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1 minute ago, John Wright said:

I went past recently. The printed film is bubbling and peeling, whatever is underneath doesn’t look too good from street level.

I can’t remember what the justification given, when, after 125 years, the HBN name was attached when the library moved to Victoria and then Lord Street.

I don’t understand the faux outrage, based on the false information that the library was endowed by Noble, by so many people. Especially the level and extent with death threats. It’s another example of Southport and the effect of social media in dissemination of fake news.

Is false information circulating, or have people made an assumption that he must have endowed the library as he bequeathed so much else? 

If the signs do need to be replaced, then I am not concerned either way. 

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

Is false information circulating, or have people made an assumption that he must have endowed the library as he bequeathed so much else? 

If the signs do need to be replaced, then I am not concerned either way. 

The practical effect is the same, whether the falsehood is deliberate or a false assumption.

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2 minutes ago, John Wright said:

The practical effect is the same, whether the falsehood is deliberate or a false assumption.

My point was whether someone on SM has said it was another gift from HBN, or if people have come to that conclusion independently of SM.   I suppose, though, it just takes one person to post an incorrect assumption and then off we go. 

It just underlines what seems to be consistently proved, that gobshites do not check facts before gobshiteing. 

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59 minutes ago, John Wright said:

I don’t understand the faux outrage, based on the false information that the library was endowed by Noble, by so many people.

Yes, you do…and it’s got nothing to do with revering Henry Bloom Noble (or a love of reading, I suspect).

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As someone who does their best to visit Douglas as infrequently as possible, can somebody enlighten me to the practical benefits of being called a “City”? It appears the councillors want to remind us at every opportunity that Douglas is now a “City”, but my short visits through it to the ferry terminal suggest that it is much the relatively ordinary seaside town that it used to be. It seems a bit like me changing my name to Tarquin and pretending to be somebody different whilst doing all the same stuff in the same way that I normally do. Perhaps I am missing something important 🤷🏼

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I think the reason for much of the fuss is that people are sick of the council making expensive and arbitrary decisions, such as city status, which cost ratepayers money in hard times. This time the sacred name of Noble is being invoked to further justify their outrage, quite irrespective of the facts. The councillors responsible are either very stupid or very arrogant, but either way, I can't be the only one finding the comments funny in a 'Magna Carta, did she die in vain?' way.

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24 minutes ago, joebean said:

As someone who does their best to visit Douglas as infrequently as possible, can somebody enlighten me to the practical benefits of being called a “City”? It appears the councillors want to remind us at every opportunity that Douglas is now a “City”, but my short visits through it to the ferry terminal suggest that it is much the relatively ordinary seaside town that it used to be. It seems a bit like me changing my name to Tarquin and pretending to be somebody different whilst doing all the same stuff in the same way that I normally do. Perhaps I am missing something important 🤷🏼

by reclassifying douglas to a city it adds 1 inch to the penises of council members

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2 minutes ago, WTF said:

by reclassifying douglas to a city it adds 1 inch to the penises of council members

I suspected something along those lines, but surely there must be some tangible benefit for the ratepayers?

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‘The Cavendish Douglas City Sports Centre’.

Along with Douglas City Hospital, Douglas City Entertainment and Arts Centre, Douglas City Theatre, Douglas City Retail Experience… oh wait, not even Douglas City members will put their name to that shite hole.  Maybe The Douglas City Post Apocalyptic Living Museum and Parking Theme Park?    

Douglas City Downtown Cruise Terminal should be good.

‘City Unified Nature Tramway System’ would have an interesting  logo.  





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1 hour ago, Albert Tatlock said:

People are emotional creatures, it's now associated with HBN (regardless of whether it should have been named so in the first instance). People now simply view the name change as a perceived insult to his name.

I'm not really sure if there is that great an emotional reaction or if it is just the same dozen or so personas with oddly similar posting styles indulging in their obsession with denouncing the Council, but only for really trivial things.  I suspect most people didn't even notice the "hbn" branding and even those that did may not have associated it with the Noble of Noble's park, Hospital etc.

Ironically I've a feeling that putting Noble's name on it twenty years or so ago was itself a way of deflecting criticism.  A lot of people complained about the library being moved out of its original building so that the Council could expand its offices and councillor 'facilities'.

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4 hours ago, Harry Lamb said:

I think the reason for much of the fuss is that people are sick of the council making expensive and arbitrary decisions, such as city status, which cost ratepayers money in hard times.

The claims of death threats being issued do seem to be quite serious though


If Mr Skinner (or anyone else) has received death threats over the renaming of a public library then clearly it is a matter of great concern. Although the council has certainly been here before in recent years with the papers reporting on claims of computer hacks being reported to the cyber authorities, or claims that wheelie bin wheelers (pun deliberately intended) have been interviewed by the police for their anti social behaviour etc. The latter being the result of a re clarification in the newspapers a few weeks back, following a report by the Tynwald Ombudsman which upheld a claim of maladministration against the council, which suggests that nothing of the sort actually happened. 

The standard MO of the council, or perhaps more likely certain paranoid or alarmist members of the council, seems to be that rather than acknowledge that some ratepayers might find their proposals unpopular they revert to claims that they are being made victims of attacks, or of unacceptable behaviour directed against them, most of which on further scrutiny appears to be largely unsubstantiated or unproven. But which of course provides a convenient excuse for them to hide behind for not listening to people who don’t agree with them as they themselves are painted as the real victims. 

If Mr John Skinner has indeed received (or witnessed) death threats via email then hopefully this is a matter that will be investigated by the police ASAP, and which should also be the subject of a further news release by Douglas Council once the investigation has concluded. Indeed hopefully the journalists at Manx Radio have already asked for a full update on how these threats are being investigated and by whom as it would appear to be a major news story of serious interest to the public. 

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