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More uselessness from DBC


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46 minutes ago, Banker said:

Braddan commissioner’s want to change to twice weekly refuse like DBC but have discovered that contract runs to 3/2025 for weekly collection! 

When I first saw this, I nearly quoted it and said “you might want to change that before some smartarse picks up on what is an obvious mistype, even though it’s obvious what is meant”

Didn’t take long 😂

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12 minutes ago, piebaps said:

This doesn't make good reading for DBC https://www.judgments.im/content/J3147.htm


Rice is an English Solicitor too. Should have known better. It’s obviously not taken her long to get into the DBC mindset of we don’t care who you are or how much it costs we’re going to be proved right (until a court of law proves them wrong). 

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23 hours ago, piebaps said:

This doesn't make good reading for DBC https://www.judgments.im/content/J3147.htm


This is what we get when we allowed these green lot into the council unopposed.  Their mission was Green and at no point are they bothered about anything else . That's clear . Least none of them will futher their political ambitions as they've been proven once more to be absolutely useless

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On 10/18/2023 at 1:25 PM, Cueey Lewis And The News said:

Rice is an English Solicitor too. Should have known better. It’s obviously not taken her long to get into the DBC mindset of we don’t care who you are or how much it costs we’re going to be proved right (until a court of law proves them wrong). 

Tbf. DB has a lot of form for this. In this case his legal team have argued a technicality over something like three years. DB hasn't helped the process through constant delays (again has form for) meanwhile the neighbours have rats roaming free and a building has lain empty since (from my reading) 2015. DB may have won this battle but I doubt he'll win the war. In fact (my reading) he got back a fraction of his claim and owes DBC their costs.

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On 10/19/2023 at 1:50 PM, english zloty said:

Tbf. DB has a lot of form for this. In this case his legal team have argued a technicality over something like three years. DB hasn't helped the process through constant delays (again has form for) meanwhile the neighbours have rats roaming free and a building has lain empty since (from my reading) 2015. DB may have won this battle but I doubt he'll win the war. In fact (my reading) he got back a fraction of his claim and owes DBC their costs.

Yes agree DB has considerable form but he must also pump a lot of rates into DBC given the size of his rental portfolio in Douglas. They’re standard tactics he uses with everyone which makes the DBC litigation fairly futile as he has the money to be a very vexatious litigant and will spend money on lawyers just to be a pain in the ass and clearly the initial orders weren’t properly executed.

Anyway it looks like the Council has gone on to focus on extortion fees to keep memorials to the dead up now. 


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On 10/21/2023 at 5:20 PM, Jarndyce said:

Extortion fees?  I don’t hold any brief for DBC - but £85 per 10 years works out at about 2pence per day.

Main issue was space. There isn’t much more for new ones. 

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34 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Main issue was space. There isn’t much more for new ones. 

But this isn't going to help you there.  You're (rightly) not going to get rid of any of the existing ones and it will take at least ten years before any of the new ones 'lapse'.  Which means you're still going to have to find space for hundreds, maybe thousands of new ones.

Then there's the added bureaucracy of renewals and possible mistakes and denunciations on social media.  And those who get upset will get very upset.  There may even be legal problems (graveyards etc have all sort of odd legal complications). This looks like another of those clever 'money-saving' ideas that will cause endless grief long after the person who thought it up has got their payrise.

For once I agree with Trump.  Build the wall!

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@Amadeusfor the record, on the previous thread regarding modern benches, which are being funded by the ratepayers of Douglas, I merely said that perhaps you could enlighten people. I wasn’t going to moan, but perhaps I should ask lots of questions especially as I and many others are funding this.

Incidentally, are these benches being made on the island? Have Manx companies been invited to tender? 

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30 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Then there's the added bureaucracy of renewals and possible mistakes and denunciations on social media.  And those who get upset will get very upset.  There may even be legal problems (graveyards etc have all sort of odd legal complications).

Exactly it isn’t hard to work out the basic flaws in this whole idea. Ringing up or writing to the family of the dead after 10 years. Finding they’ve moved house, or left the IOM (or are even dead themselves). Then trying to find who the successor to the agreement is and pissing off a load of people in the meantime over a highly emotive tribute to a dead relative they bought in good faith. 

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The DBC are useless thread has been a long running thread, this bench thread could easily be a standalone thread??? ...but there you go, maybe you are seeking justification to oppose the new benches???

However, the current benches are perfectly serviceable, I sat on one last week and I survived!!! Do I get a tee-shirt? A Bee Gees t-shirt???

There must be councillors who are capable to assess the life left in the old benches, which are not causing any problems and the value of the replacements??? 

So concrete is good, unless, of course, it's wrrc concrete, so will the new benches be bolted down? Will they be able to be moved in advance of a significand over topping?

To surmise, do they really, really need to be replaced or is it just another councilor spend the budget motion????

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22 minutes ago, 2112 said:

@Amadeusfor the record, on the previous thread regarding modern benches, which are being funded by the ratepayers of Douglas, I merely said that perhaps you could enlighten people. I wasn’t going to moan, but perhaps I should ask lots of questions especially as I and many others are funding this.

Incidentally, are these benches being made on the island? Have Manx companies been invited to tender? 

Perhaps, he doesn't want to discuss the issue of benches and hopes it will quickly get burried in this one. Or he hopes that moving the benches discussion will be bury the on going one. Maybe he's just a control freak, but I don't see the issue in having a new thread on a new subject.

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