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More uselessness from DBC


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27 minutes ago, FANDL said:

Knew an internet cache version would be out there somewhere. The original MR report did clearly say “death threats” had been issued against DBC members over a library change. Which is likely a very spurious claim from the usual sources who seem to like to play the victim which is why MR have secretly changed the original report but left the original publishing date up. Original report filed at 6:29 this morning (and cashed by Google) shown in clip. 


I recall a member mentioning death threats during the meeting. If that was a too strong description or perception by an individual, I don't know. It's certainly been lively on social media and in emails the last few days.

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3 hours ago, Manx Bean said:

Maybe someone should ask how much has already been spent on replacing the word Town to City so far on everything else? I notice even the Town Hall is now called the City Hall..signage, stationery etc..

Rather than improving the standing and visitor appeal of Douglas, this city status bullshit just seems to have cost the ratepayers a packet!

But the announcement was over two years ago.  Presumably they've been replacing a lot of stuff as it needed replacing and just put new branding on it.  It always seemed a bit pointless to me, but I suspect that Douglas was 'asked to' apply as the then UK government wanted to make it a city for some abstruse political reason[1].  But they don't seem to have been covering everything in gold leaf.

What annoys me about so much on this topic and generally is that people ignore all the stuff and decisions that can be criticised, such as the management bloat and obsess about bins and the wording of shopfront decals.


[1]  I suspect Johnson had decided to make Stanley in the Falkland Islands one as this would somehow make him the new Mrs Thatcher and it was pointed out that if they were going to open it up to places outside the UK, there were more obvious candidates.  

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23 hours ago, Amadeus said:

I recall a member mentioning death threats during the meeting. If that was a too strong description or perception by an individual, I don't know. It's certainly been lively on social media and in emails the last few days.

Lively it may be but has the Council got an issue with its PR agents or some of its members do you think?

Death threats being issued over a library changing its name sound fairly incredulous. Outside of a genuinely mentally ill person who would make death threats to a council member over something as meaningless as that? There was also the council hacking attempt that was said to be reported to the cyber people. Then the public saw claims that Wheeler had been spoken to by the police over the bin incident. But then a retraction was issued in the papers on that subject a few weeks back which suggested that this never happened either.

Would guess the public might be speculating as to whether after several of these serious claims in the press have any of these incredulous events actually happened?  Or are the councils PR agents (or perhaps some council members themselves) pursuing a false victim narrative in the press to deflect from any criticism? As above if Mr Skinner has received death threats over the library changing its name there is clearly a madman on the loose and he should be dealing with the police as a matter of urgency.

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1 hour ago, FANDL said:

Death threats being issued over a library changing its name sound fairly incredulous. Outside of a genuinely mentally ill person who would make death threats to a council member over something as meaningless as that?

A few years ago, I’d have agreed with this view.   Right now, however, it seems that “all bets are off” on social media, and all public figures seem to be fair game for the most egregious threats and abuse - so who knows?

Edited by Jarndyce
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Ha. Death threats my arse, same as those emails, blah blah blah. Another deflection RUSE (like the mental health card) as to revert blame back on the public whilst ignoring the wishes of the public. 

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On 8/15/2024 at 1:43 PM, FANDL said:

Knew an internet cache version would be out there somewhere. The original MR report did clearly say “death threats” had been issued against DBC members over a library change. Which is likely a very spurious claim from the usual sources who seem to like to play the victim which is why MR have secretly changed the original report but left the original publishing date up. Original report filed at 6:29 this morning (and cashed by Google) shown in clip. 


Is there a sense of irony with one journalist, who typically values transparency and accountability, anonymously disparaging another's journalistic integrity?

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4 hours ago, Gizo said:

Ha. Death threats my arse, same as those emails, blah blah blah. Another deflection RUSE (like the mental health card) as to revert blame back on the public whilst ignoring the wishes of the public. 

It’s all very far fetched isn’t it? Who on earth would be mad enough to hack Douglas Town Hall just to send an email from the council leader? It defies all common sense. Or who on earth would be berserk enough to issue a death threat to a Douglas councillor simply because they want to change the name of a public library? To odds are that it’s all pure fantasy stuff. But the papers seem to print it all without question and then, as can be seen above, try to subtly change the news report after it’s been issued as what was reported is almost certain to be absolute bullshit. Are their PR agents just massively terrible at their job or are council members picking up the phone to the likes of Manx Radio and making up nonsense which makes it look like the average rate payer is some sort of demented individual who should not be listened to (which is why they don’t). The retraction printed by IOM newspapers the other week concerning their claims about Wheeler being interviewed by the police seem to make it clear those claims were probably made up as well.

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1 minute ago, FANDL said:

It’s all very far fetched isn’t it? Who on earth would be mad enough to hack Douglas Town Hall just to send an email from the council leader? It defies all common sense. Or who on earth would be berserk enough to issue a death threat to a Douglas councillor simply because they want to change the name of a public library? To odds are that it’s all pure fantasy stuff. But the papers seem to print it all without question and then, as can be seen above, try to subtly change the news report after it’s been issued as what was reported is almost certain to be absolute bullshit. Are their PR agents just massively terrible at their job or are council members picking up the phone to the likes of Manx Radio and making up nonsense which makes it look like the average rate payer is some sort of demented individual who should not be listened to (which is why they don’t). The retraction printed by IOM newspapers the other week concerning their claims about Wheeler being interviewed by the police seem to make it clear those claims were probably made up as well.

Was the email a hack or a spoof?  Was the Iom newspaper piece a retraction or correction? 

I suspect there is a lot of nonsense circulating from all sides.

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28 minutes ago, FANDL said:

It’s all very far fetched isn’t it? Who on earth would be mad enough to hack Douglas Town Hall just to send an email from the council leader? It defies all common sense. Or who on earth would be berserk enough to issue a death threat to a Douglas councillor simply because they want to change the name of a public library? To odds are that it’s all pure fantasy stuff. But the papers seem to print it all without question and then, as can be seen above, try to subtly change the news report after it’s been issued as what was reported is almost certain to be absolute bullshit. Are their PR agents just massively terrible at their job or are council members picking up the phone to the likes of Manx Radio and making up nonsense which makes it look like the average rate payer is some sort of demented individual who should not be listened to (which is why they don’t). The retraction printed by IOM newspapers the other week concerning their claims about Wheeler being interviewed by the police seem to make it clear those claims were probably made up as well.

Nearly like they're a load of unelected volunteers with hugely varying IT & PR skills. Officers can help them but won't be on hand all the time (especially with many having jobs)

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