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More uselessness from DBC


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I have copied below a post by Alex Christian which totally refutes the preposterous suggestion in a post above by Councillor Frank Shuengel (aka Amadeus) that there are very few complaints. And even if there were only a few why is he so dogmatically dismissive about them and stubbornly defying the clear will of huge numbers of ratepayers? He should be doing everything to reverse  the obviously disastrous appalling policy nonsense introduced by him, by Ms Claire Wells the Leader of the Council and by his fellow German Councillor Falk Horning head of the Environment  Committee and yet another mega Environmentalist. Just those three alone comprise a 25% of the entire Douglas Borough Council. And there are several other of his fellow virtue signalling councilors in the total of twelve. Shame on you all.

The tail really must now stop wagging the dog:  https://m.facebook.com/groups/940207443613790/                                                                  Welcome to new members over night ! We thought a target of 500 members by Sunday 7pm, 1 week after start up was a tuff job with some public media outlets saying nice things but to scared to promote this group! ( i’m not going to say which ones)

What is so obvious is we now have 629 on Sunday morning means we are getting noticed. This is obviously due to so many of us being upset with DBC otherwise we would not be here at all……

To the DBC staffers from their HQ in this group “snitching” we are not your enemies the policy rolled out is wrong , it’s a danger to health ( to you as well) is backed now by a very gifted and wise MHK publicly. We have, at last a journalist interested all in just hours less than 1 week of campaigning! 

What we are all doing correctly is not being radical, being  respectful to others, being professional. If we don’t do this the council and others will tag us as being out of control do not give them this option. They are under massive pressure and they know it. Soon cracks will appear and action will happen try as they might they cant ignore numbers of people. JUST KEEP GETTING NUMBERS FOLKS

If you feel you are got at in anyway on this group please report.

Their is a small extra protest you can all make as a great question by Jacqui Sinclair which is PLEASE! check that you are registered to vote ! If your not you will be excluded from signing any actions needed to force public meetings. All Douglas ratepayers must be on the electoral rolls to have any say on official papers! Additionally if your not on the roll do it now, as this shows your interested in making changes to the “JUNTA” This will have a big effect as it will be reported internally that the numbers are up and voter apathy is over! 

They will all know why all of a sudden like… knowing the chop is coming with their executives.

The councillors who have “aspirations “ of making the step up to becoming an MHK at the next election now have big decisions to make! Either follow the people or your be  remembered for this bad policy and you did NOTHING! I can think of one such councillor! Perhaps others here also know which ones !



Edited by Cassie2
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2 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I do know what a complaint is. Do we need to go back to the 70's and start writing letters. Come on Gladys.

If that's what I have to do then that's what I'll do.

To be fair I only had 2 gripes.

1. I didn't know it was coming. That's gone now.

2. I am not given a workable solution to recycle paper, card, cardboard and plastic. If I was I would be happy.

Now where's me quill!

I am sure they will accept an email.

As for your gripes:

1. It was very well publicised, most people knew it was coming.  But I suppose a leaflet through the door may have made sure it was fully advised.  Was it included in the bumpf you get with your rates demand earlier this year?

2.  Depends on what you think is a workable solution.  My gripe is that the boxes are not properly weatherproof. 

IMO, there are two issues at play here - a. people don't like change particularly if it means they have to put in a bit more thought and b. we are a small place with a feeling of direct accessibility to our politicians and so seek to influence or change decisions on just about anything.  The latter  doesn't happen in bigger places, where individuals tend to choose their battles a bit more selectively. 

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5 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It’s pointless complaining to DBC they never do anything about it. As has been said it’s fine for Amadeus to complain all over social media thinking it matters but he doesn’t seem to count negative social media feedback about things he’s associated with as complaints. 

No, they are opinions, perhaps a strong indication of the wider public view, but not conclusive. 

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I have been told on good authority that numerous residents who live in Douglas apartments have been trying to complain “in droves” through their managing companies about the changes to the rubbish collection process. I am also told that as much as residents are complaining, the relevant DBC department only has 3 members of staff and they are struggling as they are doing the best they can to deal with “queries from the 28,000 properties who have all been affected by the change in policy”.

Surely, something at DBC is going terribly askew?

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6 minutes ago, WTF said:

yes, but a skip isn't going to be outside your house either so for most people transportation would be factor anyway,   we could be having rag n bone persons with transit flat beds soon that do the picking up ??

Not a bad idea, I remember the rag and none man in Douglas when a kid.  Never sure what he collected. 

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

I am sure they will accept an email.

As for your gripes:

1. It was very well publicised, most people knew it was coming.  But I suppose a leaflet through the door may have made sure it was fully advised.  Was it included in the bumpf you get with your rates demand earlier this year?

2.  Depends on what you think is a workable solution.  My gripe is that the boxes are not properly weatherproof. 

IMO, there are two issues at play here - a. people don't like change particularly if it means they have to put in a bit more thought and b. we are a small place with a feeling of direct accessibility to our politicians and so seek to influence or change decisions on just about anything.  The latter  doesn't happen in bigger places, where individuals tend to choose their battles a bit more selectively. 

Well publicised my arse. If it was well publisised how come my whole street and all the streets around me didn't know and out their bins out as normal. Most people certainly didn't know it was coming. If I was rating how well it was publisised I would give 0 out of 10.  

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What is going askew is the incinerator gate charges levelled to local authorities which are becoming astronomical (if they weren't already).

Whilst "encouraging people to recycle" etc. may be the laudable reason trotted out to cover these changes, I'm pretty sure that the main driver will be DBC trying to cut its refuse disposal costs at the incinerator.

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Just now, Happier diner said:

Maybe. It seems strange that she is normally a sensible and rational poster. However she seems to have changed flag just in the last hour so maybe an alternative theory is that Frank has hacked her account.🤣

Neither.  I knew about the change, it was publicised, as I said above perhaps a leaflet through the door would have been better.  But I definitely knew it was coming as I had absorbed that fact from the media.  That is not to say the communication was perfect, it would be good to have specifics on the communication from DBC.

If I wanted to be contentious, not knowing about the change would only impact once when first introduced, everyone knows about it now! 


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Just now, Gladys said:

 everyone knows about it now! 


They certainly do🤣 

Just out of interest where did you see it publisised. I was aware that it was being considered but I can't remember where I saw that. I just didn't know the decision had been made and I certainly didn't know it was happening that day.

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6 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

They certainly do🤣 

Just out of interest where did you see it publisised. I was aware that it was being considered but I can't remember where I saw that. I just didn't know the decision had been made and I certainly didn't know it was happening that day.

Pretty sure via MR, although if you look at the start of the thread DBC say they used various means including leaflets, but I dont remember getting one.  I tried to find my rates demand as they normally put stuff in with it, but I must have recycled it! 🙃 

I am not saying the communication was perfect but there was some and I was certainly aware.  It is something that has been in the wind for quite a while now. 

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29 minutes ago, genericUserName said:

Fortnightly collections should be more than enough. But more than that, there needs to be a way of charging households according to how much waste including recycling they put out.

Those pictures from @Amadeus point to an issue which should be taken up with the landlords of those flats.

those pictures from amadeus seem to highlight a world paint shortage 

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