinking . Just quit Frank and take your ginger witch with you . 

I assume this will be removed as usual as just like the council you've got far too much power here which you really shouldn't have . 

Fact is the island was at least 20 years behind other places when it came to recycling. I’m not a fully blown greenie and never will be, as can easily be demonstrated by the big Diesel V8 that’s parked next to the EV on my driveway. That doesn’t mean we can’t take steps in the right direction. 

You do understand I don’t get an email every time anyone spends any money at town hall and that our job is not an operational role, right? Which is why questions about this expenditure and the procurement process are now being asked. 

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5 hours ago, Manxieover65 said:

Do us all a favour then and walk away . I find this whole post so ironic . Yours and the other councillors attitude to the very people you represent is of total disrespect . You don't listen to the people , you refused to react after a petition was brought to you and tried to get addresses . There's There's real reason most refuse to give addresses and that's because your councillors use your authority to single out individuals.  

If as a councillor you cannot understand where hundreds of thousands have gone then you all need to go , especially when you claim bin reduction is to save money you'd think you'd pick up on the fact that 4 times as much is being wasted at the same time . 

As proven once again , not one of you councillors are upto the job , and if I'm honest are purely there to force people into your green way of thinking . Just quit Frank and take your ginger witch with you . 

I assume this will be removed as usual as just like the council you've got far too much power here which you really shouldn't have . 

Christ is this what it was like being a councillor when they stopped you throwing the bedpan out on the street?


If single issue politics (with that issue being fortnightly bin collection) is the only motivator for a large portion of residents then I dread to think what Douglas will be like in 20 years time.

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20 hours ago, Amadeus said:

I know where some of the money went, going by recent proceedings, and for some of us (me included) there's a real us-against-them feeling when it comes to council & town hall leadership. There's also a persistent Can't Do attitude IMHO. Not how it should be and not good. Certain people are also real quick to send emails saying this and that isn't according to rules and threatening with the standards committee. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I get one for this post. I sure got one for making a joke about the mayor's bar on here once. Speaking just for myself, I often find the atmosphere unhealthy, hostile and unproductive but please don't think this applies to the whole place or everyone working there. There are good people in council and in town hall. Hard working individuals who really care and do their best. But there are also problems. Problems and attitudes I really didn't expect on such a local level of politics.  

You should have read that Manx Forums.  Here I am warning about the potential dangers of the newly-introduced Standards Committee back in (God I feel old) 2012.  Councillors are public representatives and as soon as you start trying to control them in ways other than the ballot box (and the laws of the land that apply to everyone) it's a recipe for imposed conformity, often by the unelected.

Of course the same thing applies in Tynwald as well as we saw with Callister.  The sad thing is that far too many other elected representatives are willing to go along with it, to keep their own power or simply to continue with a nice, easy life, undisturbed by colleagues who think their job should be about more than that.  And often members of the public cheer them on based on do more than personal dislike - and then complain about the consequences of their representatives being happy to do no more than what they are told. 

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10 hours ago, Manxieover65 said:

Do us all a favour then and walk away . I find this whole post so ironic . Yours and the other councillors attitude to the very people you represent is of total disrespect . You don't listen to the people , you refused to react after a petition was brought to you and tried to get addresses . There's There's real reason most refuse to give addresses and that's because your councillors use your authority to single out individuals.  

If as a councillor you cannot understand where hundreds of thousands have gone then you all need to go , especially when you claim bin reduction is to save money you'd think you'd pick up on the fact that 4 times as much is being wasted at the same time . 

As proven once again , not one of you councillors are upto the job , and if I'm honest are purely there to force people into your green way of thinking . Just quit Frank and take your ginger witch with you . 

I assume this will be removed as usual as just like the council you've got far too much power here which you really shouldn't have . 

You sound like an another clone of offshore Manx who has thankfully vanished or has he ?? 

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16 hours ago, Mercenary said:

Christ is this what it was like being a councillor when they stopped you throwing the bedpan out on the street?


If single issue politics (with that issue being fortnightly bin collection) is the only motivator for a large portion of residents then I dread to think what Douglas will be like in 20 years time.

More the power these clowns use against others . They are bullies plain and simple . Bins is just one example of their utter uselessness . How about supporting building a new apartment block with no parking thus causing havoc for their constituents? Nothing to do with a couple of them involved in EGaming and Bitcoin etc . Convinced at this point at least two are planted there to get things passed to suit their ESG nonsense.  Frank and Co don't fool me . 

As for the bins it's pretty important to people , lots are struggling with it , Douglas is scruffy as because of it and I'll bet my everything I own its costing them more to cover up how useless an idea it was.  I'd have nothing against them if they took the petition and actually looked into it , instead of just refusing to read it hey Frank ? Then calling a meeting to tell everyone we are in charge and its staying . Thankfully not for too long when they'll be ousted when they actually need votes to get in . Then Frank can try the goverment route again and get his arse kicked by Josem . 



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