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More uselessness from DBC


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On 7/7/2024 at 4:34 PM, Roger Ram said:

I thought DBC had an in house It department and had done for years?

Cant access email from off island?  Blimey 🙄

Hilariously the chief sent me an email to my private email address asking if I’ll be at committee next week. Clearly much safer to use my gmail. One wonders. 

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No, rightly pissed off that their machine malfunctioned and I’m now at the airport without the card that I need. Three guys literally standing next to the machine then arrogantly telling me the card will be destroyed and there’s nothing they can do didn’t help. 

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27 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

No, rightly pissed off that their machine malfunctioned and I’m now at the airport without the card that I need. Three guys literally standing next to the machine then arrogantly telling me the card will be destroyed and there’s nothing they can do didn’t help. 

Wouldn't have mattered if there was 100 people stood next to the machine if they can't retrieve the card they cant retrieve the card.

No irony at all in Corporation Man saying there were lots of staff and they were all standing around.........

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18 minutes ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

Wouldn't have mattered if there was 100 people stood next to the machine if they can't retrieve the card they cant retrieve the card.

No irony at all in Corporation Man saying there were lots of staff and they were all standing around.........

They clearly can but it’s their own policy not to. They rather destroy the cards and tell the person in question tough luck. 

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43 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

No, rightly pissed off that their machine malfunctioned and I’m now at the airport without the card that I need. Three guys literally standing next to the machine then arrogantly telling me the card will be destroyed and there’s nothing they can do didn’t help. 

What did you expect them to do?

Isn't your card also on your phone ?

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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

They clearly can but it’s their own policy not to. They rather destroy the cards and tell the person in question tough luck. 

No they can't, I had this a couple of years ago, just before Xmas (really useful).

Used an ATM and it swallowed my card. Not my bank but I was personally known to the cashier I approached. "No can return, even though I know you".

It appears to be banking industry policy that retained cards cannot be returned. Security policy?

I later found out that, that particular ATM had a habit of retaining cards too.

Edited by Non-Believer
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And this is why I maintain online anonymity as far as possible. On the rare occasions I do go off on one, I don't have to worry about my employers blowing the dust off their Social Media and Code of Conduct policies :lol:


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36 minutes ago, Sheldon said:

And this is why I maintain online anonymity as far as possible. On the rare occasions I do go off on one, I don't have to worry about my employers blowing the dust off their Social Media and Code of Conduct policies :lol:


Yes there always some pitiful woke tosspot looking to create a fuss like that. 

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6 minutes ago, Idleweiss said:

Yes there always some pitiful woke tosspot looking to create a fuss like that. 

You don't need to be woke to see the idiocy of a wannabe politician needlessly abusing local bank workers publically, in some angry bellend old rant because the idiot forgot his pin and can't understand basic security protocol. 

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39 minutes ago, FatRoundMiddle said:

You don't need to be woke to see the idiocy of a wannabe politician needlessly abusing local bank workers publically, in some angry bellend old rant because the idiot forgot his pin and can't understand basic security protocol. 

You’re done? My tone may have been a bit too harsh, granted. Fact is the atm malfunctioned. I know my pin. I was told nowt they can do as not Barclays customer. Card gets destroyed, tough luck. Implying would have helped me had I been with Barclays. Not ideal when you’re on the way to the airport and needed that card. Obviously everyone now peeing their panties in excitement. Same procedure as every time. 

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2 hours ago, Sheldon said:

And this is why I maintain online anonymity as far as possible. On the rare occasions I do go off on one, I don't have to worry about my employers blowing the dust off their Social Media and Code of Conduct policies :lol:


What social media policy? The Corpy wouldn’t do anything about anything even if a council member Tweeted a live video of themselves doing a shit into a top hat halfway up Tynwald Hill during the opening ceremony. They haven’t got the balls to say anything to anyone which is why these sort of posts still happen with such regularity. 

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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

You’re done? My tone may have been a bit too harsh, granted. Fact is the atm malfunctioned. I know my pin. I was told nowt they can do as not Barclays customer. Card gets destroyed, tough luck. Implying would have helped me had I been with Barclays. Not ideal when you’re on the way to the airport and needed that card. Obviously everyone now peeing their panties in excitement. Same procedure as every time. 

This is the policy of every banking institution when I've lost cards in the past .

Some of my cards were metal and these are high risk of getting stuck in the machines 😞

No chance of getting  your card back  from the machine even if its connected to the bank 

These days I don't even bother using  my  main card on any cash machine or even on shops ..

For shops it's Google wallet connected to a  spare account 

For cash withdrawals I use a spare account which doesn't have much money inside 

Also helpful even if it gets hacked when I am across as I have only a few hundred quid inside and no overdraft 

As far as I know none of the banks charge for accounts and to keep them active set up a small standing  order between accounts. 


So worth opening  as many bank accounts as you can ..:-)

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

No they can't, I had this a couple of years ago, just before Xmas (really useful).

Used an ATM and it swallowed my card. Not my bank but I was personally known to the cashier I approached. "No can return, even though I know you".

It appears to be banking industry policy that retained cards cannot be returned. Security policy?

I later found out that, that particular ATM had a habit of retaining cards too.

HSBC returned mine a few months ago, put wrong pin in and card got swallowed. Went inside and they said take a seat and 10 minutes later they returned it to me.

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53 minutes ago, Bosley said:

What social media policy? The Corpy wouldn’t do anything about anything even if a council member Tweeted a live video of themselves doing a shit into a top hat halfway up Tynwald Hill during the opening ceremony. They haven’t got the balls to say anything to anyone which is why these sort of posts still happen with such regularity. 

Is Frank even subject to their policies? He's not really an "employee", it's up to the voters to judge him (assuming that old favourite, "Uncontested" doesn't stand again next time.)

He does, however, also work for a company who - believe me - have every policy you could ever think of, and then some.

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