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More uselessness from DBC


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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

Internet user in “stuff rusts when parked by the sea” shocker. I pass by there most mornings on my bike, which also has a well rusty chain thanks to being parked next to that saltwater body, and most bikes along the prom appear to be used all the time. 

You know you can just put a spot of oil on that chain every week and it won't rust?  

You'll get better efficiency, gear shifting, no awful squeaking noises.  Also not many cyclists realise that if you keep your chain in good nick and replace it every year or so, it will limit the amount of wear on all the other components the chain touches, which are much more laborious and expensive to replace. 

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3 minutes ago, cissolt said:

I don't have a problem with the bike rack, but filling it with scrap makes it look awful.

Frankly I have massive concerns about the bike rack.  

Anywhere else would just buy a standard rack.  I dread to think what kind of new fangled groundbreaking device they are going to come up with here. 

Actually, scratch that.  I'm now identifying as a Cycle Storage Technician.  For the extremely reasonable price of £1,000,000 I will undertake extensive research, development and construction for a Manx Bike Rack, for Manx Bikes.

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3 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Frankly I have massive concerns about the bike rack.  

Anywhere else would just buy a standard rack.  I dread to think what kind of new fangled groundbreaking device they are going to come up with here. 

Actually, scratch that.  I'm now identifying as a Cycle Storage Technician.  For the extremely reasonable price of £1,000,000 I will undertake extensive research, development and construction for a Manx Bike Rack, for Manx Bikes.

Bike racks were the subject of a couple debates on here in the recent past, there were the proposed DESC ones for school grounds that came in at @ £10k a chuck; then IIRC there were the ones that Longworth trialled at BV which proposed carrying bicycles across the front of buses which was less than well-received, mainly on H&S grounds, let alone costs.

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48 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

the jobs include Head of Parks, who would presumably be the Head Weedkillerer as well as a Gardening Labourer.  So hopefully all your herbicidal desires will be catered for

Except that: all the recent comments about weeds on this very thread have referred to Ramsey, not Douglas.   So, unless they really ARE about to share staff, it won’t make a great deal of difference to posters’ “ herbicidal desires”…

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43 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Anywhere else would just buy a standard rack.  I dread to think what kind of new fangled groundbreaking device they are going to come up with here

I thought it was already in existence - wasn’t there a photo above?   Or do you mean that they planning something else?

eta: or have I misinterpreted cissolt’s photo?   Is that not the bike rack in question?

Edited by Jarndyce
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2 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Internet user in “stuff rusts when parked by the sea” shocker. I pass by there most mornings on my bike, which also has a well rusty chain thanks to being parked next to that saltwater body, and most bikes along the prom appear to be used all the time. I don’t get why people have to find something bad in everything. The DOI saw there’s a need for a bike rack and they installed one which is now being used a lot. It’s good. 

There's an interesting question arising here though.  Bicycles can be abandoned as easily as cars - indeed a lot more so.  Are there any procedures to cope with this or a legal framework that allows IOMG or local authorities to remove these or will they end up clogging up bike racks for years?

There seems to be ways of dealing with this in the UK, for example in Westminster:

Bikes left abandoned on cycle parking stands not only are a blot on the landscape but also reduce Westminster's already limited number of cycle parking places.

In order to get an abandoned bike removed in Westminster, you can report it to https://www.westminster.gov.uk/report-it

Before removing abandoned bikes, councils have to leave a notice of their intention on them for seven days and to retain them for 14 days after removal.

[link updated].  There used to be a charity that reconditioned unwanted bikes for the needy, if they're still going they could be donated there.

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3 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Internet user in “stuff rusts when parked by the sea” shocker. I pass by there most mornings on my bike, which also has a well rusty chain thanks to being parked next to that saltwater body, and most bikes along the prom appear to be used all the time. I don’t get why people have to find something bad in everything. The DOI saw there’s a need for a bike rack and they installed one which is now being used a lot. It’s good. 

It is actually used a lot, mostly by young people.  What is really refreshing is their friendliness and  willingness to help others with their bikes. Come on, everyone, let's applaud Douglas for being community-spirited.  While we are on the subject, could we please have a community project growing free vegetables?   I know; l just thought l would ask. Wouldn't it be lovely :D 

Do l need to wear a tin hat? 

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3 hours ago, The Phantom said:


Actually, scratch that.  I'm now identifying as a Cycle Storage Technician.  For the extremely reasonable price of £1,000,000 I will undertake extensive research, development and construction for a Manx Bike Rack, for Manx Bikes.

would they be tricycles then ?

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7 hours ago, Jarndyce said:

Oh, please…a bike rack?   I know kicking the cyclists is your hobby, but a bike rack?   Lavish?   Pampering?

I’m not a cyclist myself, but I can see the utility of it and I’m guessing the outlay was less than “lavish”…

It all adds up.  ( cycle lanes etc they don’t come cheap) 

At least the motorist generates revenue. ( Road tax, fuel tax and the like).

What do these cyclists contribute?


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3 hours ago, Corporal Dougie said:

And with blatant self publicity and delusions of grandeur 



Except Frank's clearly not referring to Manx Forums but to himself and implicitly to YouTube ("views and subscribers").  So I thought I'd check his figures:



compared to a certain broadcaster:



So it looks like he's right.

Of course the really astonishing thing there is that Manx Radio didn't even start using YouTube till 2014.

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