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More uselessness from DBC


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Thank you for a balanced comment. We don’t get enough of them around here. I have no plans to run for the Keys. I don’t know about Devon. I do know many other local authorities on the island had fortnightly collections before us and don’t have a curbside recycling scheme so I really don’t fully follow all the outrage. Where people had genuine issues these were assessed as good as possible and help provided. No system is perfect. A lot of town hall staff are hard working and dedicated. They and us care about this place. 

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19 hours ago, Manxieover65 said:

Not forced Green on people ? That's like saying Covid Jabs were not forced on people . You either recycle or you have to drive to the tip to remove excess Rubbish . As you only get one bin fortnightly to "save" money.  Yet can afford to pick up recycling bins though . 

The only reason Douglas looks slightly clean is because knowing workers at refuse department I know for a fact they now spend countless hours cleaning them up and emptying full bins to make it look like it's working . Prove me wrong .

Also still can't understand why you were happy to do Santons bins as a council weekly at a very low figure bordering on costing Douglas more for the pleasure . Again prove me wrong 🙈 .

You seem a alright guy but from a political stand point why would I ever vote for you as a MHK for example if that's the route your going to take , when you've proven you wouldn't listen to a thousand of your constitutents and their concerns over the bins when they handed you over a petition . Even Devon stepped back from the bin saga as it was clear publicly supporting the madness would affect his future voting.

You can make YouTube videos which to be fair I enjoy for the record and point out other politician's mistakes yet you were one of the main instigators in refusing to look into the worry of a thousand people.  You refused to compromise at all . I just hope everyone remembers that . 

But for what it's worth good luck in the future with whatever it is you planning on doing and I hope the rest follow suit and decide not to run too . Because its an absolute mess if you put the bins to one side . As for standing I'd absolutely love to , but I'm less popular than you and can't spell .


Why would the council listen to the minority when it's clear the majority is happy with the arrangements? That's like saying at an election 1 candidate got less votes but we will let them in anyway. 

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1 minute ago, thommo2010 said:

Why would the council listen to the minority when it's clear the majority is happy with the arrangements?

I don’t think it’s clear that the majority are happy with the arrangements, though. I certainly don’t know anyone who thinks the change is positive, the people I know all think it was a stupid idea.

However the people I know are all sensible enough to know the Council officers won’t change their mind unless elected councillors force them to, and the current elected councillors seem to think the stupid idea is actually a good one. So constantly banging about it on social media is pointless and life’s too short to be constantly angry about bins anyway.

I don’t see how cutting bin collections encourages recycling, I’ve never understood why anyone thinks it does. All it does is encourage longtails.

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OK I will buy your statement regarding recycling rates being up but where do you get your information regarding Joey Longtail from it seems rather like the MHK some years ago who thought it would be a good idea to count the seagulls and it wasn’t the gentleman from down south it was before his time.

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1 minute ago, ADELE said:

OK I will buy your statement regarding recycling rates being up but where do you get your information regarding Joey Longtail from it seems rather like the MHK some years ago who thought it would be a good idea to count the seagulls and it wasn’t the gentleman from down south it was before his time.

You need to read the full report by Angela Main Thompson, the Tynwald Commissioner for Administration.  It shows figures from DEFA of reports of vermin in the Douglas area and, looking at the table, there doesn't seem to have been an increase since the fortnightly collection was introduced.

The whole report is written in that polite way that legal professionals use when you know they really want to start screaming "WTF" at the top of their voice.  For example:

15. One particular problem exercising Mr D was the nearby pub. It had large commercial capacity bins which were emptied weekly by a private contractor engaged by the brewery. The bins were permanently sited in the back lane, although he accepted that the area used was owned by the brewery. He regarded the arrangement as unsightly.

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4 hours ago, Ringy Rose said:

I don’t think it’s clear that the majority are happy with the arrangements, though. I certainly don’t know anyone who thinks the change is positive, the people I know all think it was a stupid idea.

However the people I know are all sensible enough to know the Council officers won’t change their mind unless elected councillors force them to, and the current elected councillors seem to think the stupid idea is actually a good one. So constantly banging about it on social media is pointless and life’s too short to be constantly angry about bins anyway.

I don’t see how cutting bin collections encourages recycling, I’ve never understood why anyone thinks it does. All it does is encourage longtails.

I do a lot of walking round Douglas and I can honestly say I've not seen a single rat or mouse. Maybe I'm just lucky.

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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

Recycling rates are up.

And is that because you’ve cut bin collections or because you’ve finally decided to have a half decent recycling service?

As for rodent numbers, it’s not just how many of them there are but also where they are. I’m seeing more in the garden, the rubbish is the estate is tempting them in from the scrubland behind the house.

22 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

I can honestly say I've not seen a single rat or mouse. Maybe I'm just lucky.

You must be lucky. I’m seeing more than I used to. Thankfully most of them are dead because the cat’s got them.

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2 hours ago, Ringy Rose said:

And is that because you’ve cut bin collections or because you’ve finally decided to have a half decent recycling service?

Well they used the savings in money/staff time to deliver the recycling service. Would you rather a jump in rates?


Also not seen any jump in ringys.


@Amadeus - what are the numbers on recycling increases and has there been a reduction in EfW stream?

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4 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

I do a lot of walking round Douglas and I can honestly say I've not seen a single rat or mouse. Maybe I'm just lucky.

....but you're police or ex police! Rats won't be the only thing you have missed!!! 😃

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