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More uselessness from DBC


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19 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Pretty sure via MR, although if you look at the start of the thread DBC say they used various means including leaflets, but I dont remember getting one.  I tried to find my rates demand as they normally put stuff in with it, but I must have recycled it! 🙃 

I am not saying the communication was perfect but there was some and I was certainly aware.  It is something that has been in the wind for quite a while now. 

I think more "very poor" than "not perfect"

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35 minutes ago, genericUserName said:

Fortnightly collections should be more than enough. But more than that, there needs to be a way of charging households according to how much waste including recycling they put out.

Those pictures from @Amadeus point to an issue which should be taken up with the landlords of those flats.

IMHO, his pictures show that there are insufficient bins.

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

He clearly supports the decision though and was no doubt influential in its formation. 

I voted for it but I wouldn’t say I was influential. The process was started way before my time and I’m not on the committees that really drove this (Environmental Services and Exec. I’m only on Regeneration and Housing committees). 

What shocked me was the fact that we were over twenty years behind other places when it comes to recycling. It’s not just a change in bin schedule, it’s a change in culture and habits. We can’t be all biosphere this and beautiful country that while ignoring basics like this. 

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22 minutes ago, code99 said:

IMHO, his pictures show that there are insufficient bins.

I think those pictures illustrate a selfish and lazy lack of responsibility. It's not only about the untidy mess or the fact of people dumping furniture and TVs as if that were household refuse. There is also the fact that most people could get far more into their bin if they were to compress it.

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

we are a small place with a feeling of direct accessibility to our politicians and so seek to influence or change decisions on just about anything.  The latter  doesn't happen in bigger places, where individuals tend to choose their battles a bit more selectively. 

I suspect this particular battle has now passed "critical pitchfork mass", and King Canute himself could not stem the tide of irate villagers. (Sorry, did I say "villagers", I of course meant "city dwellers".)

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

I think more "very poor" than "not perfect"

A quick Google finds reports from 3fm, MR, probably the newspapers as well as a notice on the DBC website,  all back in May. 

Just found the leaflet which came with the recycling programme.  It does not specify a start date other than late summer/early autumn.  There is a QR code for the collection date calendar and you can set up reminders.

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3 hours ago, Cassie2 said:

I have copied below a post by Alex Christian which totally refutes the preposterous suggestion in a post above by Councillor Frank Shuengel (aka Amadeus) that there are very few complaints. And even if there were only a few why is he so dogmatically dismissive about them and stubbornly defying the clear will of huge numbers of ratepayers? He should be doing everything to reverse  the obviously disastrous appalling policy nonsense introduced by him, by Ms Claire Wells the Leader of the Council and by his fellow German Councillor Falk Horning head of the Environment  Committee and yet another mega Environmentalist. Just those three alone comprise a 25% of the entire Douglas Borough Council. And there are several other of his fellow virtue signalling councilors in the total of twelve. Shame on you all.

The tail really must now stop wagging the dog:  https://m.facebook.com/groups/940207443613790/                                                                  Welcome to new members over night ! We thought a target of 500 members by Sunday 7pm, 1 week after start up was a tuff job with some public media outlets saying nice things but to scared to promote this group! ( i’m not going to say which ones)

What is so obvious is we now have 629 on Sunday morning means we are getting noticed. This is obviously due to so many of us being upset with DBC otherwise we would not be here at all……

To the DBC staffers from their HQ in this group “snitching” we are not your enemies the policy rolled out is wrong , it’s a danger to health ( to you as well) is backed now by a very gifted and wise MHK publicly. We have, at last a journalist interested all in just hours less than 1 week of campaigning! 

What we are all doing correctly is not being radical, being  respectful to others, being professional. If we don’t do this the council and others will tag us as being out of control do not give them this option. They are under massive pressure and they know it. Soon cracks will appear and action will happen try as they might they cant ignore numbers of people. JUST KEEP GETTING NUMBERS FOLKS

If you feel you are got at in anyway on this group please report.

Their is a small extra protest you can all make as a great question by Jacqui Sinclair which is PLEASE! check that you are registered to vote ! If your not you will be excluded from signing any actions needed to force public meetings. All Douglas ratepayers must be on the electoral rolls to have any say on official papers! Additionally if your not on the roll do it now, as this shows your interested in making changes to the “JUNTA” This will have a big effect as it will be reported internally that the numbers are up and voter apathy is over! 

They will all know why all of a sudden like… knowing the chop is coming with their executives.

The councillors who have “aspirations “ of making the step up to becoming an MHK at the next election now have big decisions to make! Either follow the people or your be  remembered for this bad policy and you did NOTHING! I can think of one such councillor! Perhaps others here also know which ones !



the policy rolled out is wrong , it’s a danger to health ( to you as well) is backed now by a very gifted and wise MHK 

You're shitting me.

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2 hours ago, genericUserName said:

I think those pictures illustrate a selfish and lazy lack of responsibility. It's not only about the untidy mess or the fact of people dumping furniture and TVs as if that were household refuse. There is also the fact that most people could get far more into their bin if they were to compress it.

Not necessarily so. IMHO, the pictures don’t provide sufficient information to be able to draw such sweeping conclusions. Sure, “dumping furniture and TVs” does not seem to be the right thing to do but we have no idea where those items came from, how long this mess has been around, how many properties and how many occupants live in the properties. Perhaps more importantly, who are those residents this stuff came from? They may be in poor health or be disabled or elderly or just too poor. Or, they could be working 24/7 just to make the ends meet and they don’t have time (or even language skills) to read DBC FB posts, etc. It is always easy to be virtuous when you can afford a virtuous lifestyle, but other people often face very different life choices. The truth is that DBC have failed miserably to implement their flagship programme sensitively, sensibly and competently.

The DBC’s pugnacious/ bellicose attitude towards this problem is not helpful. What is needed are proportionate solutions, such as providing additional bins, including recycling ones, which are adequate (in accordance with health and safety regulations) for the number of residents occupying each property, and of course, assisting vulnerable residents with any special requirements. That type of approach would go a long way of restoring good will between the DBC and the denizens of Douglas.    

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I got a leaflet (of the “Coming soon!” variety) but it didn’t have dates of which bin would be collected when. So we put both bins out and neither got collected. When I rang the office they couldn’t tell me either.

So not even the Corpy staff knew. Yep, superbly publicised. 

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Why have we not been allowed a net Zero policy referendum?

A poll by YouGov has found that 44 per cent of adults in Britain supported “holding a national referendum to decide whether or not the UK pursues a net zero carbon policy”, with 27 per cent opposed, while 29 per cent said they did not know.

When the “don’t knows” were excluded, 62 per cent wanted a referendum. A poll on the same question a year ago found that 58 per cent wanted a ballot on the issue.

Excluding “don’t knows”, 66 per cent of 2019 Labour voters backed a poll, compared with 60 per cent of Liberal Democrat voters and 56 per cent of Conservative voters.

Lib Dem voters were the most decisive group, with only 15 per cent “don’t knows”, compared with 25 per cent for Labour and 24 per cent for the Tories. Both Remainers and Leavers supported a referendum, at 58 per cent and 61 per cent of those expressing an opinion, respectively. 

The survey was commissioned by Car26, which is campaigning for a referendum on net zero and a pause in carbon-related regulations until such a ballot is held.

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